Sorry for the delay! I actually finished translating this yesterday, but I was so exhausted I left this chapter for today. Anyway, volume 3! Start!

Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Lan Qi Zuo Ren (藍旗左衽).
Translated by: Yujuan

Powerful killing intent seeped out of Kaido. His expression was ugly, gripping the brown broom in his hands as if he was gripping a sword.

Su Li Wan gingerly covered her nose with a handkerchief, looking incredibly wan. Zong Yu"s face was gloomier than usual.

Ivan pinched his nose, grumbling unhappily, "It stinks! I don"t want to clean this!"

Igor patted Ivan"s shoulder comfortingly, serene and unperturbed as he usually was.

Liu Yi Chen wrinkled her brow, muttering a few crude curses under her breath, "If I ever find out who did this, I"ll tear out his d.i.c.k using a thumbtack…"

"I"m sure there"s a fair reason for this." Feng Ping Lan laughed dryly, but choked as he said this, his expression looking a little rigid.

They were located at Building C of Zephaniah Academy"s school building, in the male restrooms of the second floor. At ten in the evening, the nightly lessons of Shadow Academy had already concluded.

"The equipment is stored in the last room. If you need any extra tools, report to Seno at the teacher"s lounge. He"s on night duty." Yin Su Shuang announced impatiently outside the toilets, "Quicken your pace, you have an entire building of toilets to clean."

"Why do we have to do this kind of work?!" Ivan argued plaintively, expression bitter.

Yin Su Shuang answered indifferently, with knitted eyebrows, "Those who break the school rules will receive the appropriate punishment. Any more questions?"

"I thought this punishment would be more Summoner-like." Feng Ping Lan smiled forcefully, "Like casting spells on us, or making us destroy lower-level demons or something." Who could have guessed that it was the toilets.

They had received the notice tonight, on the previous incident with Kaido. One of the penalties was to clean all the restrooms in Building C after they were let off from Shadow Academy.

For some reason, Building C was the dirtiest area in the entire school building. Other than the commonly-used cla.s.srooms, which were regularly cleaned, the rest of the public area was pretty filthy.

"It"d be too troublesome to cast spells on you…" Yi Su Shuang frowned, humphing disapprovingly, "Of course, I"d be entirely too willing to throw a rupturing curse on all of you and be done with it. But if I hurt you all, the higher-ups in the a.s.sociation will nag at us nonstop. We have to give corporal punishment, but also take care of your safety. It"s too troublesome."

"What about detention? Writing lines?" Su Li Wan suggested quietly.

"That"s wasting too much of the Earth"s resources, and I don"t want to see hypocritical words in a written repentance without rhyme or reason." Yin Su Shuang smiled cruelly, "It"s a different matter with cleaning the toilets. It saves plenty of our manpower, and effectively humiliates all of you. What is there not to be happy about? Besides, your guardians have all agreed on this disciplinary action. You do not need to waste any more of your breath."

"Why did you have to contact our families… How embarra.s.sing." Ivan pouted, "Do you know how long those old coots lectured us on the phone? They"re so annoying. Really, we got dragged into it even though we weren"t the main culprits…"

Kaido glared at him viciously after hearing this.

Ivan feigned terror and hid behind Igor"s back, but a provoking smile arose in his eyes.

Su Li Wan sighed. She had also gone through a whole round of scolding when she had gone home for the weekend. Liu Yi Chen and Zong Yu didn"t react much, mostly because they had long since regarded others" criticism as mere wind by their ears.

Feng Ping Lan did not speak, head quietly lowered.

Yin Su Shuang had contacted his brother, but the reason had been "skipping cla.s.s"."

He was an ordinary human that had been dragged into this world through a number of circ.u.mstances. Everything the Shadow Academy was, including the existence of Summoners, were all secrets that he couldn"t tell his family. He couldn"t make his family worry for him either. Yin Su Shuang had also told him that the Shadow Academy wanted to maintain secrecy, and if it ever came to a point that his ident.i.ty was revealed, it would be when Feng Ping Lan had become a full-fledged Summoner. Before that happened, the less his family knew about this, the safer it would be for them.

A full-fledged Summoner… He actually had to have a Contract by his side to become one… Feng Ping Lan smiled bitterly.

He had gotten into trouble not even two weeks into the school term. Feng Jing Lan had at least called over when he had been thrown out of the school dorms, but now he hadn"t even received a single phone call for this incident.

