Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Lan Qi Zuo Ren (藍旗左衽).
Translated by: Yujuan

The little band of people followed, pa.s.sing through the streets and buildings to arrive by the outskirts. The dragonfly halted before an empty building in one corner of the road.

Feng Ping Lan gazed at the building in front of him, recognizing it as the abandoned hospital they had fought Mang Nao in.

"We"re here." Liu Yi Chen tore off the incantation, "What"s our plan?"

"We go in and save the guy first. I already know what to do." Feng Ping Lan took in a deep breath, silently making a decision to himself. He turned to look at his companions, "Um, are you all sure you want to come with me?"

"To be honest with you, I don"t really want to. But Igor"s already come along, so I can only follow." Ivan glared at Igor exasperatedly, "Doormat…"

Igor reached out a hand, patting Ivan"s head.


"I"m willing to help Ping Lan." Su Li Wan smiled subtly, "Ping Lan is my friend."

Feng Ping Lan felt a little touched, "Thank you, I"m so— aiyo!" He was unexpectedly whacked on the head, "Why did you hit me!"

"Can you shut it with your sentimentalities?!" Liu Yi Chen said irritably, "Do you realize how much of that sounded like something you say before you die? If you get any more narcissistic, I"ll take care of those things between your legs!"

"Yesyesyes…" Feng Ping Lan hurriedly conformed to her, shutting his mouth wisely.

"Are you coming along too?" Liu Yi Chen asked Zong Yu, "We don"t have much to do with each other, and honestly, the way you talk is a little nauseating. It"s already pretty benevolent of you to help us to this point, so no one"s blaming you if you want to leave."

"…I have always wanted to dissect a complete demon," Zong Yu said languidly, "But I"ve always been prevented from doing so. Everyone says that I"m wasting precious resources…" The gloomy tips of his mouth curled up into an eager and tyrannical smile, "I finally have a chance to attempt it, so I obviously can"t miss this, xixixi…"

"You sound pretty cool and mighty saying all this before the fight, but the point is that you have to win." Liu Yi Chen humphed, "If you win, doesn"t matter if you want to turn a demon into your spoils or a side-dish."

"Since n.o.body is leaving, let"s go!"

Feng Ping Lan"s group entered cautiously. The abandoned hospital was pitch dark, but they found Kaido"s location in no time at all.

They arrived at the lounge to hear a whole stream of mumblings. A purple haired figure stood on the spiral staircase of the hall.

"Are you really a Summoner?"

"Where is your Contract?"

"Who is he?"

"Why aren"t you answering? I haven"t cut your throat out yet, have I?"

A person was dangling on the banister of the staircase, head lowered, drooping helplessly. His clothes were full of slashes, with streaks of blood on them.


Jiu Shao heard the cry. Turning, he furrowed his brows when he saw the newcomers.

Kaido lifted his head, looking startled, but immediately returned to his usual fierce self.

"What are you all doing here…" A hoa.r.s.e voice travelled out from Kaido"s throat.

Jiu Shao parroted his words.

"That"s right, why are you here? To save him? Or to kill him?"

"Ah, wait a minute."

"There is a smell of an incantation. You really are Summoners…"

Jiu Shao smiled, "That"s great, it saves up a lot of my time. I will capture all of you, and take you to the Third Prince!"

He clapped his hands, and at the same time, his purple hair defied gravity and twisted up in the air, as if it had a life of its own.

"Brace yourselves!" Liu Yi Chen warned.

Jiu Shao clapped his hands once again, his hair lengthening, cracking towards where Feng Ping Lan and the others were like a whip.

The hair-whip violently beat down, a deep crack appearing on the floor.

Looking at it carefully, that bundle of hair had transformed into a stone-like awl, fully covered with suction pads containing thorns.

The group ducked away, summoning their weapons one by one.

Ivan"s arms were crossed in front of himself, and when they released, an addition of two blades had appeared in his hands. He turned, paring off the hard thorns into countless chunks.

Igor snapped off a brooch that was shaped like an arrow, and the arrow enlarged instantaneously into the usual size that one used.

He nimbly avoided Jiu Shao"s attacks, lightly jumping to the high platform far away.

"Ivan, arrow."

"Here." Ivan raised both his arms, then slammed down both sides, about ten or so arrows shooting Igor"s way.

