Mars and 78 walked around the city for a few hours while doing some window shopping and stopping once to eat dinner at a cafe before they continued their stroll, soon Mars stopped and looked at the temple that was right next to them and gave a sigh before he spoke to 78 that was by his side

"78 let"s go to the temple, I have someone I want you to meet"


Mars and 78 walked into the temple and after Mars flashed his necklace of the apostle they were quickly showed to a top quality prayer room, 78 looked around confused before she asked

"Mars who is it you want me to meet?"

"Just wait for a bit 78, she"s coming now..."

Mars put his hand on the crystal ball in the middle of the room and right after he did a robotic voice sounded out inside the prayer room


Mars gave a frown, last time he visited a prayer room he was subject number 4 not subject number 3"

"This means that another living G.o.d has died and one that was older than me... Maybe that s.h.i.+tbag administrator also punished the others...?"

"Mars is something wrong?"

Evidently the robotic voice scared 78 somewhat as she huddled up to Mars

"No it"s nothing... Request descend"




As Mars felt the descend start he activated [Half-awaken] just to be safe, after all he didn"t know if the new administrator had changed Information somehow so he decided to keep his guard up just in case. Soon a formless pressure descend into the avatar that lay on the altar, 78 tensed up so Mars carefully patted her on the head to try and calm her down a bit

"It"s okay 78, she means no harm"

"... At least I hope she doesn"t"

Soon the pressure all entered the avatar that then sat up on the altar and opened its eyes, its cyan eyes looked at Mars for a moment before faster than Mars could react the avatar sprung forwards and crashed into Mars hugging him tight


"Woah there, easy Info"

[Are you okay, you still have all your limbs? Do you know who I am?]

Mars gave a wry smile as he spoke

"I am fine Info, the administrator just took away my ability to tear s.p.a.ce and threw me to another content"

Info heaved a sigh of relief before she separated herself from Mars and waved her hand which made a table and some chairs appear before she suddenly looked over at 78 and froze for a moment before she floated up and patted 78 on the head as she muttered

[What an amusing creature... A mix of all three main races... Is she your girlfriend Mars?]

"No I am just taking care of her"

78 gave a pout when she heard Mars" answer but decided not to complain as it was hard enough to breathe as is under the divine pressure Info was letting out, Mars sat down and asked Info

"Could you tune down your pressure a bit? 78 looks like she has a hard time breathing..."

[Sure.... There, is that better little one?]

78 gave a nod and sat down next to Mars before she clung to him and looked over at Info with caution, Mars gave a sigh and decided to introduce Info

"78 this is Information, one of the 13 archangels"

78 frowned her brows slightly before she gave a nod and said

"... Hi"

[Oh my, she"s shy how cute]

Mars cleared his throat before he asked Info

"Info I have a question, what"s divine inspiration? And how do I get it?"

Info gave a slight frown and asked

[Have you already reached level 150?]


Info gave a sigh before she muttered

[An almost 4 year old level 150 living G.o.d...]

Info looked like she took it rather hard that Mars had reached level 150, so Mars asked

"Is it fast that I reached level 150?"

[Do you know what the average age is for a living G.o.d to reach level 150?]


[It"s 110 years]

"...So in other words I picked a very fast to level up cla.s.s?"

[No there have been living G.o.ds of energy before but they... Wait a moment, I"ll look up the records...]

Mars gave a nod and waited as Info"s cyan eyes went vacant for a few moments before she gave another sigh

[Looks like the [Energy] cla.s.s just is fast... But still you"re the only one to reach level 150 of the 134 living G.o.ds of energy there have been so far, congratulations]

"Thanks I guess?"

[You don"t get it do you Mars? It took me 246 years to reach level 150]

Mars paused, he felt like he just received an important piece of news and asked to make sure

"So you used to be a living G.o.d?"

[Yup, the living G.o.d of [Information] to be precise]

Mars fell into thought for a moment before he asked again

"So what exactly is divine inspiration?"

[It"s the essence of your cla.s.s, only by figuring out what exactly energy is will you be able to receive divine inspiration and advance to a higher, more divine realm]

Mars gave a nod and gathered his thoughts before he muttered

"... What energy is..."

Info looked at Mars for a few moments before a ripple of energy seemed to spread out with Mars in the middle, it pa.s.sed right through the isolation barrier and slightly shocked the city outside, Info opened her eyes wide as she muttered

[... No way]

Info quickly waved her hand and 78 was gently pulled away from Mars that sat with glazed eyes and stared into nothingness, then she turned to 78 and asked

[How long have you known Mars?]

"... A few months"

[I see, rejoice 78 for you are about to witness something very few mortals have ever seen]

78 gave a nod and looked over at Mars in silence as energy seemed to be pulled from the surrounding air into him while gradually a halo seemed to form above his head, the halo was dull yellow and soon became smaller and smaller until it disappeared again and then Mars seemed to gradually wake up and soon a calm smile formed on his face as he muttered

"Divine inspiration, that was not so hard was it?"

[I guess you relied on your past life memories for that, right?]

"Yeah the nature of the universe was much more clear in my past life... But why do I feel that it was not enough?"

[Why don"t you check your status and see?]

"Sure... Status"

Name: Mars

Age: 3 (vessel 5223)

Race: Half-dragon human

t.i.tles: [Living G.o.d of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell from the sky] [Contracted]

Cla.s.s: [Energy]

Cla.s.s level: 175

Status points:

Strength [1000/1000] Const.i.tution [2000/2000] Dexterity [1500/1500]

Intelligence [600/600] Wisdom [900/900] Charisma [50/50]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmans.h.i.+p lv 6] [Shadow magic lv 2] [Demon dreaming lv 1] [Instant movement lv 2]

Cla.s.s skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 10.200/175.000] [Energy: discharge]

[Energy: upgrade shop] [Energy: information] [Energy: restoration] [Energy: healing] [Energy: absorb s.h.i.+eld] [Energy: reactive s.h.i.+eld] [Energy: basic reinforced storage] [Energy basic drain touch] [Energy: sense] [Living G.o.d: presence] [Living G.o.d: half awaken] [Living G.o.d: wings]

Pa.s.sive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

Mars widened his eyes slightly at his status, it was the first time ever that all his status had hit their top values, it was understandable though as he had levelled up 25 times from receiving his divine inspiration, Info floated over and patted him on the head

[Very well done Mars, you are now more of a G.o.d than a living G.o.d]

"...Thanks Info"

[Well what comes next is way harder than divine inspiration though]

"... Open the [Energy: upgrade shop]"

Energy upgrade shop

[Energy] cla.s.s skill level up price: Divine mandate

Cla.s.s skills currently available: none

"... It"s just one thing after the next... Info can you tell me what this Divine mandate is?"

[Well if divine inspection is the knowledge of a cla.s.s then divine mandate is masking the cla.s.s entirely yours]

"I don"t get it?"

[You are now a G.o.d of energy so you have to form your own mandate, I can"t teach you it... Think of it as your own interpretation of the [Energy] cla.s.s, for example a [Sword] mandate could be a sword domain where everything gets cut into pieces]

"So it"s something like a special move?"

[You could call it that... It"s hard to explain but it"s your interpretation of the [Energy] cla.s.s and it has to be uniquely yours]

"... I see"

[By the way when you from your mandate you will have the ability to join me in true immortality and become an archangel yourself]

"I want to smack around the s.h.i.+tbag administrator first"

Info gave a smile and complained

[.... You"re so violent as usual]

"Well it"s in my blood"

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