Terry controlled his breathing as best he could as he looked out into the forest though his helmet, he was nervous to say the least when suddenly he felt a pat on the shoulder and looked over to his side
"....you"re.... Isabel right?"
"yes, come sit down with me for a moment"
Terry did as he was asked and sat down on the forest floor and so did Isabel before she removed her helmet and gestured for Terry to do the same, he hesitated for a moment before eventually he also removed his helmet and felt the cold evening air of the forest which cooled his swelling thoughts down somewhat
"are you scared?"
"yes, I am scared"
Terry answered almost reflexively as it was the same thoughts that had kept repeating themselves in his head, then he held up his hand and looked at how it was shaking and showed a wry smile
"I don"t think I can hit anything like this"
Isabel took his hand and held it for a moment before she let go again, now his hands were not shaking anymore
"you know, we have known about the NNE"s invasion for sometime actually the mission where Mars picked you up was a mission not to scare random hunters, but to hunt for enemy scouts"
"...why are you telling me this?"
Isabel gave a wry smile and played with her graying hair for a bit before she answered
"we are also scared, not of the invaders but what would happen if we fail, what would become of our home if we fail"
"...I see"
"no you don"t, I would like you to think like we do, to think of Green river as your home"
"but.... I have never had a home before"
"that"s all the more reason to take Green river as you home"
"...am I really allowed?"
Isabel gave a gentle smile
"yes, of course you are but first you have to fight for your new home"
Terry looked over at the spike gun he held in his left hand, suddenly it didn"t seem so heavy anymore, he also noticed he had stopped shaking and suddenly was a lot more calm and then he looked over at Isabel that still had her gentle smile on her face
"thank you Isabel, I"ll fight for my new home"
Isabel gave a nod and put her helmet back on and raised her crossbow, Terry followed suit and put his helmet on before he also raised his spike gun towards the invaders encampment, just then all the light went out and then Alvin"s voice sounded out in Terry"s helmet
"that"s the signal, squad move up"
"Rex here, copy moving up"
"Helene here, I copy"
"Isabel here, roger that"
"...Terry here, I"m moving up"
As they moved up they began taking out the confused sentries, Terry also shot a few of them without feeling much guilt or remorse, this impressed the rest of the squad as he pulled off more and more impossible shots that always instant killed the enemy soldiers, this prompted Alvin to speak out
"come on Terry leave some for the rest of us"
of course Alvin was not dissatisfied about not having killed his share instead he was worried that Terry would break down suddenly under the weight of the lives he had taken, but instead he got a calm response from Terry

"while a hunter does not take pity on his pray he still wishes for it to die painlessly and quickly"
"I-I see"
getting a cryptic response form Terry threw Alvin out the loop for a moment until he heard Terry giggle over the radio and knew he had fallen for a poor joke and let out a flat laugh
"hahaha very funny Terry"
the rest of the squad also let out laughs for a moment before they fell silent again and focused on the task at hand, Terry was in the lead with the rest of the squad behind him, he peeked out from behind a tree and quickly pulled back as an arrow landed right were he had just put his face out then he calmly said
"one with a bow, approximately 50 meters away behind a tent, Rex you should be able to see him, mind taking him out?"
"sure thing kid"
the tw.a.n.g of a bow later Terry heard the enemy soldier fall to the ground and once again peeked out from behind the tree before he brought his spike gun to bare and slowly pulled the trigger and sent out a spike that hit another enemy soldier right in the heart instantly killing him as he fell over on the forest floor
"nice shot Terry"
Terry didn"t know why he was so calm about the whole killing thing but didn"t feel like stopping and thinking about it in the midst of a combat situation so he simply kept his head in the game and focused on the task at hand as he moved from cover to cover, picking off enemy soldiers with his spike gun until suddenly he saw a light off in the distance and stopped to look before he asked
"what"s that?"
there was a silence on the radio for a moment until Helene"s voice sounded out in Terry"s helmet
"that can only be the captain"
"so that"s Mars huh..."
Terry looked off into the distance at the lights that flew rapidly around
Mars flew in between the trees as he repeatedly used [Instant movement] on his sword arm sending out a flurry of sword lights that blinded the enemy for a brief moment before they decapitated them sending them swiftly to the wheel of reincarnation as their bodies fell to the cold forest floor, the invaders from the NNE had yet to from a proper front line, in fact they had yet to mount a proper defense against the a.s.sault force from Green river with small scale spontaneous skirmishes being the only response they had mounted so far, but who could blame them, they were after all against a high level living G.o.d that was flying around acting like an angel of death and if that was not enough, they were also against the most elite force Green river could muster that had highly advanced and reliable weapons. Almost half an hour after the attack had begun did the NNE finally begin mounting a proper defense, they also finally brought out their active mana armors, but as the elvers from Green river had long since expected them to appear they had prepared countermeasures in advance so the active mana armors proved less effective then the invaders were hoping and counting on and so 45 minutes into the fight the front line they had established collapsed and the invaders from the NNE began fleeing into the forest, form there it was a ma.s.sacre, well not a pure ma.s.sacre as most of the cornered soldiers from the NNE surrendered
"I guess that"s that..."
Mars sheathed his bone sword and took out a short range communicator and dialed Alvin"s squad before he spoke into the mic
"are you okay little brother?"
"....yeah I"m fine Mars"
Mars gave a smile hearing Terry"s voice before he asked
"so how did you hold up?"
"...well I was fine during the whole mission but now I feel kind of sick"
"it"s okay just try to keep calm, try to keep your helmet on until we"re back but if you feel like you have to puke take it off else you have to clean the inside of your suit for vomit and that"s not so nice, trust me I have tired it"
"...okay, I"ll try to hold out for a bit"
Mars turned off the communicator and gave a sigh before he slowly touched down on the forest floor and sat on the forest floor and relaxed soon Victoria jumped out of the darkness and laid down on her usual spot on his lap and began purring
"good job Victoria"
Mars petted Victoria on the head while he waited, if it was not for the strong scent of blood in the area it would be a pretty calming experience of relaxation in the night forest, Mars closed his eyes and did his best to calm down as he waited for the troops to regroup and get the prisoners together for transport, soon he gave another sigh
"...guess it"s time"
Mars stood up again, about 1 hour had pa.s.sed since he had sat down and the a.s.sault force should have put everything in order
"let"s go Victoria"
Mars began walking back towards the gathering point where he soon arrived, the gathering point was a clearing as soon as Mars arrived he saw about 2.000 captives that were sitting on the gra.s.s while being watched over by the elvers, the captives also noticed Mars and some of them looked at his with surprise when some of the elvers saluted him and called him captain, Mars gave a nod and yelled out
"wrap them up, we"re moving out!"
"""""yes captain!"""""

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