Feng Jing Lan had not reacted in the slightest. No concern, no questions, no reproach nor reprimand. Nothing. This let him breathe a sigh of relief, but also made him feel a little frustrated.

Feng Ping Lan shook his head, stamping all those thoughts into a black box deep at the bottom of his heart. When he lifted his head, he smiled.

Hahaha, this was great! Who had freedom like he had? He wouldn"t be scolded when he did something wrong. He could become whatever he wanted, a Summoner or an ordinary human! You"re such a lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Feng Ping Lan!

"I don"t think cleaning toilets is that bad! The weather"s been super hot lately, might as well get a shower to cool down a little! Hahahaha!"

The others looked at Feng Ping Lan in contempt.

Yin Su Shuang shook his head exasperatedly, "Hurry up then, you have to leave at eleven at the latest. You"ll continue tomorrow if you don"t finish today. Find Seno to inspect your progress before you leave. He"s one of the administrators in charge of hygiene."

"That guy"s in charge of hygiene?" Ivan widened his eyes, "He doesn"t look very hygienic himself…"

"The members of the hygienic group are not required to be completely diligent. This way the kind of idiots that break rules will have something to do." Yin Su Shuang turned to leave.

With Yin Su Shuang gone, they all exchanged glances.

"What do we do now?"

This was a punishment given to the rule-breakers, so they couldn"t ask their Contracts to help. Since Ivan had been present on the scene and joined in on their rule-breaking, he was included along with the others too.

"We clean, of course." Liu Yi Chen immediately started allocating jobs, "First we sweep this section of the female and male toilets. Each of us will be responsible for five stalls, the last two to complete it will clean the inner aisle of every stall."

"Alright! Let"s start!" Feng Ping Lan rolled up his sleeves.

By the time they were finished packing their things, it was already eleven o"clock.

Fishing out some seal paper, Kaido sent a message to the teacher"s lounge. Five minutes later, the sound of footsteps traveled from the corridor.

Then, Seno appeared, clad in a white undershirt and boxer shorts.

Seno rubbed his chin, "All done?"

"We"re only finished cleaning this floor"s male toilets." Liu Yi Chen replied. "We can only go after you"re done inspecting."

"Oh, is that so…" Seno nodded, walking into the restroom.

In the next moment, the murmur of a stream of water came from within.

The ones outside stared blankly inside, glancing at each other.

"Is he taking a p.i.s.s?" Ivan said disbelievingly.

The sound of water gradually stopped, then they heard him flushing. Seno stepped out.

"The floor"s very clean, but the bit inside the urinal is a little dirty. Tomorrow, fasten your speed, and work better with the cleaning…" Seno patted Ivan"s shoulder, who was standing right in front of him, "Anyway, must be hard work."

Ivan stared at Seno"s hand, face drooping, "Did you wash your hands!"

"I was just about to wash it." Seno walked toward the sink, pressing the soapbox, a drop of grey-green viscous liquid slowly dripping into his hands. He washed it off indifferently. "…This needs to be changed. Get a refill at the general affairs division tomorrow." Finished washing, he simply flicked his hands, splashing droplets of water onto the students" faces.

All of them breathed in deeply. Some wrinkled their eyebrows in distress, not knowing whether to laugh or cry; some gripped their hands in fists, trying not to bust that sloppy b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s face in.

They did not try to say anything else, though. Everyone wanted to go home, and the quicker they exited this nightmare the better.

All of them went their separate ways. Feng Ping Lan glanced at Kaido, smiling, "Let"s go home together."

Kaido humphed. "No need."

"Aiya, we"re already living together. Even if you try to walk away on your own, we"ll still take the same road home!"

"You go on. We won"t go the same way."

When they reached the school gates, Tan Hua"s elegant form greeted them outside.

Kaido walked toward Tan Hua, easily pa.s.sing his schoolbag to her. She accepted it very naturally.

"Good evening, Young Master Ping Lan." Tan Hua greeted respectfully.

"Hurry up, I"m tired." Kaido urged impatiently.

"Yes." Tan Hua held Kaido"s hand, stepping on the various flowers that had bloomed on the ground, enveloping both her and Kaido.

"You"re using spells to go back?" Feng Ping Lan widened his eyes, "Doesn"t this break the school rules…"

"Who cares." Kaido certainly did not.

