Amelia gave a sigh and jumped down from her giant hawk and came face to face with Mars" smug face and gave another sigh
"yeah you win..."
"come on now it was not a contest"
"oh... I see in that---"
"cause you never had a change in the first place"
Amelia looked at Mars" smug face and was slightly stunned before she suddenly had an urge to punch him in the face, but before she had a chance to act Mars turned around and began walking into the elders building which left her stomping her feet in rage for a few moments before she gave yet another sigh and followed after Mars...
After a long and tedious meeting with the Black woods elders Mars found the nearest bar and ordered some beer from the barkeep and sat down at the bar and waited, Amelia sat down next to him and leaned on the bar while she ordered something strong to drink for herself, even though Mars had been drinking all night he felt fine and in need of a beer
"wait, I"m not turning into some kind of alcoholic am I?"
Mars shook his head and rea.s.sured himself that it was fine, just then his beer arrived and Mars took a swig of the clod beer and felt his very soul rejuvenate
"that"s the stuff!"
Mars then proceed to down the rest of his beer before he ordered another and gave a sidelong glance at Amelia that was tracing the rim of her gla.s.s with her finger, Mars gave a small sigh and asked
"something on your mind?"
Amelia stopped tracing the rim of her gla.s.s and took a sip before she gave sigh
"yeah it"s about your plan... what did you call it again?"
"the grand master plan where Ule gets destroyed on a battlefield of death?"
"yeah that... is it really necessary to spread those what are they called..? flyers?"
"yes, that"s a completely necessary part of the plan of the reconquest"
Amelia gave a sigh
"I just don"t understand how announcing our intentions to attack is going to help?"
"well it"s certainly unwise from a pure militaristic standpoint... but we need to prove that what Ule did was unethical and cowardly to the citizens of Ule"
"....but why?"
"because that will lower their morale to a point where I need it"
"I see...."
Amelia still didn"t understand and quietly sipped from her gla.s.s of whiskey while Mars downed his 3rd beer and swiftly ordered another before he spoke up again
"you know how there"s 4 main cities we need to reconquer right?"
"yes one in the south, west, north and east"
"what do you think will happen if we announce to attack the northern one first?"
"well if they believe us then they will muster troops in the northern city right?"
Mars gave a nod before he took a swig of his beer and spoke
"...but why is that a good thing?"
"because you have me there, it doesn"t matter how many of them there is, plus there"s another living G.o.d that will be joining on our side too, so they will have no change anyways"
"I see... but are you really sure it"s for the best?"

"yeah, bedsides it"s better if we crush them quickly, have something to do in 25 days"
Amelia stood up from her chair and downed the rest of her whiskey before she turned to Mars
"I"ll go inform the elder council of your decision"
"sure... you know where to find me afterwards"
Mars gave a small wave to Amelia that walked out of the bar before he downed his 4th beer and swiftly ordered another...
Early the next morning Mars made a trip back to Green river with Amelia, after they stepped out of the portal they made their way towards the central elders tree, on the way there Amelia could not hold back her curiosity and asked
"what are we doing here?"
"we need to borrow the press"
"what press?"
"the printing press, no way I"m making all those flyers by hand"
"I see... but what"s a printing press?"
Mars gave a smile
"you"ll see don"t worry"
Mars made his way into the giant tree and swiftly walked further into the hollowed out tree and soon arrived at a door which he opened and walked in, Amelia covered her ears as there was some loud noises coming from the room as she walked in
"what"s that Mars?"
"that"s the printing press, one moment I"ll go talk with the manager"
Amelia waited for Mars to return, meanwhile she watched the big machinery work with slight confusion visible on her face as she tried to figure out how it worked but all to soon the machine shut down and an elver walked over and began doing something with the machine
"....what"s he doing?"
"he"s changing the letters so they match these"
Mars held up a flyer which read:
We condemn Ule"s cowardly sneak attack and hereby announce our intentions to reconquer what is rightfully ours. The reconquest will start in 3 days with the northern city being the first followed by the southern, western and finally the eastern city, be advised that during the reconquest anyone found inside the city"s will be considered an enemy of Black woods and if they are not killed they will be taken prisoner
"...I still don"t see how a flyer like this is going to help"
"well it won"t help with the first city... but try to think, what will happen to the morale in the other cities after we reconquer the first?"
" will drop right?"
"yup, unless they have soldiers made of steel"
"I see..."
Amelia gave a nod meanwhile the printing press started printing the flyers...
After the flyers were printed they were spread over the 4 cities where they were mostly treated as a joke just as Mars had predicted after all Black woods were not known for their military so people thought reconquest would be unlikely at best and if it really did come the elvers would just be throwing their lives away, around noon on the 3rd day two figures showed up from the direction of Black woods both of them were walking while chatting and stopped around 50 meters from the closed gates, just outside of arrow and spell range
"well then Terry show me what leveling so much have gotten you"
"sure... watch this!"
Terry took a reinforced compound bow off his back and nocked an arrow before he drew the sting back and took aim for a moment before he let the arrow lose, at the moment he did a sonic boom sounded out as the arrow broke past the speed of sound and an instant later hit a guard standing on top of the city walls, Mars gave a nod
"thanks Mars"
"well then I think we have announced our intentions, now let me call the troops..."
Mars transformed his hand and ripped open s.p.a.ce, soon about 2.000 troops from Green river and about 1.000 from Black woods walked out of the giant portal and lined up behind the two living G.o.ds, of course at this point in time the guards on the city wall had already sounded the alarm and almost 5.000 troops were beginning to muster inside the city as archers and spell casters lined up on the walls
"well then I"ll go knock on the front door"
"good luck Mars"
"thanks Terry"
Mars cracked his knuckles as he was swiftly covered by vermilion armor, then he made a s.h.i.+eld from the condensed blood l.u.s.t and began to hover in place as he activated [Half awaken] and flew towards the walls with break neck speed, when he reached the midway point he suddenly accelerated making a sonic boom sound out as he broke past the speed of sound and flew directly into the gate that simply exploded from the impact, Terry gave a sigh and thought
"I want to be able to fly too..."
then raised his bow up high and yelled
the elvers from Green river obeied Terry"s orders and began charging, a little late the elvers from Black woods also began charging, but who could blame them after all they had just witnessed the might of a living G.o.d for the first time. Inside the city Mars flew around over the walls like an angel of death sending out a flurry of sword lights that cut the defending troops into pieces, swiftly he mopped up the troops on the walls and flew towards the fortress in the middle of the city and landed in the courtyard where he was quickly surrounded by enemy soldiers
"take me to your leader"
"kill him!"
"guess not..."
Mars activated [Instant movement] and swiftly dealt with the enemy soldiers in the courtyard before he walked in the front door to the fortress
"now if I were an enemy general where would I be hiding?"

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