Igor drew the arrows out of the air, firing at Jiu Shao consecutively at inhuman speed.

Su Li Wan took out her red string, which knotted into a net. It coiled around the awl, blocking it from advancing, unceasingly tightening, finally breaking the rock-hard awl into two.

Feng Ping Lan could help but sigh in praise. "Wow, awesome!"

They were so strong! Completely different from when they were training on the rooftops of Shadow Academy!

Perhaps… They had a chance of winning!

During drills, the Shadow Academy"s students would not display all of their abilities. One of the reasons was to avoid letting too many people know of their manner of fighting, and another was because some of their techniques were too powerful, and had a wide scope area, which would cause heavy injuries if not controlled properly.

This was actual combat, and they had no qualms and limits. The only rule was to find a way to survive and win.

Jiu Shao knitted his brows.

"It seems to be getting a little troublesome."

"Let"s get this over with."

Jiu Shao clapped his hands once more.

The hair a.s.sembled together, then separating into eight great bundles. Jiu Shao also split himself up, turning into eight identical clones.

Jiu Shao"s clones locked on to their target, planning on defeating Feng Ping Lan"s group one on one.

Ivan and Igor were attacked by two clones.

"Aren"t you a demon?"

Jiu Shao spoke as he exchanged blows with Ivan.

"That spell you cast earlier was a demon"s."

"Is your Summoner the one that looks exactly like you?"

"That"s right." Ivan grinned as he faced off the clone, raising his hand at the same time. His hand advanced towards his own neck, hitting the clone sneaking up behind him with a piercing blow.

"The Third Prince hates Summoners. He also hates Contracts…" The clone behind him said.

"It isn"t even our choice to be summoned or given a contract." Ivan smiled wryly.

"If you really feel wronged as you say, why do you look so happy?" The clone in front of him asked.

"Have you started feeling something for the human that has enslaved you?" The clone behind him spoke.

Ivan"s body leaned to the side, and the short blades in both his hands shot into the clones" throats. "You talk too much!"

Liu Yi Chen had summoned a Western sword, but just as she was in the process of getting continuously forced back by a clone, she became enraged, sticking the sword into the ground.

"Given up already?" Jiu Shao"s clone tilted its head to ask.

"Given up my a.s.s!" Liu Yi Chen pulled out some playing cards, and they instantly transformed into a gigantic iron hammer, the handle about 1.5 metres in length. "I just can"t stand that sissy weapon!" With that she raised the hammer, ferociously slamming it down.

The clone"s shoulder was struck, denting into an unnatural hole.

"What a violent woman…"

"Could she actually be a man?"

"I can be even more violent." Liu Yi Chen flicked one card onto the floor, and when she stepped on it, both legs were enveloped in a green light.

She rushed forth a few steps, using the hammer"s handle as an axis to prop her body up. With a twist, she gave the clone"s head a perfect 180 kick.

She had enhanced her legs and shoes, making them as strong as iron.

After being hit, the clone"s head warped and turned, his entire being looking like a thoroughly kneaded lump of clay, but it returned to its original state not long after.

"It hurts…" Jiu Shao sniffled as he complained.

On another side, Zong Yu was in the middle of a battle with another clone.

"There is a strange scent on your body…"

"A human, but with the faint aura of a demon. Moreover, the odor is very mixed up."

"What do look like on the inside?" Zong Yu gripped his darts, staring unblinkingly at the clone, "Is every clone the same? Or is the heart distributed in a different body?"

He tossed out the darts, blocking Jiu Shao"s attacks.

"I want to see…" He stepped forward, stabbing a sharp dark into Jiu Shao"s abdomen, slicing downwards.

"You might be a little disappointed." As the hole in Jiu Shao"s stomach was pulled wider, it immediately split into two.

"How annoying…" Zong Yu frowned, muttering resentfully.

Su Li Wan flexibly controlled the red string, which morphed into all kinds of shapes in a short period of time. One moment it was a protective net, another a coiling into an offensive chain to wring her enemy.

"Your attacks are quite unpredictable."

Su Li Wan replied gracefully, "Thank you. You are also a respectable opponent."

"I don"t understand. Why are you taking such unnecessary actions?" Jiu Shao looked at the string around him, which coiled and tightened complicatedly. "Is there a meaning in tying me like this?"

