"Now I require sleep, prepare a room for me and 78"

"Yes at once"

The king bowed down and quickly went to arrange for a room for Mars and 78, this stunned the maids and the maid 78 had a glaring match with suddenly lowered her gaze as she paled

"Hey Mars, can we take a look around?"

"Sure but first you have better change your appearance to that of a human"

"Why? I like these ears"

"Well... If you are not bothered by the stares then neither am I, let"s go"

Mars and 78 spent the next half hour strolling around the castle together before the king found them and informed Mars that a room had been prepared and personally showed him the way there

"If you have anything you need please call the maid that is on standby outside your room"

"...I will"

Mars and 78 walked into the room and after 78 was done rolling around in the large bed both of them laid down on the bed and rested after their long 7 day flight, with a soft body pillow(78) Mars soon fell asleep...

While Mars and 78 slept there was an emergency meeting in the castle, the king, Gunnar and Jacklin were just a few names of those that attended the meeting of course the meeting was led by the king that now sat at the end of the table and waited for the people to quiet down which they soon did, then he spoke up

"This is a tale told from king to king, I heard it from my father before he pa.s.sed... I won"t bore you with the details but basically the tale tells a story about five living G.o.ds wandering the face of Alfan, some single handedly brought ruin to kingdoms, while others ushered in new eras of peace and prosperity..."

A n.o.ble from the castle city raised his hand before he spoke

"With all due respect what does fantasy tales of "living G.o.ds" have to do about the current situation, I say we should kill these rude guests in their sleep"

A few moments pa.s.sed before the king spoke again

"Still Mars our so called rude guest fought an avatar possessed by an archangel and won... Can you say any mortal is able to do that?"

the n.o.bel shut his mouth and paled slightly so did the rest of the people present, this was the first he had mentioned of the avatar being defeated by Mars, a few seconds of heavy silence pa.s.sed before another n.o.bel let out a nervous laugh and asked the king with a slightly shaking voice

"Surely you are joking with us your majesty..."

The king gave a faint smile and spoke

"I saw it with my own eyes, but if that"s not enough for you, I"ll give you permission to go visit the chapel and see for yourselves"

"No I wouldn"t dare doubt your majesties words... It"s just too unbelievable..."

"I thought so too, that"s when I remembered the tale about living G.o.ds and asked Mars and he indeed confirmed he was a living G.o.d"

the people at the meeting whispered to each other for some time until a person that had been silent so far spoke: Jake

"...How about we recruit him to our side? would the war not be easier with a literal G.o.d on our side?"

people began whispering to each other again until the king raised his hand and the room fell quiet again and he spoke

"What you say is a very good idea... It"s just I don"t think Mars has any interest in our war, after all he said so himself"

Jake gave a smile

"Well then it"s simply finding out what he wants, isn"t it?"

"Very well..."

When Mars woke up he found that 78 was still sleeping within his arms when he breathed out her two fluffy ears twitched slightly, after watching her sleep for a bit Mars decided to get up and slowly unwrapped her arms from him before he got out of bed and stretched, now that he was rested he was ready to head onwards on their journey, there was just one problem he had no idea where to go

"Info was supposed to guide us to the next continent... maybe I should head to the local temple..."

Mars quickly decided on his course of action and thus left the room which slightly startled the maid that was on standby outside the room

"...Do you have any instructions?"

It was only then Mars remembered that the king had said he could tell the maid if he needed anything and gave a smile before he asked

"Could you show me to the local temple?"

The maid gave a bow and spoke

"If you require a prayer room I have been told that the chapel of the castle is open to you"

"Yeah... but the avatar there is broken, therefore please show me to the local temple"

"Yes at once"

Mars was about to leave with the maid when the door to his room burst was burst open by 78 that looked angry and yelled

"You"re planning on leaving me behind again aren"t you Mars?"

Mars gave a sigh

"I was just going to take a short trip, thus I didn"t want to wake you up"

"I am awake now so I am coming too!"


Mars could only surrender and so 78 happly latched onto his right arm and the two of them followed after the maid into the castle city, the temple turned out to only be a short distance away but with 78"s current looks as a beastwoman the trip took a whole lot longer than it was supposed to as people began yelling and screaming wherever they went, the local town guard was even called which resulted in them getting beat up by Mars.

When they finally reached the temple Mars was rather exhausted (although only mentally) and when he was initially denied a prayer room he almost punched the priest in the face, but decided to pull out his necklace of the apostle and showed it into the face of the priest before he was allowed a prayer room

Inside the prayer room Mars put his hand on the crystal ball in the middle which made it light up and soon a robotic voice sounded out inside the room






A formless pressure descend into the avatar that laid on the altar, Mars gave a smile as this was the one that he was familiar with so there was no reason to be on guard like last time, soon the avatar sat up and open its light blue eyes and stared into empty s.p.a.ce


[Hold on a second, I am processing a large influx of information...]

Mars waited along with 78 and a few moments later Info"s eyes seemed to regain their focus before she cursed

[That f.u.c.king bastrad!]

"Info? What"s wrong?"

Info seemed the breathing deeply from rage for a few seconds before she calmed herself and shook her head

[Well sit down, this is going to take a while to explain...]


Info waved her hand and the usual table and chairs appeared inside the prayer room, after the three of them sat down Info collected her thoughts for a moment before she spoke

[You remember the time you killed that emperor right Mars?]

Mars gave a nod


[...Do you remember why you killed him?]

"Because he hurt Varvei, thus he had to die"

78 peaked her ears up when she heard the name Varvei and she began feeling a little sour, but she was not sure why, as 78 was confused by her own feelings the two "adults" continued their talk

[....Try to remember, that was not the main reason right?]

Mars gave a frown but soon he remembered the other reason why he killed that otherworlder and spoke

"Oh right, he was planing some pretty through race cleansing, some human surpency bulls.h.i.+t right?"

[Yes and do you remember why that was bad?]

"Hmm... something about being smited..."

[Yes that"s right! The whole problem lies in being smited... Now do you have any idea what it entails to be smited?]


Info gave a sigh before she waved her hand and a price of rock appeared floating above her hand

[Well then let me demonstrate...]

Infor focused on the rock for a few moments before it suddenly began distgrating at a rapid pace until there was nothing left

[This is what happens when something gets smited, it sizes to exist, plus it"s an extremely painful way to die or so I have heard]

"I see... I still don"t see what the current problem is?"

Info narrowed her eyes and asked

[Who do you think started this race war?]

"...Don"t tell me it"s---"

[That"s right, it"s your favorite administrator]

"....But why would that s.h.i.+tbag of a administator start a race war?"

[To test a system that the old administrator left behind... Hey do you know why that codtiend you landed on was beren of people? Because that"s the last place the system did it"s magic]

"don"t tell me that the system you are talkingĀ  about is the smiting kind?"

[That"s exactly what it is, a race war happened and that system wipes the continent it happen on... to keep the balance]

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