The negotiations went much better than the day before, without the rude interruption from the now dead mercenaries and soldiers, Mars spent most of the day with Victoria on his lap as he sat guard besides the door to the cabin and enjoyed the suns.h.i.+ne while he kept a watchful eye on the remaining mercenaries and hunters
"yup sure is peaceful today..."
at least it was until around noon where the hunters on the perimeter sounded an alarm as he watched his friend get hit by something that quickly melted his body into paste, one of the more experienced hunters that happened to see it quickly yelled
"stealth spiders! watch out for the acid spit!"
Mars woke up from his suns.h.i.+ne induced daze and looked over
"that"s slightly nostalgic... do you remember Victoria? when we had just met and killed stealth spiders together?"
"yeah... that was a... long... time ago"
while Mars and Victoria was talking about the good ol" days the casualties steadily increased among the hunters, their screams caused the people inside the cabin to steep out, Vanessa asked Mars
"what"s happening?"
"stealth spiders" happening, please go back inside for your own safety"
Alvin gave a frown as a former leader of a barrier forest patrol team he knew how annoying a group of stealth spiders could be and gave a sigh before he asked Mars
"can you take care of them?"
"sure... one moment please"
Mars stood up and stretched before he put a hand on the hilt of his sword and took a deep breath before he activated [Instant movement] on his sword arm and sent out a flurry of sword lights that flew past the hunters and into the forest, then he gave a yawn and sat down again, Alvin gave a nod and walked back into the cabin but Vanessa did not instead she asked Mars
"could you not have done that from the beginning?"
"sure I could, I could also have annihilated the stealth spiders when they picked up our scent about an hour ago, but I didn"t... and you know why?"
"because I was not ordered, you see my top priority is not to keep your escorts alive it"s to keep the elvers alive until they are done with their work, then I have to return safely them to Green river"
" turned into a real a.s.shole you know that Mars?"
"yeah I know, it comes with not being mortal now go back in there and negotiate"
Vanessa gave Mars one last cold look before she walked back into the cabin, Mars gave a sigh just as Victoria"s horns flashed
"why... are you being... mean?"
"...well I guess it"s because the girls left?"
"are you... lonely Mars?"
"a bit, but not as much as I could be"
"because I got you Victoria"
"...I see"
Mars felt like Victoria purred a little louder than usual but put it out of his mind as he leaned back and enjoyed the suns.h.i.+ne
About 700 Kilometers away from Mars" current position laid his mother"s island, she was currently in her human from looking at the 4 girls in front of her with a bored look on her face, they had arrived yesterday and asked her to make them stronger so she did what she had done to Mars, she gave them dragon blood. While dragon blood a surefire way to increase one"s strength in a short amount of time the method was also extremely painful and was also likely to kill the person taking the blood if their willpower was low, she had half expected at least one of the girls to kneel over dead by now but surprisingly they were all still alive which was the cause of her boredom she heard a low growl from her side and looked over and saw her child, a big red dragon that was lying with its head down on the ground while wagging it"s tail from side to side like a big dog and gave a sigh before she spoke

"no you can"t eat them, they are Mars" mates... of course if you do Mars is likely to kill you and eat your magic beast core"
the red dragon let out another low growl which caused her to give yet another sigh before she spoke in an irritated tone
"yes I"m sure he will notice if they are missing a limb so you can"t taste them either"
the red dragon let out another low growl and stood up and walked past the girls and out of the cave, Mars" mother gave a sigh and sat down on the ground before she looked them over again half expecting one of them to have died while she was not looking, but alas they were all still alive, although how close they were to fall over dead differed a lot
"best I soupse is the half dragon... then comes the two elvers and finely the one that is closest to dying is the beastwoman..."
Varvei had some dragon blood in her already so she was naturally doing best with enduring the side effects, Marry and Chloe was both extremely physically fit and had both lived long lives so their mental and physical toughness was pretty good and then there was Elsa.... Elsa was by far the youngest of the 4 and her physical fitness was not as good as the elvers therefore she had the most trouble, Mars" mother looked over at Elsa that was covered in sweat and seemed to have trouble breathing and gave a yet another sigh
"she probably won"t last the night... how do I explain this to Mars..?"
Back at Green river Mars returned by portal, the negotiations were done and both the compensation and ransom they were set to receive was pretty good all things considered there was just one problem
" I"m bored again"
Mars had lost his work so now he was bored again and with the girls not being home he was feeling even more bored by the minute
"....let"s go visit Terry"
Mars got up from the couch he was lazing around in and was about to walk out the door when he remembered something
"oh right, he"s leveling up at the moment... s.h.i.+t what should I do now..?"
Mars still left the penthouse but he just wandered aimlessly around the city until he arrived at the giant tree in the middle of the bridge and thought
"maybe the elders have something for me...?"
Mars went inside and instead of going up to the reception he went straight ahead further into the giant tree, having been here so many times already he knew the way pretty well and didn"t need anyone to guide him anymore, besides the elders themselves had said he was free to visit anytime he wanted and thus after walking for about half an hour Mars arrived in front of the door to the elders chamber and walked in without knocking and found that the elders were already discussing something
"---but still we must honor our agreement"
"it expired ages ago"
"I agree there"s no reason for us to send them without any gain, besides how is a elver supposed to pa.s.s though the NNE at a time like this?"
"oh... welcome Mars"
"sorry we were discussing something, do you need anything?"
Mars walked up and sat down on a chair facing the 8 thrones were the elders were sitting and asked
"what were you discussing?"
one of the elders gave a sigh and spoke
"well the truth is we received a request for aid from one of the other elven settlements here on Salen"
"oh... now I"m interested, tell me more"
"well it"s not all that interesting, they need to borrow our military to reconquer some of their territory, specifically the planes around their forest which has been annexed by one of the NNE"s vessels"
"but we have no way of transporting that amount of troops over land or by sea"
"besides, we are not sure if we should honor such an old agreement in the first place"
Mars gave a nod and pointed at himself
"why not send me?"
the elders fell silent and a few moments later, one of them spoke
"we could do that"
"but are you willing to help Mars?"
Mars gave another nod
"sure I"m bored anyways so let me meet with the envoy first then I"ll decide"
"how long am I supposed to wait here!"
Amelia yelled at the guard that was watching over her, she was an elver alright but that"s were all similarity with the Green river elvers ended, she had tanned skin and a no-so-slender figure that put the slender Green river elvers to shame and her eyes were red as a ruby, she was what Mars would call a dark elf
"as I"m waiting here my comrades die fighting against the invaders! tell me if you plan to help already!"
she yelled at the guard once more, but the guard remained silent, he was indeed getting paid enough to endure being yelled at by Amelia, at this moment the door to the room was opened by Mars that walked in and laid eyes on Amelia and was stunned at her busty figure and was half about to ask "are you really an elf?" but when she laid her eyes on him she drew her sword and slashed at him with rage while she yelled
"die you dirty human!"
Mars narrowed his eyes slightly as time slowed down around him before he reached out for the sword on his hip and in the next moment blood splattered thought the air

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