Tan Hua looked at Feng Ping Lan, hesitating for a moment, "…Shall I give you a ride, Young Master Ping Lan?"

Kaido frowned. He did not protest, however.

"Oh, no need for that. I want to buy some midnight snacks on my bike, there"s no need to trouble you."

Tan Hua displayed an expression of great pity, and after bowing to Feng Ping Lan, she recited the incantation, and the flowers gradually closed upon them. The moment they shut tight, Kaido and Tan Hua"s figures were long gone.

Feng Ping Lan looked at where they had both stood, shaking his head.

Hopefully, Kaido wouldn"t clash with the others when he reached home… Like what had happened the night before.

Thinking back on that incident, Feng Ping Lan couldn"t help but smile wryly.

Two days ago.

When Feng Ping Lan brought Kaido and Tan Hua back to their house, other than Dongya and Quetzal, who was not present on the scene, the expressions on the others" faces looked like they had seen a broken-down cesspool truck crash into the house and empty all its contents into the place.

"Why does everyone look so serious? A guest"s come to visit, why don"t we liven up the atmosphere a little, hahahaha!" Feng Ping Lan laughed a little weakly.

"So, does this mean we can beat him up as much as we want?" Morris glared at Kaido, clenching his fist, "Other than that, I have absolutely no idea why this b.a.s.t.a.r.d is here."

Kadio tsked defiantly, giving a disdainful smile, "Humph, it"s obvious that you are as stupid as you look."

Morris lunged forward with his sharp claws, and Tan Hua immediately blocked in front of Kaido. She did not take out a weapon, nor put out a barrier, instead simply standing politely and modestly standing before her master.

Morris saw through Tan Hua"s intent, retracting his claws with a scoff, "Tell that brat to wash his mouth clean."

"What, scared to hear the truth?" Kaido added more fuel to the fire.

Morris exploded, "I"ll slaughter this sc.u.mbag!"

"Young Master Kaido—" Tan Hua forced a smile, blocking Morris" movements, at the same time turning her head to give her master a pleading look.

"Aiyaya, I"m liking this guy more and more, hehehe…" Byriel crossed his arms, lazily watching the drama play out.

Kaido used his chin to point at Feng Ping Lan. "If it wasn"t this guy inviting me to stay here, I wouldn"t be in this stupid place! Trash!"

"You"re the trash! —Wait a minute!" Morris paused, "You"re staying here?"

Kaido rolled his eyes, "Why do you think I brought my luggage here?"

"Luggage? I would"ve thought they were little coffins, ready to fit pieces of your corpse!" Morris turned his head to glare at Feng Ping Lan, "You let him stay here? Mm? How dare you, Feng Ping Lan!"

Feng Ping Lan scratched his head in embarra.s.sment, "Um, because Kaido got kicked out of his dorm…"

"Oh, ain"t that great." Conglong cut in.

Feng Ping Lan forced a smile, continuing, "And his family"s not giving him any support, so Kaido doesn"t have a home to go back to. He"s lived in the public park in these past two days!"

"Why didn"t you inform me of such an important thing earlier!" Morris said, full of shock and reproach.

Feng Ping Lan blinked and blinked, "Morris…" Who knew that Morris was such a kind and compa.s.sionate soul… He had originally worried on Kaido not getting along with everybody else, and now it seemed that he had thought too much of it…

"If you had told me earlier, I would have gone straight to the park and slaughtered this evil creature by now. I could have buried his remains in that moss-covered pond long ago." Morris said regretfully.

"Simo… Is not used to outsiders…" Simo objected very quietly.

"Uh…" Feng Ping Lan gave an awkward hollow laugh, shifting his gaze to Byriel, "Um, Byriel, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Byriel sat on the sofa with a lollipop, legs stretched out before him. He glanced languidly at Feng Ping Lan, giving a light laugh, "What I think is that the problem lies on not who you invited, but what made you think you had the right to invite someone over. Don"t you think there are enough uninvited guests in this house? Hehehe…"

With outsiders present, Byriel tactfully dropped the fact Feng Ping Lan, too, was also a guest in this house.

"Uh! I know…" Feng Ping Lan heard the connotation Byriel"s words, elaborating, "But I think that it"s dangerous for Kaido to be outside—" He couldn"t just not care about Kaido…

"Indeed, it"s pretty dangerous to let a wild dog out in the open like that. He might become a menace to the public."