The corners of Su Li Wan"s lips hooked up, smiling profoundly, "I take delight in it."

Feng Ping Lan moved behind the pillars, blocking Jiu Shao"s attacks using them.

"Hey, take this!" He took advantage in an opening, shooting several nails at Jiu Shao.

Jiu Shao avoided them easily, chasing quickly over.

Feng Ping Lan threw down several thumbtacks and starch paste.

"Oh… I hate this…"

Jiu Shao"s feet were sticky with starch paste and fell over, right on top of the thumbtacks. He muttered complaints as he climbed up, slapping the thumbtacks off his body, not a hair out of place.

"Tsk…" Feng Ping Lan inwardly wrung his hands.

As expected, a normal weapon was useless against a demon. If only he had Quetzal"s sword in his hands…

Jiu Shao shot attacks at Feng Ping Lan, leisurely looking at the other haggardly struggle to return the attacks.

"Are you really a Summoner?" He asked curiously.

"You guess! You"ll know the answer when I seal you off!"

"Why aren"t you using a spell?"

"I"ll only use it when it"s the right time to do it! I will seal you!"

"You weapon"s a little weird…"

"Your weapon is weird! Tentacles and clones?"

"If you are an ordinary human, why are you here?"

Feng Ping Lan paused for a moment, "To protect those important to me!"

"…How nice." Jiu Shao muttered under his breath, "If you really are a Summoner, I wish you were my master…"

The Summoner apprentices gave all their all to attack Jiu Shao, but although they succeeded in hitting him, Jiu Shao quickly recovered from it.

The battle continued to draw out, and the Summoner apprentices who were without their Contract entered a bitter struggle, gradually turning disadvantageous for them. Even Ivan had trouble with his limited powers, and got tired not long after.

"Don"t drag this on any longer."

"I don"t like killing people, but that doesn"t mean I won"t do it."

Jiu Shao warned. He glanced at Kaido.

"That one seems to be an outsider. I can"t seem to ask anything out of him."

"Out of all of you, who is in the know?"

The crowd exchanged glances, and n.o.body replied.

"I was the one who sealed Ci Mu and Mang Nao!" Feng Ping Lan abruptly admitted.

Liu Yi Chen and the others widened their eyes, not understanding why Feng Ping Lan was doing this.

Jiu Shao knitted his brows, "You don"t look like it."

"That"s because I hide it very well. Although I"m weak at fighting, I"m really good at hiding my ident.i.ty."

"It really seems so. You look like an ordinary human."

"Then, what did you do to Mang Nao and the others?"

"I sealed off Mang Nao and Ci Mu, they aren"t here." Feng Ping Lan ad-libbed, "Not only Mang Nao and Ci Mu. I also subdued a demon named Quetzal."

"How could you defeat Quetzal with your strength?"

"They were battling with Mang Nao right then, and they were grievously injured after the battle. Moreover, Quetzal"s contract seemed to have weakened, which consumed his strength, which was how we had an opening…"

"Is that so… So Prince Shuekan wasn"t with them?"

"There wasn"t a demon called Shuekan." Feng Ping Lan said calmly, "I sealed them off in a hidden place, a little distance away from here, in an abandoned temple on the mountain next to the city. I"ll bring you there, so please let all of us go."

Liu Yi Chen, who stood by the side, suddenly understood Feng Ping Lan"s plan.

He wanted to become bait, luring Jiu Shao away from here, at the same time divulging the location so that later on when they found reinforces they knew where to save him.

Feng Ping Lan had said this just when they were at a disadvantage, succeeding in creating an atmosphere with enough hopelessness that they had to ask for a compromise, increasing their persuasiveness.

How daring. There was a chance of success…

The group stared anxiously at Jiu Shao and Feng Ping Lan, watching the events that were about to come with rapt attention.

"That doesn"t sound bad, but how do I know if this isn"t a trap?" Purple hair coiled, pulling Kaido down, "He comes along. One more hostage will do. Since he has no way of resisting, this is just right."

"No way, Kaido has to stay here! I"ll be enough."

Kaido opened his swollen eyes, looking at Feng Ping Lan.

"How touching."

"Ah, only humans will do such an uncomprehending act."

