Blood splattered as the sword Amelia held flew off along with the hand holding her sword
an agonized cry sounded out in the room as Amelia kneeled down clutching her right arm, Mars shock the blood off the blade of his sword and sheathed it again before he spoke
"you know I really hate being mistaken for a human so don"t call that again, understood?"
"I"ll kill you I swear I"ll kill you!"
"apparently not..."
Mars gave a sigh and picked up the severed hand from the small pool of blood it laid in before he walked over to Amelia
"don"t come any closer!"
"come on now, I mean no harm"
with that sentence Mars ignored Amelia cries, punches and kicks as he grabbed her right arm and pressed the severed hand against it before he activated his [Energy: healing] skill and reattached her hand
"there, all better"
Amelia looked down at her hand that had been reattached with wide eyes, Mars ignored her wonder and amazement and looked her straight in the eyes before he commanded
"try moving your fingers for me"
Amelia"s fingers moved, but slowly and without much strength which caused Mars to click his tongue
"s.h.i.+t the tendons are still severed... hold still"
Mars grabbed her arm again and reactivated his healing skill, this time with the max amount of energy units, a soft glow enveloped Amelia"s arm for a moment before Mars began feeling her arm as he once again commanded
"try moving you fingers again"
Amelia moved her fingers again, this time there was no problem, Mars gave a nod and looked into Amelia"s ruby eyes and said with a wide smile on his face
"next time you point a blade against me I won"t heal you afterwards"
Amelia gave a meek nod as she watched Mars with wonder in her eyes, she had never seen a healing skill so powerful as the one Mars had just used, plus she had been practicing with her sword ever since she was able to hold it and she could just barely see Mars" sword, to put it simply they were on different levels, there was also the faint pressure she felt whenever she looked at him. Amelia considered her next words carefully before she eventually decided to introduce herself
"my name is Amelia, I"m here as an envoy to ask Green river for help"
Mars gave a nod
"my name is Mars, I"m the leader all of Green river"s military personal and technological development, I"m here to hear you out in place of the elders"
Amelia paled slightly, if she knew Mars was such a high ranking person in Green river she would never have attacked him when he walked into the room
"oh you"re sorry? about what?"
"...never mind"
Amelia lowered her head when she saw Mars" serious expression, he clearly didn"t want to accept an apology from her so she decided to drop it and took a seat at the table, Mars followed suit and also sat down and looked at Amelia for some time until she began speaking

"Elvers are normally bound to their forest but my people use the plains around our forest to raise livestock"
"I see so the plains are important to you guys..."
"yes, in fact our ablilty to feed our own people have been significantly reduced since Ule annexed the plains around our forest, the cowards also took meany of our people hostage and threatens to sell them into slavery"
"so there"s a hostage situation too..."
Mars listened as Amelia explained the situation in detail, it took about an hour for Mars to understand all parts of the conflict, then Mars gave a nod
"I understand now, since the elders have left this matter to me I"ll decide if Green river gets involved in it or not, you understand that right Amelia?"
Amelia gave a heavy nod as she looked at Mars that closed his eyes and thought for a few minutes before he opened them again and said
"alright, I have thought of a plan, however I"m not going to share that with you, I"m going to go and tell your elder of it directly, it will be up to them if they accept"
Amelia"s expression lightened up as she gave a nod
"I see... when are you ready to leave?"
"in 10 minutes, wait here..."
Mars stood up from his chair and walked out of the room before he opened a portal to his penthouse and picked up his bag and told Victoria he would need her help in a few days and that she should go to Alvin when she was hungry before he picked up his pre packed backpack and opened a portal back to the giant tree and walked back into the meeting room where Amelia waited for him exactly 7 minutes after he had left
"let"s go"
"don"t you have to inform the elders of you decision first?"
"nah I don"t need to, they entrusted me to handle this matter"
"....they must trust you a lot"
"sure they do"
Mars followed after Amelia until both of them reached a park and Amelia took out a flute and blew it, just as Mars was about to ask what she was calling a giant hawk with a wingspan at least 20 meters wide descended on in the park and landed in front of Amelia and petted it"s beak before she jumped onto its back and looked over at Mars
"come on, she doesn"t bite"
"no need"
Mars slowly lifted off the ground to Amelia surprise and began hovering
" you can fly?"
" there anything else you can do that I should know?"
Mars gave a smile but didn"t answer, instead he raised his alt.i.tude fast and soon disappeared above the clouds Amelia gave a sigh and patted the hawk on its head and it let out a screech and lifted off the ground with a mighty flap of its wings and soon it also lifted above the clouds were it quickly found Mars that was waiting for them
"lead the way"
Mars followed after Amelia on her giant hawk and surprising had no problems keeping up with the giant hawk as he even flew around the hawk a few times just to demonstrate his superiority which seemed to p.i.s.s the hawk off
"easy girl, he"s just teasing you"
Amelia petted the feathers of the hawk while she looked over at Mars that wore flight goggles and flew with his arms stretched out in front of his head and gave a sigh while she thought
"not only does he have a high level of swordsmans.h.i.+p and a healing skill which is able to reattach severed limbs he can also fly faster than a giant wind hawk... that and the immortal elders of Green river seems to trust him, I wonder just who is this Mars? and what more can he do?"
After flying the entire day Mars, Amelia and the giant hawk landed in an underpopulated area and made camp for the night and soon Mars and Amelia sat down on their side of the campfire, they had just eaten some provisions and a little ways away was the giant hawk, it was already sleeping but was likely to wake up if anything approached the camp so Mars and Amelia could sleep without having to stand guard in swifts which was nice, Amelia loosened her tight fitting leather armor while Mars did his best not to stare
"what is it Amelia?"
"you said you have a plan, how likely is that plan to succeed?"
"hmm... well it"s more likely to succeed than not, let me just say it like that"
"I see... what are you going to do if the plan fails?"
"well the plan is mostly how to make sure Ule or another power doesn"t want to annex your land again, so if the plan fails I"ll just turn the capital of Ule into a ghost town as a deterrent to others"
"...are you serious?"
"yup, anyways I"ll head to sleep now, see you in the morning"
Mars got up and walked away from the campfire leaving Amelia alone at the campfire, for a time she just looked into the fire trying to figure out if Mars was serious about turning a city into a ghost town by himself
"no way, he must be joking..."
Amelia shook her head and looked up at the stars while thinking of her homeland that was mostly in the hands of invaders and gave a long sigh
"guess I"ll go to sleep too..."
It took Mars and Amelia 4 days of flying to reach Amelia"s home forest, the forest called Black woods and soon both of them landed in a clearing outside of the city that also was called Black woods and after the giant hawk flew off by itself Mars and Amelia began moving towards the city walls, on the way there Mars transformed into his half dragon from to avoid a repeat of what happened with Amelia

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