"Calm down, don"t be so vicious!" Feng Ping Lan hurriedly placated, "When he was questioned by Jiu Shao, he didn"t say a word about us. It was until I summoned the sword that Jiu Shao knew about my connection to Quetzal…"

"That was because I didn"t want Tan Hua to get involved! I won"t allow anyone to touch my things! I don"t care if you guys die in a gutter somewhere." Kaiden immediately objected.

Morris shot him a look that said, "You see?"

"Besides, Kaido took on all the responsibility, which is why we didn"t get punished too badly. It was him that got kicked out, and now he doesn"t have anywhere to go."

"That"s his own fault for starting a fight. That"s the responsibility he"s supposed to take." Morris reprimanded, "Even if this incident"s done and over, who can ensure that he won"t do the same thing again? The point is, I don"t trust this guy!"

"If you don"t welcome me, I"ll go! I don"t want to see a group of useless trash anyway!"

"From which pair of eyes do you see us welcoming you?"

"Don"t be like this, haven"t you heard the saying called "today"s enemies can be your friends tomorrow"? Since n.o.body lost anything, how about we all let it go? Let"s all be kind and love one another—"

"Who wants to love this guy!" Morris bellowed.

"Oh! So you just want to love me?" Feng Ping Lan displayed an overwhelmed expression, "Morris, I didn"t know you were so pa.s.sionate, but I must not monopolize such intense feelings from you—"

"The f.u.c.k are you spouting now!"

"Disgusting…" Kaido complained in disdain.

"You"re disgusting! You look like a garbage fish that can"t eat garbage and can"t even give out five types of p.o.o.p!" Conglong shot his mouth off, not about to take this lying down.

The people present shot insults back and forth, no one about to back down. The scene entered a state of disorder.

Dongya had a faint smile on from start to end, silently sweeping the already-clean floor.

Byriel detected Dongya"s unusual silence, calling him out with a playful smile.

"Haven"t you stayed silent for long enough already? Say something."

Dongya lifted his head, saying with a tone as light as a breeze, "I trust Tan Hua, and he is someone Tan Hua trusts. I respect Ping Lan"s decision." He turned to Feng Ping Lan, smiling gently, "There are empty rooms on the second and third floor. Clean bed sheets are placed in the closet of the laundry room, please guide our guests there."

Morris and the others never expected Dongya"s answer, all shocked in their places.

Feng Ping Lan hurriedly led Kaido upstairs, and as he pa.s.sed by Dongya he whispered in low voice, "Thank you…"

Dongya returned a light smile.

Looking at Feng Ping Lan, Kaido, and Tan Hua"s leaving backs, the demons were pretty disbelieving.

"What are you thinking!"

"You actually approve of that idiocy?!"

"This… Is not good…"

"I"m waiting to hear your reason." Byriel crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Donya, "Since when were you as "kind and naive" as Feng Ping Lan, Mr. Third General1?"

Dongya said slowly, "I understand Tan Hua very well. If she is willing to serve Kaido, it means that he is not as bad as he looks. It"s harmless to us if we take him in."

"It"s not beneficial to us, either," Byriel interjected. "You shouldn"t go along with Feng Ping Lan, with all his naivete and stupidity."

"No matter how silly, he wouldn"t be Ping Lan if he wasn"t as such." Dongya said calmly, "Aren"t we all, due to his naivete and "stupidity", living out days like these?"

Morris frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Showing kindness to others without asking for any favors in return, showing concern, is exactly Ping Lan"s true nature. Since we have used this nature to benefit us, then, we must also endure the complications brought by this nature as well…" Dongya smiled, "This is what I think."

The demons froze.


Feng Ping Lan had not asked for anything in return for helping the demons that he had chanced upon. He had helped them hide their ident.i.ties, familiarize with this world, even binding a contract with them without any conditions attached. He had joined Shadow Academy, leaving his ordinary life behind.

Only a "stupid" human-like Feng Ping Lan, would do such a thing.

"Taking advantage of Feng Ping Lan"s "stupidity", then jumping out to lash out and oppose when this stupidity leads to the good of others. Does this not seem kind of… despicable?"

The others did not speak. They could understand Dongya"s meaning. They had always held in contempt the people who took advantage of the situation, even more so not allowing themselves to act from such mercenary considerations.

