"sure, why not?"
Mel narrowed her eyes slightly at Mars" casual att.i.tude and drew her sword as she stepped forwards, ready to duel him
"master good luck"
"yeah, I"ll be right back"
Mars also walked forwards and unsheathed one of his bone swords before he spoke out to Mel
"whenever you"re ready"
Mars didn"t even take a stance he just stood with his sword down low, this really seemed to p.i.s.s off Mel that clicked her tongue and kicked off the ground to charge at him with her sword ready, but before she managed to take more than a few steps Mars reappeared in front of her with his sword to her neck, all the while still having the same casual smile on his face, this mad Mel realize something: she really was facing a G.o.d that could crush her in an instant if he wanted to
"...I surrender"
not only the girls but also the other sky people cheered at the (un)expected result of the lightning fast duel and before Mars knew it he was surrounded by exited sky people that asked him all sorts of questions
"what kind of skill was that?"
"how did you become so fast?"
"may I see your sword?"
Mars was a little taken aback but quickly answered their questions while the girls watched over him, but soon they were also dragged into the conversation when the sky people noticed they were carrying weapons of their own, and so time pa.s.sed until night time were the group had set up camp in the plains and were sitting around a campfire and eating their provisions, well most of them were, some of them were busy with other things
"please sir Mars, just one more time!"
"sure sure Mel... and as I said you don"t have to call me sir"
"but sir Mars you are the master of my elder sister, I have to call you sir!"
"fine... well call me whatever you want... now, kick off the ground as hard as you can again while focusing your mana in your leg muscles"
Mel kicked off the ground again, she was nearing Mars" non instant movement speed, which in and off itself was a thing she could be proud of but it wasn"t what she was going for, she was trying to learn the skill Mars had used to defeat her [Instant movement], Mars only agreed because he knew for a fact that mortals were able to use the skill too (since the emperor of the old empire had fought him with it) and thus the last few hours had been spent with teaching Mel all about [Instant movement]
"okay let"s stop here for today Mel"
"overdoing it isn"t good"
Mel reluctantly stopped practicing and walked over and sat down at the campfire with a pout on her face, Mars gave a sigh and walked over and sat down next to her and ruffled her pure white hair before he spoke
"there"s a day again tomorrow"
"...okay Mars"
"very good, now let"s get some food in you before you starve"
"I"m not starving---"
before Mel managed to finish her sentence a cute grumble sounded out from her stomach which made her go red in the face this also made the people around the campfire give warm smiles which only made Mel more embarra.s.sed before she grabbed a bowl of soup and began eating to hide her embarra.s.sment, Mars patted his legs two times and then Victoria appeared and laid down on top of his legs before she began purring, then he leaned back and laid down on his back and looked up at the stars as the night grew longer...

The next morning Mars was dragged out of dreamland by Mel that woke up early and wanted to practice, so practice they did all the while they moved further into the sky people territory, Mel gradually got better at [Instant movement] and on the 3rd day she managed to disappear from the mortals sight for a moment and got excited only to get put down by Mars that told her he still was able to track her with his eyes, in response Mars got a proud laugh from Mel before she stated
"Mars you don"t count"
"....why not?"
"because you aren"t mortal"
"...well that"s fair, does that mean you"re done practicing?"
"no, not by a long shot!"
at this point Mars was already very familiar with the sky people"s temperaments and so of course he knew Mel would not be satisfied before she managed to go so fast that he himself could not track her with his eyes of cause whether that was plausible was yet to be seen
"master we have another patrol incoming"
"roger go great them will you Yel?"
"yes at once master"
Yel flew off towards the incoming patrol and a few moments later she returned with a slightly angry look on her face
"master, I"m sorry to annoy you but one of the sky people in the patrol are demanding to see you"
"...okay, Mel practice by yourself for a bit while I go see what"s up"
"okay Mars"
after Mel sent him off Mars took flight and met up with the group of sky people that were floating about 10 meters off the ground, they were surprised when they saw Mars fly up to meet them, one of them whispered to another
"what do we do now?"
"shut up let me handle him"
of course Mars heard all that they said and knew at once that they were up to no good but kept a straight face as he approached one of them and slowly but suddenly grabbed one of them by the neck as eerie vermilion particles formed around him and condensed into armor as he spoke
"and how exactly are you going to handle me?"
"please tell me, I"m very curious"
"you! take your hands off him!"
one of them drew a sword and slashed down on Mars only to be completely ignored by Mars
a.s.s the sword struck Mars" neck that was covered by red scales a sound of metal meeting metal sounded out and the sky person holding the sword dropped it from the recoil and glared at Mars but before he had a chance to do anything a piece of sharp vermilion metal flew out and pieced into his neck making a small b.l.o.o.d.y hole thought his neck, the sky person grabbed his neck as he in vain tried to stop the flow of blood and just as he was about to pa.s.s out another piece of vermilion metal flew out and fused with the wound stopping his bleeding meanwhile Mars spoke out
"I"m in a good mood so I"ll spare your life, now scram!"
Mars let go of the person he was held by the neck and the group of sky people quickly grabbed their wounded friend and flew off not daring to look back, Mars gave a sigh as the vermilion armor around him dissolved into vermilion partials that floated off in the wind
"well that"s that... what"s wrong Yel?"
Yel was pale as a ghost and trembled slightly before she suddenly kneeled down mid air and yelled out
"please forgive me master!"
"...what for?"
"for failing to protect you!"
"...raise your head"
"are you disobeying me?"
Yel raised her head, her eyes were stained with tears, Mars gave a sigh and floated over and wiped away her tears before he spoke
"I"m not so weak that I need your protection in the first place... even if I were my pride would not allow me to be protected by a woman"
Yel gave a sniff as she looked at Mars with her silver eyes
"...master may I ask you a question?"
"...what do you see women as?"
"contradictions, they are to be cared for but are strong enough not to need anyone"s care"
"I see..."
Yel looked a little relieved, Mars gave a grin and asked her
"what did you think I was about to degrade women by calling them less than equal?"
Yel looked away
"n-no I would never think of my master like that"
Mars narrowed his eyes slightly
"...I see, well we will leave it at that... for now"
Yel s.h.i.+vered slightly and mentally reminded herself not to think badly of her master again as the two of them landed, Mel that had watched to whole thing walked over and asked Mars
"was that for the best?"
"...what, you want me to kill them all or something?"
"well the one you grabbed was the son of one of the most powerful elders currently in the council"
"yup seriously"
Mars kneeled down on the spot and grabbed his head as he felt a headache coming on before he suddenly recovered and stood up again and asked Mel
"so what?"
"so... what...?"
"yeah, so what if he was the son of a powerful elder? I am Mars the current living G.o.d of energy, if they get in my way I"ll just crush them"
"wow... so cool master!"
Mars let out a laugh as Yel praised him while Mel looked out into the horizon and gave a sigh

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