"How enviable…"

"Alright, then it"s like this. You"ll bring me to where Ci Mu and Mang Nao are…"

Jiu Shao"s eight clones a.s.sembled into one.

The main body"s appearance was a little damaged, but not enough to be critical. The injuries received by the clones would appear once they gathered back into the main body.

Feng Ping Lan rejoiced inwardly, and the others also displayed joyful expressions.

Just as they had thought the plan was advancing successfully, JIu Shao suddenly halted.

"That"s right, I suddenly remembered something."

"Mang Nao and Ci Mao are already dead. Why did you say that you sealed them off?"

The group"s hearts sank.

Oh no, they had been seen through!

"The Third Prince put a spell on me. If I"m in my original form, I can"t tell any lies."

"So I hate anyone that tells lies!"

Jiu Shao"s hair formed into countless sharp thorns, targeting them at Feng Ping Lan.

Sprawled at the side, Kaido took advantage of this, using his very last strength to push Jiu Shao away, fishing out the necklace in his pockets to fling it at Feng Ping Lan.

Feng Ping Lan didn"t have time to hesitate, extending his hand on reflex to grab it, then waving downwards.


The crystal transformed into a jet-black sword.

Jiu Shao frowned, looking at the sword in Feng Ping Lan"s hands.

"Ah, just this, this hateful aura…"

"Quetzal"s aura!"

Jiu Shao"s hair-whip brutally struck against Feng Ping Lan.

Feng Ping Lan waved the sword, battling Jiu Shao with strenuous effort.

Quetzal"s sword was fairly incisive, and even holding it he could feel the immense power coming from it. But although he knew the power was in his hands, he did not know how to use it.

A precious sword filled with demonic power was just an ordinary sword in his hands. It was no different from a blade brought from the marketplace.

Feng Ping Lan returned the attacks, vexed and thwarted.

If only he could use Quetzal"s power…

If only he was just like the other Summoners, who knew how to borrow another"s power…

His mind suddenly resounded with the explanation for magic ability.

The methods of taking a demon"s power were complicated, incomprehensible to him. Wasn"t there a simpler method to do it?

His mind flashed with an idea.

—Bound by the fetters of Summoning circle and the conditions from the contract, the demons" powers were restricted to an area. Summoners needed to unseal the key to the fetters, drawing the power out of that area.

But. There wasn"t a Summoning circle between he and Quetzal, nor a constraining condition binding them together.

If there wasn"t the existence of the room limiting their powers, what was there to unseal?

Didn"t that mean that if he wanted to take it, he didn"t need to go through the spells and procedures, and simply use it?

Feng Ping Lan gripped his sword, feeling out Quetzal"s presence, shouting inwardly.


Lend me your power!


In the distance. The cla.s.sroom of Shadow 1A.

Even after the bell signifying the start of the period, there were still many empty seats in the cla.s.s.

Yin Su Shuang looked at the seven empty seats before him, his face extremely gloomy.

"Feng Ping Lan, Su Li Wan, Liu Yi Chen, Ivan, Igor, Zong Yu, and Kaido." Yin Su Shuang asked the students below him, "Does anybody know where they have gone?"

"Ping Lan said he was going to buy reference books with Su Li Wan after school…" Dongya contemplated. "I wonder if the others had accompanied them?"

"If it were only the first six, that"d be fine." Morris spoke, "But Kaido"s name was in there, so it can"t be anything good."

The crowd"s gaze turned to Tan Hua.

"Kaido said that there were some matters to attend to after school. He forbid me from going along, and also forbid me from asking anymore…"

Just as the ones present entered a mess of confusion, Quetzal"s heart palpitated slightly.

At the same time, he felt his right hand warm.

Lowering his head, he saw the place where he had made the contract with Feng Ping Lan, bright red patterns appearing on his skin.


Faintly discernible calls floated in his mind.

Lend me…

At the sudden voice in his head, Quetzal was slightly astonished.

Was he hearing things, or was this a spell sent by someone to perturb his thoughts?

He knitted his eyebrows, left hand touching the patterns on his right hand. An image flashed through his eyes.

Feng Ping Lan and the other students were in the abandoned hospital, battling with Jiu Shao.