But since the one they were facing was Kaido, even if their rationality knew that they had to accept, they couldn"t.

"Besides, if the Third Prince"s soldiers were to appear, Tan Hua would stand on our side with this one favor in mind," Dongya added once again.

The demons exchanged glances, and the originally exclusive and opposing atmosphere vanished quite a bit.

"Then, we can"t let him freeload off here at least." Conglong pursed his lips, "Also, I have exclusive dibs over the second-floor bathtub."

Dongya smiled lightly, "I will remind them of that."

Morris humphed exasperatedly, "Does Quetzal know? Doesn"t that guy have any objections to this?"

"I have already mentioned this to him earlier. He said just this," Dongya paused for a second, restating those arrogant and self-confident words, ""Weaklings that are not worth fearing, are not worthy of mind"."

"What"s with that swagger…" Morris shook his head, "I"m saying this now, if that brat comes provoking me, I"ll still teach him a lesson."

Simo wanted to say something, but remained speechless. In the end she accepted.

After whispering amongst themselves for a while, Conglong, Simo and Morris left to their rooms. Yet Byriel was left sitting on the sofa, staring at Dongya.

"What is it?" Dongya asked smilingly.

"I"m not that easy to shake off." Byriel curled his lips, "You knew of Feng Ping Lan"s intentions early one, but you did not feel the need to mention it to us. You waited until they entered the house before saying all that c.r.a.p, so that we wouldn"t have a chance to do something beforehand, isn"t that right?"

Dongya did not answer, just giving that faint and subtle smile.

Feng Ping Lan brought Kaido to view the rooms, Tan Hua bringing along the luggage at the back.

"Simo and Morris are living on the first floor, so there aren"t any vacant rooms there. Byriel and Conglong are on the second floor, and there are another two rooms available. There"s a bathroom on that floor too, there"s a huge bathtub you can use. Oh, right, there"s no air conditioning here. Donya can create cold air if it gets too hot, it saves a lot of electricity. We also have wireless internet, no pa.s.sword needed—"

"I remember that this place was a rumored haunted house." Kaido suddenly spoke, "How did it turn into your residence?"

"Uh, this is actually quite the long story. Anyway, since it"s not all demons that are living here, it should be considered a half-haunted house, hahaha…"

"Your relationship with your Contracts is pretty weird." Kaido continued, "You don"t seem like a master that has them under control, or seeking help from them because of your powerlessness."

Not directly master and servants, nor were they working out of equal benefit. The interactions of Feng Ping Lan and his six demons had never been seen before…

If he was a powerless inheritor, the demons that had been pa.s.sed on would display a distinct att.i.tude of impatience and scorn, but although the six demons treated Feng Ping Lan with disrespect and impudence, there was not a trace of disdain or contempt present.

They gave off an air of uniqueness.

Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, "Is that weird?"

Kaido stared at Feng Ping Lan for an instance, then changed the subject, "Where do you stay?"

"Third floor."

"Then I"m sleeping on the third floor."

Feng Ping Lan covered his mouth in astonishment, "Goodness! Kaido! Are you really that unwilling to be separated from me? I"m so moved! We can revise together, play games together, even do a sleepover together! I"ve always wanted to play Truth or Dare. I can tell you now; my first love was my elementary teacher, there"s no one I like at the moment, I"m currently a virgin—"

"Shut up!" Kaido exploded, "I"m living on the third floor so that I can use you as a meat shield if your Contracts try to do something to me!"

"Morris and the others won"t do anything to you, you know, even if they"re a little vicious." Feng Ping Lan smiled.

Kaido scoffed, "Not everyone that gets close to you is all full of benevolence. Even if they are at the start, who knows if they will change later on." He stared at Feng Ping Lan, "You can"t be sure of where the evil intent is hidden, from where they will surface…"

Feng Ping Lan glanced at Kaido, "Then, will Kaido start to harbor evil intentions towards me?"

Kaido smiled savagely, "Possibly."

"Eh?" Feng Ping Lan breathed in deeply, looking shocked, "Kaido has dirty thoughts about me?"

Kaido widened his eyes, snarling, "What are you talking about! Idiot! r.e.t.a.r.d! Brain-dead! Stupid! Idiot!"

"You said idiot twice."

"Shut up! You"ll regret this! I"ll make you regret this!" Kaido angrily twisted his head, padding up to the third floor on his own.

