Mars looked at the horrified woman merchant and gave a smile as he unfroze time for the other two merchants and smile as he spoke

"Now then, with that over and done with I would like to introduce one of Ular"s new products..."

Mars waved his hand and a rifle appeared mid air which soon was affected by gravity and fell down into his hands, the fat middle aged merchant gave a glance to the woman merchant and realized something was wrong but still he asked

"And what"s that? a walking stick?"

Mars gave a smile and rose from the couch as he spoke

"Please follow me, I"ll show you all what this puppy can do"

As Mars showed the three merchants to the firing range he spoke about the basic information on how a rifle operated, the three merchants exchanged eye contact and saw the greed that was in eachothers eyes, if this so called rifle was as good as Mars told them they had to get it, no matter what, soon the group arrived at what was the magic practice field where a firing range was sat up, Mars then proceeded to demonstrate how to use the rifle before he handed it the the fat middle aged merchant and spoke

"Try it out for yourself"

the merchant gave a nod and took a somewhat amateurish stance before he fired off a round that landed nowhere near the target, but he was not discouraged and quickly took aim again before he squeezed the trigger again, meanwhile Mars made another rifle appear and handed it to the young merchant and gave him some basic instructions before he walked over to the woman merchant that still seemed a bit weary of him

"Now then, have you had time to cool down?"

"...What do you want?"

"Well first of all I want to praise you, your mind is simply more tenacious than what I expected from a mere mortal..."

The woman merchant gave a slight frown before something lit up in her eyes and she spoke

"The carrot and the stick?"

Mars" smile widened

"Exactly, I knew you would get it"

"But why go through so much troupple?"

A cold light flashed in Mars" eyes as his smile widened a tat

"Because it"s insulting to think that you thought you simply could take what was mine without paying the price"

The woman merchant gave a nod and spoke

"I want you to introduce new technology like the rifle through our company first"

"Sure... We can meet another time and discuss the details, for now why don"t you try out this one?"

Mars snapped his fingers and a small handgun appeared and fell into his hand before he handed it to the woman merchant...

As the three carriages left under Mars" eyes he asked Jane that stood next to him

"It was you that told them about my capital right?"

"...Yes it was, how did you figure it out?"

"By process of elimination, Juliet, your new bodyguard is in another realm fighting for her dear life... Thus you are the only one that knows about the crystal card other than the one"s from the NNE"

"I see... What will my punishment be then?"

Mars gave a smile and spoke

"I won"t punish you... I would have exposed my capital soon anyway to attract merchants anyway... but since you want to be punished let"s see... face me"

Jane faced Mars that wore a teasing smile

"Now close your eyes"

Jane then closed her eyes like Mars told her and soon she flet a flick hit her her forehead and opened her eyes again

"Punishment over"

Jane blushed slightly and lowered her head while she rubbed the spot where Mars had flicked her...

A couple of days pa.s.sed without much insdent and eventually it was time for Mars to officially take over as governor, but before that he had to do something else, that was to receive Juliet (the guard he had show him the way to Jane the first time they met) from another realm

"Well in reality it"s just another plane of existence... with flesh eating demons all over... I sure hope she"s still sane"

Before Mars had sent her over he had bestowed her with a small part of his divinity that basically made her immortal, that and the fact that the other plane of reality had a much faster pace of time would hopefully given Juliet some of the basic training so that Mars could personally train her from there

"And here we go..."

Mars let go of the magic beast core in his hand that fell down and landed on a giant magic circle that had taken up most of the panic room at the bottom most level of the palace, the magic beast core was immitartly drained of energy and a rift opened up in s.p.a.ce

"Come on Juliet..."

Mars tapped his finger against his arm as he waited, there was only energy for the portal to the other realm to be open for about 10 seconds so she had to be quick if she wanted to return to the realm of mortals, after 2 seconds pa.s.sed something pa.s.sed through the portal

"That"s not Juliet..."

Mars snapped his fingers and the demon that had managed to pa.s.s through the portal and was about to eat his face off turned into a flash of light and disappeared, but then next a human figure emerged from the portal, Mars quickly confirmed that this was Juliet and then he broke the circuit that made the portal stable and moments later it collapsed in on itself closing the connection to the other plane for good.

Then he s.h.i.+fted his eyes to Juliet, she was naked, her clothes most likely having been torn to shreds during the first days in the other plane, her skin was covered with overlapping scars and a single rusted dull sword was clutched in her hand

"Juliet... Do you remember?"

Mars spoke out calmly and watched as Juliet shock before she quickly kneeled down on one knee and spoke

"I remember... I am Juliet, the first guard of Jane""

Mars gave a smile and walked over next ot her and put his hand on her shoulder before he took back part of his divinity that and healed her at the same time, making her skin turn smooth again and her hair regain its l.u.s.ter before he took a blanket and covered her with it

"It"s good that you are whole... What do you say to a nice relaxing bath?"

"I... would very much like that"

After Juliet finished her bath Mars walked with her out to a training field where he quickly warmed up and turned to Juliet and spoke

"Well then, let"s see what you got"

Varvei gave a yawn and turned over, she was currently lying in the training yard enjoying the evening sun

"They"re still at it..."

She looked over at the crowd of guards that had gathered around the training field where Mars and Juliet were sparring, they had been at it for a couple of hours now so she decided to take a look and got up from the blanket she was laying on and walked over, after pus.h.i.+ng through the crowd she arrived at the forefront and saw Mars and Juliet fighting each other

"No that"s not right... Mars is playing with her..."

Varvei gave a sigh as he watched the high speed exchanges that kicked up dirt on the training field, she was only just able to follow the fight with her eyes and could quickly see that Juliet had no change to beat Mars and gave a yawn before stepped onto the training field while her tail wiped from side to side before she called out

"Mars, stop playing around and accompany me shopping for a bit"

Mars paused and eventually came to a stop and looked a little apologetic towards Juliet before he spoke

"We"ll stop here for today"

Juliet bowed down and spoke

"Yes governor, please enjoy"

Mars gave a nod and turned to Varvei that wore a sweet smile and presented his arm which she soon grabbed then he asked

"Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... let"s just stroll around for bit"


Mars left the training ground arm in arm with Varvei and as soon as he was out of sight the guards that had been watching the fight approached Juliet, one of the normal guards asked her

"How come you got so strong so quickly Juliet?"

Juliet gave a forced smile and shook her head, even if she told them the tale they would not believe her anyway, after all she had only just returned from another realm where flesh eating demons roamed around and hunted each other, while she didn"t know exactly how long she had spent there she knew it was over a year... Who would believe that? Then one of the elite guards spoke out with awe

"Let me be the first to welcome you to the elite guard Juliet"

Juliet shock her head and spoke

"I am afraid I won"t be joining the elite guard as I already have been given a new position by the governor"

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