"the wheel he says! AHAHAHAHAH!!!"
the sky people around the plaza broke into laughter as well, well it was natural after all Tor was an elder and he was an unknown wingless, they could not be further apart in status and prestige. Tor walked into the center of the plaza and took a spear that was stabbed into the ground before he took a stance
"let"s get this farce over and done with so we can start the meeting"
Mars gave a sigh and took off his t-s.h.i.+rt exposing his bare upper body before he suddenly began growing out his horns as his upper body was covered by red scales, this stunned most of the sky people present Tor included, Mars gave a sneer before he spoke
"what..? never seen a half dragon before?"
Tor was the first to wake from his stunned state before he sneered back
"it doesn"t matter what you are, you"re still a dead man"
Mars gave a sigh and activated [Half-awaken], you know just in case something happened then he drew out his sword and spoke in a loud voice
"I will give you the first 3 moves to realize the difference between us"
Tor expression hardened and so did the rest of the elders Xel included, then without a word Tor kicked off the ground and stabbed forwards with his spear right for Mars" heart, but instead of spewing out blood like Tor had expected the sound of metal meeting metal sounded out as he was violently propelled backwards and even almost fell over, then Mars spoke out
"fist move"
Tor"s face flushed red in half embarra.s.sment and half fury when he realized Mars was still alive after his first strike and kicked off the ground again to kill Mars as swiftly as possible, this time he aimed for the neck but just as he reached Mars he found that he had stabbed into an afterimage which caused him to stumble slightly almost falling on his face, then he heard a voice from behind
"second move"
Tor swiftly turned around and saw Mars standing with his hands behind his back with a slight smile on his face, then he flew into a rage and stabbed forwards with his spear once again with a loud yell only to have Mars grab the tip of the spear with one hand
"third move, goodbye"
before Tor had a change to react Mars stepped in and put a hand on his chest before he discharged the stored energy and blew a hole cleanly through his chest, Tor had a look of disbelief on his face as he fell to the ground never to rise again, Mars gave a sigh and looked around at the sky people that lowered their heads in respect of their new elder, then Mars sheathed his sword and walked over before he took a seat on Tor"s floor cus.h.i.+on, as he sat down the silence in the plaza suddenly lifted and the sky people began speaking up discussing what they had just seen, the elder included, the one next to Mars reached out his hand to Mars with a smile on his face and said
"welcome elder Mars"
Mars grasped his hand and shock it with a calm smile on his face
"thank you elder"
and so the elder council began the elders discussed hunting patents and where to gather wild plants for about two hours, at this point the meeting was almost over, then Mars raised his had and the other elders fell silent, the Mars lowered his hand again and rose from his floor cus.h.i.+on and walked into the middle of the half circle before he began speaking

"I propose the moving of the entire sky people village to another content"
the elders all fell silent until Xel asked
"and why do you propose that elder Mars?"
"well there"s a couple of reasons, but in order to understand those first I have to talk about this world for a bit"
another elder spoke up
"continue elder Mars"
Mars gave a nod and thought for a moment before he spoke
"first off my strength is abnormal, the reason for that is that I am a so called living G.o.d, now I don"t believe you will believe me when I say this but I am half Immortal and don"t die when I"m killed"
the elders fell silent again until Xel spoke up
"it"s true, he certainty handles the pain of dying like he"s done it before"
all the elders knew of Xel skill called [The golden eyes of death] that would simulate death upon all she gazed at with the skill activated, a few of them had even experienced it for themselves before so the elders all gave slow and steady nods as they chose to believe Mars for now, then one of the elders asked
"why do you tell us this and how is it relevant to moving our village?"
"well the natives reconquest have started, I believe you all know this right?"
the elders nodded again then Mars continued
"right now there are 4 forces moving further into Kafer and they are all lead by living G.o.ds like or even more powerful than myself, now I can maybe convince 2 of them not to annihilate this village but the other 2 are certain to strike against this village"
some of the elder paled slightly, they now understood why Mars was proposing to move the village to another continent and one of them spoke up in a panic
"but how will you move our village?"
"with this"
Mars transformed his hand and ripped s.p.a.ce apart besides him, as soon as he did a portal formed and Mars steeped though it and reappeared along with Yel, this stunned most of the elders again(of course Yel was just as confused) but soon they calmed down again and one of them gave a nod
"I see now, but where would you move the village to?"
Mars gave a smile
"how does a mountain range next to a lush forest sound? I will personally negotiate with the owners of that place and I"m sure they will agree to my request, they will also aid with the construction of the village itself"
Xel gave a nod before she spoke with a teasing smile on her face
"so you believe we should run away elder Mars?"
Xel spoke most of the doubts that was hanging in the air, the sky people were a warrior clan first and foremost, so the concept of moving their village just because they might get annihilated was foreign for most, if Mars had not been present in this whole situation the sky people faced then the sky people would have fought to the last man woman and child in repelling the invaders
"well I believe true strength lies in how and when you choose your battles, not only for your sake but for the sake of your families... now I believe you all have been informed of the situation, let"s have a vote"
Green river, in the central tree a portal suddenly opened but it was swiftly surrounded by elven guards in ceremonial armor that pointed spears towards the portal, but the spears were quickly lowered when Mars stepped though, the guards gave a bow to Mars before they stepped back to their positions, the after Mars came the 10 other members of the elder council and Yel that had been ordered along by Mars, the sky people looked around the hall with curiosity but made sure to follow after Mars that swiftly walked further into the giant tree, after some debate had the elder council agreed to Mars proposal and then the had decided to follow after Mars to witness his debate with the elders of Green river on the way there did Yel walk up to the side of Mars and whispered to him
"thank you master"
Mars gave a smile as he lead them further into the giant tree though complicated hallways, twists and turns until finally they arrived in front of a giant door which Mars pushed open before he walked into the dim hall with the 5 thrones
"Mars you"re here"
"we believed your mission in the Karfer continent would last longer?"
"oh, who is it you have brought to us this time? they don"t look native to Alfan..."
"what is the meaning of this Mars?"
Mars gave a smile and spoke
"I need a favor, I don"t believe that will be a problem will it?"
"...certainly not"
"it"s just we are a little confused about the people you have brought with you"
"what are their race called?"
Mars sat down on the chair and spoke
"they are called sky people, they are a warrior tribe from Beta, the world that has connected with Alfan... and I am here to talk with you about resettling them here in the Mother forest"
"that"s... possible, as long as it"s not within the city"
"but why do you go so far for them?"
"we don"t see what"s so remarkable about them at first glance?"
Mars shrugged his shoulders
"first off the fly freely through the sky, secondly they are an honest people just looking for a home, thirdly and most important they did not cause the ruin of Beta of their old world"
"we see... where did you plan to resettle them?"
"near the mountain range to the east with in the Mother forest"
the elders of Green river fell silent for a few long minutes before one of them gave a sigh
"well we owe you so much so we can agree to this favor of yours..."
"very well, we will help them settle in the eastern mountain range"
"and we will also support the building of their village with weapons, materials, manpower and food"

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