Tan Hua hurriedly followed along.

"The room on the left is empty! The first one on the right is mine, if you feel empty and lonely and cold at night, feel free to come to my room—"

Bang! The only reply was the heavy slamming of the door.

His thoughts returned to the present.

There weren"t many pedestrians or cars left on the evening residential street. Goose-yellow street lights shone circular rays on the asphalt road, like rays of the spotlight on an acting stage.

Feng Ping Lan hummed a little song, foot peddling his bicycle as he pa.s.sed the streets.

Just as he went through a corner, he saw a familiar snow-white figure standing there.

"Dongya!" Feng Ping Lan recognized, happily speeding towards him. "Why are you here?"

"To pick you up." Dongya replied gently, "Let go back together."

Feng Ping Lan nodded hard, cheerily peddling forward. Dongya remained the pace, following along by Feng Ping Lan"s side.

"How was your day?"

Feng Ping Lan recounted everything that had happened during their punishment with the toilets, splitting his face into a grin, "Although it was a little tiring, it was really interesting!"

"I see." Dongya smiled, nodding.

As he rode his bicycle, he remained quiet for a moment, before speaking up, "Dongya, are my actions causing trouble for the others…"

"I believe that you know what you are doing." Dongya said softly, his tone sounding comforting, "There is no need for you to have any concern about us. You should do as what you intend."

"Mmmm!" Feng Ping Lan nodded, a lot more rea.s.sured, "Dongya"s really a good guy…"

"I cannot be compared to the amount of goodwill that you give."

"Nonono, Dongya"s really a super excellent good man!" Feng Ping Lan laughed stupidly, "If I was a girl, I"d do anything to marry myself to you! Hahahahaha!"

Facing Feng Ping Lan"s crazy talk, Dongya did not show any annoyance or rejection, giving a genial smile as usual, saying softly, "I am honored."

As gathering darkness faded, the light of dawn arrived. It was the start of a new day.

Morning at the residence was an atmosphere of impatience, a kind of awkwardness they were not used to, a kind of uneasiness.

There were two plates of toast placed on the table. Morris munched on his whole-wheat biscuits, glaring at the extra plate, humphing in displeasure. Simo sipped her mug of liquor, gaze also stopping on the extra seat.

"Why is there an extra portion of human food?" Conglong questioned.

"Because we have an extra human guest living here," Dongya replied.

"But you didn"t prepare one yesterday," Morris added into the conversation.

"There was no time to prepare yesterday, so there wasn"t one." Dongya paused his movements, smiling as he asked instead, "Are you nitpicking on my abilities to receive our guests?"

"He is not a guest, but an uninvited, hateful boarder that refuses to go away." Morris swallowed angrily, "Like a termite."

"We can add some pesticide on that toast." Conglong whispered with furrowed brows, "Remove that pest…"

Dongya smiled faintly, not saying anymore.

Feng Ping Lan walked down after freshening up, seating himself. He glanced at the empty seat, asking curiously, "Where"s Kaido?"

"Who knows." Conglong humphed, "You obviously have a splendid intellect that you absolutely refuse to use, always doing something stupid like this. Your brain is wasted on you! It"s like using a high-speed performance computer as something to warm yourself up!"

"Aiya aiya, that"s two completely different things." Feng Ping Lan chewed his toast, giving Conglong a vague smile, "Then, does Conglong want me to warm you up?"

"Shut up! Eat your food! Idiot!" Conglong humphed heavily, turning his head to drink his milk in a bad temper.

Feng Ping Lan shrugged, and continued eating his breakfast.

He could understand the reasons for Conglong and the others" displeasure, since Kaido had unceasingly caused trouble for him before this, even leading Jiu Shao over to them, causing quite a fuss.

In addition, Kaido did not know of the connection between him and the six demons.

Kaido was under the impression that he was a useless inheritor from a certain Summoner family, succeeding six powerful Contracts without even a lick of power. This meant that they had to be even more careful with covering up the truth, even having to watch their mouths within the house, unable to operate freely.

Feng Ping Lan finished the last bite of his bread, looking at his watch. He was usually already cycling to the school by seven, but after enrolling into Shadow Academy, he would occasionally ride the bus with the six demons. Dongya would cast a little spell, making his movements lighter, so that he would reach the bus stop at the foot of the mountain within three minutes.