One of the Third Prince"s soldiers had come? Why had he sought out Feng Ping Lan? Why were the other students with him? Why wasn"t Feng Ping Lan asking help from them?

Although it was just a flash, he perplexingly understood what was happening at this moment. What he did not understand, though, was how this had happened, and countless questions flashed through his mind.

The only thing he was sure of, was that Feng Ping Lan was in danger!

Suddenly, a distinct voice caught hold of his thoughts.

—Quetzal, help me!

Quetzal frowned.

…How do I help? He asked back.

A call for help rang through his head once again.


Lend me your power!

Quetzal froze, looking at the marks on the back of his hand.

He felt like the marks of the contract at the back of his hand was like a gateway, one end of a gateway, and someone was using all his might to pound on the gate; on the other end, his power was faintly stirring, echoing the pleas on that end.

He could feel Feng Ping Lan"s existence, just like how he could feel Prince Shuekan"s existence. In the connection between two souls, it let him know of the other"s predicament and desire.

At the same time, the recital of the contract"s incantation floated through his mind.

I serve use to you, you serve use to me.

Take it.

Quetzal replied in his heart.

Fight for yourself.

He closed his eyes, letting the thoughts of his soul enter deep silence. He could feel the warmth of his hand flowing out of his body, and the power from the other end of the gateway poured out, received by the body on the other end.

After the light of the patterns dimmed, he opened his eyes, standing.

"What is it?" Yin Su Shuang glared as he asked, "Do you know where they are?"

"He is fighting…"


"Feng Ping Lan. The others are also there."

Tan Hua looked concerned, and even the usually-haughty Zhong Xian raised his head.

"Against who?"

"The Third Prince"s subordinate, Jiu Shao."

"How do you know this?"

"…The shadow blade that I gave Feng Ping Lan. It transmitted the information of the battle." Quetzal did not give him the real reason.

One of the reasons was that he did not wish to let anyone else know that he and Feng Ping Lan had this connection between them, and another was because he had never heard of such a thing before either.

Before he got a clear answer to it, he wouldn"t let others know of this secret.

Yin Su Shuang"s face darkened. He tore off one corner of a page, flicking it out. The paper pulled apart in the air, turning into a simple gull-shaped origami, before flying off to the other staff members to report this information.

"Take me there."

Quetzal started leading the way, and Yin Su Shuang, Dongya, Tan Hua and the others followed behind him. Even Zhong Xian had come along.

"I thought you wouldn"t care if that girl lived or died." Morris looked at Zhong Xian, smiling lightly.

"None of your business…"

As they walked down the stairs, Yerde joined the little party.

"One might as well has’t a leadeth’r. Thy s’rvant salutes thee. "

"Any more of that rubbish, and you might just help bury your master by the end of the day."

Just as Feng Ping Lan struggled against Jiu Shao"s attacks, a sudden rush of power poured out of his palm.

He could feel the connection between him and his own weapon, resounding with him. As if he was the maker of the weapon, he had the capabilities of freely wielding this sword.

He started to strike back.

Gradually, Jiu Shao"s expression was no longer calm and unhurried, and started looking serious.

The two was actually equally matched.

"You seem to act a little like a Summoner now."

"Why didn"t you display this kind of power before this?"

"That"s because every protagonist leaves the counterattack to the most crucial moment!" Feng Ping Lan replied with a smile.

"If that"s really the reason, I"ll really beat you up later!" Liu Yi Chen propped her body up, roaring furiously at him, at the same time joining the fray. The others also squeezed out the last of their strength to fight Jiu Shao.

Feng Ping Lan manipulated the sword to all his heart"s content. With the added demonic powers, it was much more effective than a normal weapon, and every time he cut down it would create the electrical crackling caused by a demon"s strike.

Although they had gained great support, they lacked the battle experience. There was also the fact that the battle dragged on, and their equal standing could not maintain for long, so Feng Ping Lan"s movements started to become slow and rigid.

"Why are you being so difficult…"

Jiu Shao"s hair-whip gathered into one, flinging effortlessly to slap the attacks away.

"Ugh, whatever, this is just too troublesome."

"I"ll just take the one I was originally going to hand over then."

Jiu Shao"s hair split apart and separated from the main body, purple thorns aiming itself and everyone other and Kaido.

