"Yeah I am from earth or at least I have memories from earth..."

"What do you mean you have memories from earth?"

"Well... something went wrong when Info reincarnated me so my memories returned and from there I learned of my past life on earth... That started in 4012"

This time it was Jake"s turn to looks shocked for a few moments before he mumbled

"4012..? Then how do you know of memes from 2012?"

Mars gave a smile

"Well my dad was a data archaeologist that specialized in the early information age"

Jake gave a nod as he tired to imagine his world 2000 years into the future but soon shook his head and gave a sigh and asked Mars

"Then how long did you live on earth?"

"Well I died young so only 224 years"

"...I see"

Jake sunk further into the couch he was sitting in then Terra spoke

"As interesting as it is to hear about your former world can we get back on topic..? I believe you said something about destroying the avatars?"

"...Yeah, that"s all I got take it or leave it"

"We are naturally honored to receive you help... But will it really work?"

Mars shrugged

"Well who knows? The plan is the brainchild of the archangel Information... so about fifty fifty"

The king and Terra looked confused and the king asked out loud

"Fifty fifty?"

Jake spoke up

"It means it will work"

Terra looked relieved for a moment before she also spoke

"Let"s put our faith in Information"

Mars gave a smile and thought

"Well her first master plan was to get me to seduce you and the daughter of the demon king so don"t put too much faith in her alright?"

Mars gave a sigh before he looked at the king and asked him

"prepare some rooms for the beastmen... And also prepare some closed carriages for a trip to the front tomorrow"

"Understood Mars"

The rest of the day was uneventful, Mars spent it talking with Jake about their world and then he used the rest of the time to sooth 78 who was still mad at him but by the end of the day she was back to her usual self clinging to him for the rest of the day

The next morning Mars woke up to a slightly numb left arm and looked over

"She really doesn"t let go dose she?"

78 was clinging to his left arm with a death grip that had managed to slightly stop the flow of blood in his arm, Mars gave a sigh and poked 78 on the cheek to wake her up, after a few pokes 78 opened her eyes and blinked a few times before she focused on Mars and gave a sweet smile before she hugged his arm even tighter

"Let"s get some food 78"


Mars and 78 order some food from the maid on standby outside their room which soon arrived and as they were eating a knock was heard by the door, Mars was too lazy to answer the door and so he just yelled

"The door"s open!"

And went back to his food as the door opened and the king walked in along with Jake and the beastwoman princess Terra, the king spoke to Mars as he walked into the room

"The carriages have been prepared and are prepared to leave from the frontline"

Mars gave a nod as he chewed then Terra spoke

"I will guarantee your comfort after we cross the front Mars"

Mars gave another nod, still chewing then Jake spoke

"Mars I want to ask you something"

Mars swallowed his food and spoke

"What is it?"

"....Can you fight me once before you leave?"

Mars gave a nod

"Sure, I love beating people up"

The king and Jake both gave a sigh at Mars" response but they said nothing, Terra on the other hand gave a chuckle and walked over and sat down on the couch and spoke

"I can"t wait to see that"

Jake gave another sigh

"Well... You are not the one fighting a literal G.o.d"

"It was you that asked him"

"Yeah... It sure was"

After Mars finished eating he waited for 78 to finish, she as always was eating like a squirrel stuffing her cheeks like one anyways, perhaps do to the experiments she had been part of she always ate a lot, even more than Mars but alas she never seemed to get fat soon she finished eating and stood up with a smile on her face

"Done eating?""


Mars gave a smile and ruffled 78"s hair which made her giggle before she latched onto his arm, then Mars looked over at Jake that still stood and spoke with confidence

"Let"s get this over with"


Mars, having already packed grabbed his backpack and walked out of the room he had been staying in with 78, on his back was not only the backpack but also the two broadswords, one made of bone the other made of adamant.i.te covered in a layer of cloth. Mars followed Jake out to the training field where he made 78 let go of his arm so he could fight at full force (Not that he needed to) and stepped out on the training field empty handed and faced Jake that was fully armed

"Aren"t you going to use your sword?"

"This is more fair"

As Mars and Jake spoke the other beastmen walked up to the edge of the training field to watch the fight, on the other side stood the knights that had been training until now, both sides were prepared to watch the show.

Jake drew out his mithril sword and stood ready, meanwhile Mars just gave a yawn before he spoke

"Just come at me when you"re ready... But remember I don"t have a lot of time so I"ll end it in once exchange"

Some of the knights widened their eyes at Mars" statement before they revealed looks of disdain, after all how arrogant did Mars sound? he was unarmed against a person with a sword and not just any person mind you, a genuine hero!

"Okay... Then here I come!"

After having prepared himself for a few moments Jake kicked off the ground and almost instantly closed the distance, behind him b.a.l.l.s of lightning formed and as he raised his sword to slash down on Mars they moved out to cover his openings, Mars narrowed his eyes slightly before he suddenly stepped in and ever so gently brushed the sword that was swung down to the side with his left hand while he put his right hand on Jake"s armor and discharged his stored energy before Jake was blown away, but thankfully not very far as he landed on the field again Mars gave a smile and spoke

"I believe this is it right?"

"...What amount of power did you use for that strike just now?"

"Hmm... 1/10th? There about anyway"

Jake looked down at the slight dent there was on his mitrill armor with slight fear before he gave a sigh and walked over to Mars and reached out with his hand

"Thank you for going easy on me"

Mars shock hands with Jake as he spoke

"You"re welcome... Anyway sorry about the armor, I am sure you can get the king to fix it for you"

Jake gave a smile before his eyes turned serious and asked

"If you were serious how much time would it take to kill me?"

Mars" smile widened slightly before he patted Jake on the shoulder as he spoke

"You would not even realize that you had died before it was too late"

Jake gave a nod and closed his eyes, when he opened them again his eyes shone with renewed light

"...I see"

"Oh and one last advice, get yourself a girlfriend or 5"

Jake blushed slightly before he gave a nod, then Mars walked off and picked up his backpack before he boarded one of the carriages along with the beastmen, Terra and 78 after a few moments the carriages set off.

As the carriage went out of the gate to the castle Jake stood and watched where it had disappeared for a few moments before he gave a sigh and spoke

"...Let"s get back to training"

Then he walked off towards the training field where Gunnar waited for him with a smile on his face.

The carriage rocked from side to side for about a week as the days went by uneventfully, Mars spent most of the time in the carriage chatting with 78 that was excited about the changing scenery that pa.s.sed by outside the one way window of the carriage, speaking of scenery the landscape gradually changed from general woodland to open plains as they neared the frontline and after the week of traveling by carriage they arrived at the frontline fortress and dismounted the carriages near the fortress and waited for dark to sneak by the front line

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