Although the school forbid students to cast spells outside the school, a little spell like this could be tolerated.

"Has Kaido already left?" Kaido had left incredibly early yesterday, and both of them were already gone by the time he had woken.

"No, the two of them are still in their room."

"Really?" Feng Ping Lan tilted his head in confusion, "I"ll go check on them…"

"I"ll go along." Morris stood up as well. "Who knows if that guy is making things unnecessarily complicated, trying to do something to plot against you."

"He won"t do that. Hasn"t he done nothing in these past two days?"

"That"s because Quetzal is in the house at night, and besides, he wouldn"t have the guts to attack you on the first day!"

The two of them walked up, and they could hear far away at the top of the stairs the sound of Tan Hua"s patient persuasion and urging.

"Young Master, it is time to wake up. It is already late…"

Morris knocked on the door, pushing the door open without waiting for a reply. The moment the door flew open, they could see Kaido"s form on the bed, back facing Tan Hua, completely ignoring the other"s calls.

"He"s still not awake?" Morris furrowed his brows.

"The Young Master has a lower blood pressure in the morning. It is very hard to wake him up…" Tan Hua said in embarra.s.sment.

"Didn"t he get up pretty early yesterday?"

"The Young Master had not adapted to this environment yet on the first night, so he did not sleep at all. He left for school early the next day. As for today…"

As a matter of fact, Kaido had left early because he hadn"t wanted to into the six demons and Feng Ping Lan. He wasn"t used to owing people, even more so with displaying grat.i.tude towards the people he owed, especially one that he had deliberately made things difficult for beforehand. This made him incredibly awkward and uneasy.

Kaido had planned on not meeting them every morning, avoiding Feng Ping Lan"s group, but he had overestimated his own perseverance.

"What a troublesome guy." Morris humphed.

"Do you sleep in the same bed as Kaido?" Feng Ping Lan looked at the single bed in the room.

"Of course not," Tan Hua smiled, "How could a Contract sleep on the same bed as their master? I sleep within the wards."

"I see." Feng Ping Lan nodded, "But if Quetzal wanted to sleep with me, I"d definitely spread both arms and legs to welcome him. Morris too!"

"Shut the f.u.c.k up!" Morris glared at Feng Ping Lan, then looked at Tan Hua, "Is that what that guy ordered you to do, or what you decided for yourself?"

"The Wei Clan"s Summoners have always requested as such from their Contracts. Before binding a contract with Kaido, I have always followed these rules. I am used to it." She smiled faintly, then gazed at the still-sleeping Kaido. She sighed helplessly. "It looks like I am unable to rouse him for some time…"

Tan Hua raised the quilt, carefully turning Kaido"s body over. She then started to unb.u.t.ton his shirt.

Morris and Feng Ping Lan froze at the same time.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Helping the Young Master change his clothes. It will save time." Tan Hua smiled gently as she stripped Kaido of his clothing with fluid movements, taking out a set of his uniform to begin clothing it on his body. It looked like she was very used to doing this.

During the entire process, Kaido would occasionally let out displeased mumbles, seemingly within the borders of the dream world and reality.

Feng Ping Lan remembered the situation with Kaido he had chanced upon when he had visited his old dorm, getting a sudden realization.

So it was actually like this… What a willful little young master…

"Be quiet…" Kaido mumbled.

"Young Master Kaido, Young Master Ping Lan and Morris have come to visit you. It is time to wake up, you are late."

"Shut up…" Kaido turned over, curling back into his covers, making it hard for Tan Hua to continue changing his clothes.

"Young Master Kaido, please turn over, I cannot help you put on your clothes—"

"Enough!" Morris couldn"t stand it anymore, deciding to put a stop to this ridiculous farce, "Leave it to me."

Crash! The bedframe crashed into the walls, making an ear-shattering sound, as if something was disintegrating.


Kaido let out a painful groan, forcefully woken from his dreams. He sat up from the floor, glaring viciously at Feng Ping Lan and Morris who were standing on the other side, "Who let you in? Trash!"

"This is our house." Morris crossed his arms, reminding him as he towered from above, "We were the ones who let you in, you are the something that shouldn"t appear here."

Kaido glared at Tan Hua, "What"s with you? Why didn"t you stop them?"

"Young Master Ping Lan and Morris were worried that you would be late. They came specially to check up on you…"

"I was only worried that this stinking guy would wet the bed, that he"d dirty our mattresses." Morris objected. He had no reason to b.u.t.ter up this little brat.