"Bye-bye!" Jiu Shao aimed, and shot at everyone"s hearts!

It was over!

Exhausted, n.o.body had time to dodge, only able to look on as they were pierced through.

But just as the sharp awls were about to hit their bodies, a wooden pestle flew over, savagely cracking them into pieces.


Jiu Shao had no time to react. The wooden pestle revolved over and whacked him on his face, sending him flying.

The Summoner apprentices stood there, staring blankly at where the pestle had come from, only to see Yin Su Shuang walking in with an ugly expression.

"Cla.s.s Advisor!"

"Don"t touch my students." Yin Su Shuang threatened coldly.

Jiu Shao dizzily sat up.

"How hateful, who is it this time?"

"A Summoner? Why are there so many Summoners…"

"Not just Summoners."

Behind Yin Su Shuang were Yerde and the other Contracts.

When Jiu Shao saw Quetzal and the others, the weeping expression turned even more tragic, looking like he seriously wanted to cry.

"Aiya… I"m so unlucky…"

"I didn"t think the Twelfth Prince"s trusted aides would become the Summoners" dogs…"

"I’m done for."

"I want to run."

"It would be nice if I could run…"

Jiu Shao"s hair split out again into eight clones, the look on every face having an aggrieved and sorrowful expression. He was very obviously reluctant, but still struck back against the reinforcements, fighting a hopeless battle. Because the Third Prince had set a spell, that forbid any of his subordinates from fleeing during a battle.

Even if it there was no odds of success, he still had to be sentenced to death.

Faced with nine Contracts and one Summoner, Jiu Shao"s attacks held no effect, and the eight clones were quickly forced into defeat.

"I hate this…"

"I want to switch into a much gentler master, one that treats me better…"

Jiu Shao let out a final grumble, then did not say any more.

On the ground, lay a skinny purple-haired corpse.

Tan Hua hurried over to Kaido"s side, supporting him up and treating his wounds.

"Now that we"ve taken out the foreign trash, it"s time to clean up our own." Yin Su Shuang"s gaze glared at Feng Ping Lan and the others, "Would you explain to me, just why are you all here?"


The group exchanged glances, not knowing what to say. In the end, Liu Yi Chen spoke as the cla.s.s representative, explaining the entire sequence of events.

The more Yin Su Shuang listened, the more his forehead tightened.

"Not even a Level 5 student, and yet you dare to battle a soldier of the Royal Clan…" His deathly pale face turned ashen, and if he wasn"t speaking right now, they would a.s.sume he was a corpse.

"Sorry, Cla.s.s Advisor…" Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, "Cla.s.s Advisor was so cool! If there wasn"t a sword in my hand, I would definitely clap my hands for you. But anyhow, just because we have such a powerful, bada.s.s cla.s.s advisor, it was why we dared to fight Jiu Shao! We put ourselves in danger, just to see Cla.s.s Advisor"s heroic battles! Just "cause we are rabid fanatics of you, Cla.s.s Advisor!"

"Enough, shut up!" Yin Su Shuang flew into a coughing fit, looking like he would suddenly collapse, "You"ll take responsibility for what happened today. Your punishment will be given to you later!" With that, he turned and left.

Feng Ping Lan looked at Yin Su Shuang"s back, letting out a sigh of relief in his heart.

But when he turned his head, he faced six questioning looks glaring at him.

Feng Ping Lan looked at the six demons, forcing out an awkward laugh. "Sorry, I got saved by you guys again…"

"Why didn"t you ask us for help when you got challenged by Kaido?" Morris cut in.

"I didn"t want to give all of you any more trouble." Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, "Since it was me Kaido was looking for, this was a personal matter."

"What about Jiu Shao? Do you think you"re hot stuff, going up against Jiu Shao alone?" Conglong opened fire next. "Do you know how many holes there were in your idiotic plan? If anything went wrong, don"t you realize you could have died?"

"You"re so stupid." Byriel shook his head, "What do you think we joined Shadow Academy for? It was to drag them down with us. Who cares if the Third Prince comes calling? The Summoners here will help us take care of them, hehehe…"

"You were too impulsive." Dongya shook his head.

"I know, I know." Feng Ping Lan smiled and waved it off, waiting until the tense atmosphere had decreased slightly to erase the smile, "But, that was my decision. Since I"ve stepped into this world, I have to have the awareness to face everything that comes with it."

