Mars returned back at Green river along with the former slave soldiers, since it was late at night they all went to bed early except for Mars that suddenly felt a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach and went into the workshop and grabbed his adamant.i.te broadsword before suddenly the feeling got even worse. All the hairs on his body stood up and suddenly s.p.a.ce warped around him transporting him to a pure white s.p.a.ce were he floated in the middle of emptiness. Suddenly a formless pressure descended, it was way heavier than anything Mars had ever felt before, breathing got impossible and cold sweat broke out all over his body drenching him in mere moments.


Mars knew, this... Thing, whatever it was was currently looking at him, observing him like a person observed an ant or a bug while one considered whether or not to crush it. But alas moments pa.s.sed and he was still alive.

[I am the administrator of Beta, and now also the administrator of Alfan.]

Mars felt the voice reverberate in his bones as small hair like cracks spread out on his bones from the impact of the voice.

[I have decided to punish you for closing the portal that bound Beta and Alfan together, thanks to you 13 billion people will slowly perish on Beta.]

Mars mustered all his strength and showed a cold smile.

[Oh, you can still move under my pressure... Never mind that, a bug will forever remain a bug... Now for your punishment I will take away your ability to tear s.p.a.ce and throw you to the ends of Alfan, whether you survive will be up to you, you may thank me for my magnanimous treatment of not destroying you in an instant.]

Mars struggled for a few moments until he realized that any resistance he put up was futile, there was only one time he had felt so helpless before and frankly it p.i.s.sed him off.

[Well then, I tire of seeing your face... Off you go.]

Before Mars had a change to do anything s.p.a.ce around him warped and Mars clearly felt that he was "thrown" across Alfan in an instant before s.p.a.ce opened up and green appeared in his vision as he was sent hurrling towards the ground with the force of a meteoroid.


With a bang Mars smashed into the ground, he felt all his bones shatter on impact as well as his [Energy: storage] absorb a large amount of energy units from the impact, but he didn"t have time to worry about that now as he quickly activated his [Energy: healing] on himself with full power. After a few moments pa.s.sed he was able to move again as most of his body had been healed, then he opened his mouth.

"...Mother f.u.c.ker."

Mars sat up and cursed once again.


Mars gradually got more and more angry soon his eyes turned crimson as he stood up and looked up at the sky and yelled.


Mars" chest heaved up and down as he stood and looked up into the sky, soon his ears twitched before he looked to his left into what was in all reality a dense jungle, his ears picked up movement that was closing in on his position along with a pressure not entirely unlike that of a group of angels.


Mars looked around and quickly found his adamant.i.te broadsword and picked it up before he turned and fled in a random direction, sure he could handle something equal in strength to a group of angels but he didn"t have enough information to know whether it was a good idea to fight and possibly draw more attention to this place. He quickly fled through the dense jungle and gradually found it annoying to run on the ground and jumped up 15 meters into the air and landed on one of the lowest branches of the giant trees and began jumping from branch to branch.

"I will survive this... First is clean water, then food."

As Mars set off from a branch he slipped on some wet moss and fell down to the jungle floor and was surrounded by the beasts that had been chasing him Mars, a little embarra.s.sed by his slip up looked at the creatures that surrounded him as his skill surprisingly didn"t activate.

"You"re telling those are not magic beasts!?"

Normally magic beasts were bigger than normal beasts but the 3 meter tall panthers that Mars faced were apparently different, still the pressure Mars felt from the three panthers was the real deal, therefore he didn"t wait for them to attack and slashed out with his adamant.i.te broadsword sending out a sharp sword light that cut through the underbrush as it raced towards one of the panthers but just as it was about to hit the panther disappeared from view.


Just as Mars cursed the panther reappeared in front of him and sent him flying with a swipe of its claws, Mars flew and crashed into a tree sinking no less than half a meter into the bark of the giant tree. The panthers approached Mars thinking he was dead, after all they never hunted a living G.o.d before which proved to be their downfall as Mars surprisingly disappeared from view and reappeared over one of the panthers and sunk his adamant.i.te broadsword into its skull, at the same time the area around the two remaining panthers suddenly heated up so much that their fur caught on fire, they let out screams of pain but within moments they had been cooked through and collapsed on the jungle floor. Mars spat out the blood that had acc.u.mulated in his mouth and pulled out the adamant.i.te broadsword out of the skull of the panter before he gave a smile.

"[Energy: temperature control] is truly powerful... And best of all it uses no energy units."

Mars gave a nod again, the cel he had spent on the magic beast core that contained his new skill were truly worth the price, after admiring his work for a moment Mars quickly harvested some meat from one of the giant panthers he had killed with [Energy: temperature control] and tasted it.

"This is pretty bad, nothing like Elsa"s cooking... But it will keep me alive."

Mars cut off a rather big piece after he had stuffed his mouth and quickly left the place where he had killed the giant panthers, a few minutes later an even heavier pressure descended on the place where the giant panthers had been killed, the.... Creature that emitted the heavy pressure gave a snort and began eating the coupses of the giant panthers...

The next morning as the sun rose Mars awoke from his meditation and quickly looked around, after he confirmed that there was nothing amiss he heaved a sigh and stood up on the branch he had been sitting on and stretched, as he did he heard an unpleasant sound of his clothes tearing and looked down and found 4 cuts long on his s.h.i.+rt.

"Oh right... This is from the fight with the giant panthers..."

Mars gave another sigh and added making some clothes to his list of survival in this jungle, he looked up at the sun and confirmed the direction he was heading in and began moving by flying up above the treetops, after flying for about 10 minutes he suddenly heard a scream and looked back.

"What the f.u.c.k, is that a bird...?

Whatever it was, something was rapidly closing the distance on him even with Mars" eyesight he was only able to see a blur, he reacted quickly and sent a swordlight towards the bird before he dove beneath the tree canopies. Seconds later he heard another scream and something cras.h.i.+ng down breaking the trees like they were toothpicks, Mars gave a cold smile.

"Got Em."

Then he flew towards the crash site and found a giant eagle, or at least what was left of it after the crash, Mars clearly felt that this was a magic beast but no matter how long he waited his skill didn"t activate leaving him puzzled.

"Well whatever..."

Mars walked up to the dead giant eagle and activated his [Energy: sense] before he began digging after the magic beast core with his sword, soon he found the core and this time his skill activated as it should.

Cla.s.s 16 magic beast core

Stored energy: 200.000

Stored status points: 50

Source: ???

Mars gave a wide smile when he held the ash gray magic beast core in his hand before he stroked his chin.

"Maybe staying here in the jungle is not so bad of an idea...? At least until I become a little stronger... Strong enough to kick the administrators a.s.s"

Even though there was a giant gap between the two of them Mars still felt that it would be possible to cross that gap.

"At least that"s my goal for now..."

Then Mars began draining the magic beast core of energy and status points with a wide smile on his face.

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