"What time is it?" Kaido grabbed the alarm clock, "It"s only seven! Why did you call me up!"

"This is not the school dorms, you can"t sleep till seven twenty before leaving." Feng Ping Lan reminded him smilingly, "Besides, Dongya prepared your breakfast. Why don"t you come down and eat?"

Kaido looked at Feng Ping Lan. He stood before the window, his resplendent stupid smile as bright as the morning sun. Too shiny, so shiny that it hurt his eyes.

He resentfully turned his head away, commanding, "Get out, I want to change."

Morris furrowed his brows, "Do you f.u.c.king think you own this room now? Little pest!"

Feng Ping Lan hurriedly pulled Morris out the door before he could flay Kaido"s skin.

The two of them returned to the dining room, and a few moments later, Kaido came down. He stalked towards the table with a scowl.

"Over here!" Feng Ping Lan waved at Kaido happily, pulling the seat beside him out, "Sit here!"

Kaido sat, glaring at the white toast before him. He frowned, "This is what you meant by breakfast?!"

"That"s right!" Feng Ping Lan pushed the plate filled with toast towards Kaido, "We bought this from the bakery near the school. It"s delicious!"

"I don"t have an appet.i.te for wretched food."

The faces of the demons sitting around the table darkened a little.

Tan Hua immediately bowed in apology, "Please forgive us. Young Master Kaido has a more unique taste towards certain food, so he cannot stand plain and simple food at the moment…"

"No, no, you are too courteous. It really is our fault for not doing enough to receive our guests." Byriel replied with a faint smile, then turned to Dongya, "From tomorrow onwards, Donya, you"ll cook personally for him."

Conglong, Simo and Morris expressed deep a.s.sent for this, nodding with all their might. Dongya forced out an awkward smile.

Everyone stood up in succession, preparing to leave.

Kaido glanced at the toast, humphing, at last picking it up to swallow it whole into his stomach.

When they left the house, Kaido silently walked behind Feng Ping Lan and the others, and couldn"t help but speak up after walking a distance.

"Where are you guys going?"

Conglong and the others turned, looking at Kaido perplexedly, "To school!"

"To school? Like this?" Kaido looked disbelieving.

"Dongya, did you personally make that toast?" Morris stared at Kaido, asking dubiously. "This guy"s acting weird."

"That was indeed personally bought by me…"

"Don"t worry, we aren"t walking to school, we"re walking to the bus stand." Feng Ping Lan explained, "The nearest one is at the foot of the mountain."

This explanation only astonished Kaido even more, "Don"t you guys have a car?"

"What car? n.o.body knows how to drive." Morris said exasperatedly, "And a certain someone can"t sit in one."

"Shut it!" Conglong rebuked, annoyed.

Kaido stared at Feng Ping Lan, "Did you do something wrong, like offend your whole clan, to be reduced to this kind of impoverishment?"

An average Summoner family had pretty great financial resources. For Feng Ping Lan to have inherited six demons, his family"s influence must be highly tremendous.

Summoners from huge clans would avoid showing themselves in public for their own privacy and safety. And yet Feng Ping Lan had such a positive outlook, making it unable to compare with the generous life he had before being punished.

"How can this be considered impoverished?" Feng Ping Lan smiled, "I think that the days I"m living now are the happiest I"ve ever experienced in my life!"

"So you don"t get along well with your family members?" Feng Ping Lan did not seem rebellious like he was, and he seemed like he wouldn"t clash with others that much. Even if his strength was so withered and fallen, every clan liked to keep a front up. They wouldn"t let an important successor become so unrestrained.

What was up with this guy?

"You"ve possibly hit it right on the head, hahahahaha." Feng Ping Lan smiled, smiling even brighter than usual.

Kaido stared at Feng Ping Lan, "What are you…"

"Who knew after living together for two days, Kaido"s learned to worry about me! I"m so moved!" Feng Ping Lan laughed, "If I knew earlier that living together would add to our relationship, I would have wrapped Kaido up first and brought him home for a sleepover. We could be holding hands to school right now, hahahahaha!"

"That kind of thing won"t happen, ever! Idiot!"

Byriel clearly states that he"s the third general in book 1, but Dongya"s the third now. I have no idea if this is a mistake on the author"s part or not.

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