He paused after saying this, smiling a little embarra.s.sedly, "Besides, I"m always giving all of you trouble, so I wanted to at least contribute something in a crucial moment, hehehe…"

Quetzal looked at Feng Ping Lan, realizing that there was a faint sort of loneliness in his eyes.

He recalled back on the words Feng Ping Lan had said to him back in his room.

"Have I caused trouble for you?"


Quetzal felt a little complicated.

Many unfamiliar emotions, ones that shouldn"t be manifested for Feng Ping Lan, rubbed and mixed together, and like a needle, it secretly pierced through the freezing ice enveloping his heart.

Quetzal said lowly, "…I do not approve of your methods. There were too many leaks, too many holes, too many unnecessary sacrifices."

"Yesyesyes…" Feng Ping Lan lowered his head, displaying a repentant expression.

Quetzal was silent for a while, before speaking again, "But I laud your bravery…"

Feng Ping Lan violently lifted his head, looking disbelievingly at Quetzal.

"It gives us trouble when you are here." Quetzal continued, "But without you, it will trouble us more."

Feng Ping Lan had both hands covering his mouth, sucking in a breath. He was elated and surprised as if he had won first place for a beauty contest.

"Goodness! Quetzal praised me!" Feng Ping Lan shouted and jumped for joy, "Say it one more time, I want to record it on my phone! I"ll listen to it every day! Quetzal, say it one more time! Especially that one phrase where it"ll be more troubling if I"m not here! Ahh my goodness! I can feel my ear o.r.g.a.s.ming even by just thinking about it! Quetzal—"

Quetzal cooled his face, a wave of his hand, and the shadows on the floor rose up. He fled back to the shadows and immediately distanced himself, fed up with Feng Ping Lan"s brainless words.

Feng Ping Lan had been planning on asking Quetzal of the sudden gain of power during the battle, on whether Quetzal had heard his cry for help or not, on whether Quetzal had lent his power to him, but he was already gone. There was also the fact that there were still many matters unsolved, which led him to dumping the question at the back of his mind for now.

In one corner of the abandoned hospital.

With the treatment Tan Hua provided, Kaido had regained a little strength. He sat up, obstinately letting Tan Hua take care of his physical wounds.

"Why did you not summon me?" Tan Hua said with a hint of bitterness as she wrapped his injuries.

Kaido was silent.

"Because you do not trust me? If you are not satisfied, you can always request the clan head to replace me…"

Kaido spit, opening his mouth reluctantly.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d kept on muttering to himself, about how he was a subordinate of the Third Prince, saying that the Third Prince wanted to root out the subordinates of the other princes to establish an empire."

"So?" Tan Hua didn"t understand.

"…I remember you saying that you were once a subordinate of a member of the Royal Clan… So, you are also their target." So, he wasn"t willing to summon Tan Hua, not willing to land Tan Hua into danger…

He was her master, and only third-rate masters led their subordinates into danger. He wouldn"t sink so low.

Tan Hua looked at Kaido, staring blankly for a while, then smiled very gently.

"Young Master Kaido, the Second Prince that I served has long-since died in battle. His soldiers are no longer their objective…" She said quietly, "In addition, my current master is you1. You are the reason why I exist, and I will only fight for you."

Kaido did not give an answer, because in the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure.

"Kaido, are you alright?" Feng Ping Lan came to check up on him with Su Li Wan and Liu Yi Chen by his side.

"Don"t come near me." Kaido sneered in disdain, "I don"t need your pity. Don"t think that I"ll apologize."

"Watch your att.i.tude!" Liu Yi Chen roared in fury, shocking Kaido a little, "If Feng Ping Lan didn"t insist on saving you, you would be turned into dregs by that purple tentacle-freak by now! To h.e.l.l with your arrogance! You owe Feng Ping Lan your life! Even if he tells you to kneel and lick his feet, you should gladly do as he says!"

"That"s what he decided on his own, I didn"t ask him to save me!" Kaido shot back, holding on to his bad temper.

Liu Yi Chen stomped on Kaido"s wounds, and he couldn"t hold back a cry of pain.

"C-Cla.s.s Rep! Calm down!"


"Xiao Liu, what is this?" Yerde walked to where Liu Yi Chen and the others were. When he saw the giant hammer in her hands, he let out a disapproving look, "Why are you holding such a vulgar weapon?"

Liu Yi Chen looked at Yerde, shrinking back on reflex, "I… I…"

"What"s so bad about a hammer? Cla.s.s Rep is seriously cool with a hammer!" Feng Ping Lan smiled, "Awe-inspiring presence, n.o.ble aspirations, just like the Amazon Princess!"

"A graceful maiden might not but not act as such." Yerde objected, "A wise and chariest mistress is a valorous matcheth f’r a n.o.bleman. The lady might not but becometh a dignifi’d mistress, not a malapert warri’r."

"But that"s not what I"m actually like!" Liu Yi Chen couldn"t help but speak out.

Yerde frowned at Liu Yi Chen, seemingly not believing that she would b.u.t.t in.

"Xiao Liu?"

Liu Yi Chen clenched her teeth, pressing forward.

"This is what I"m like. Don"t try to turn me into someone else." She looked at Yerde staunchly, "I am not my mother, and the one you are contracted to is not my mother. So, you should try to get used to my personality."

Yerde stared at Liu Yi Chen for a long while, sighing.

"I have always been opposed to her being with Liu Chao Yu." Yerde gave a despising look, "Your uncouthness, impulsiveness, stubbornness are all inherited from your father"s side."

Liu Yi Chen tried to object, but Yerde muttered unhurriedly, "But that blunt and resolute look in your eyes, is just like your mother"s…"

"Yerde…" A look of grat.i.tude rose up in Liu Yi Chen"s eyes, but seemed a little disturbed. She wanted to apologize, wanted to thank him, but before she could speak, she was cut off by Yerde.

"Responsibility might not but beest upheld f’r this disast’r. Thee gents has’t to taketh the duty to cov’r up the tracks." Yerde commanded Liu Yi Chen, "You art to sup’rvise, and musn"t beest remiss. "


Yerde nodded his head, gazing at Liu Yi Chen for a moment, looking a little unwilling, and also a little unreconciled, and turned away after a long sigh.

With that, Feng Ping Lan"s group stayed behind to clear up, returning the destruction back to its original state, aso erasing traces of the battle, Jiu Shao"s corpse and aura. They left after making sure they had destroyed all the evidence.

Feng Ping Lan looked at his watch, "There"re still 40 minutes before cla.s.s ends, wanna go back? I"m a little hungry…"

"Planning to skip cla.s.s?" Liu Yi Chen raised her voice.

"Uh, sorry."

Liu Yi Chen was about to reprimand Feng Ping Lan, but gave up just as she opened her mouth, "Whatever, I don"t feel like going either. Let"s go get some supper."

"Yay!" Feng Ping Lan cheered.

"That"s right." Ivan said curiously, "I"ve always been wanting to ask this. If Kaido had won, what were you planning on gifting him?"

"Ah, it’s nothing really. All of that"s pa.s.sed, so let"s not look into it anymore…"

"I"m quite curious myself. What exactly this complimentary gift along with us six demons is, hehehe…" Byriel wasn’t going to let Feng Ping Lan off so easily.

"Aiyo, it"s really nothing…"

"Spit it out!" Conglong berated, "You have no right to refuse!"

Feng Ping Lan realized that he had no way of escaping this, and awkwardly scratched his head, "That gift was actually me!"

Everyone was shocked, "What?"

"If I really lost you guys, why not just join in as well, this way we wouldn"t really be separated!" Feng Ping Lan smiled bashfully, "I was really prepared to give all my heart and soul to Kaido that I give out this condition, you know." He winked at Kaido.

Kaido, who had been standing quietly by the side, gave a little shiver.

"Aren"t you glad that you lost? Hehehe…" Byriel mocked him.

Kaido ignored him, but inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

"What kind of lame idea was that!"

"Only you would think of this to solve things."



Morris and Conglong rebuked him repeatedly, and even Simo and Dongya could not help but shake their heads.

But, their hearts felt a little warm, an incredibly soft feeling…

"Point is, I don"t want to be separated from you guys!"

Up until then, Tan Hua has been using the formal "you" (您) to call Kaido. Now she uses the informal one, 你 here.

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