
Chapter 1

After the "Water Margin" reach small realm, Chen Rui felt that he like a fish in the sea. Swimming was like his natural instinct. He was relaxed and comfortable in the water. As long as you gently stroke your arm, your figure is like an arrow with a bow, and people have appeared dozens of meters away.

After swimming back to the sh.o.r.e and standing on the reef, Chen Rui looked at the boundless sea in front of him, and suddenly there was a thought in Chen Rui"s heart.

I remember reading a doc.u.mentary about the seabed shipwreck on the Internet.

According to UNESCO statistics, there are about 3 million undiscovered shipwrecks in the world"s oceans, although most shipwrecks are of limited value.

However, according to experts, the number of wrecks carrying gold and silver treasures on the seabed is more than 3,000, and there are still more wrecks. Although they are not loaded with gold and silver treasures, their goods are extremely precious today, including ivory and porcelain. .

The wreck is kept in an environment free of air in the ocean, and some of the cargo lying in deep water is kept very well.

For example, in the offsh.o.r.e waters of China and the South China Sea, in the Song and Ming dynasties, China"s maritime trade was extremely popular. The main items of Sino-West trade were silk, tea and porcelain. It is estimated that there are seas in China"s offsh.o.r.e and South China Sea. There are 2,000 to 3,000 shipwrecks. Most of these wrecks are ancient Chinese porcelain. Experts say that these wrecks const.i.tute a "seabed porcelain".

In the Persian Gulf, from the 8th century AD to the era of great voyages, during this period, the prosperous maritime trade brought endless wealth to the Arabs and left countless shipwrecks in the Persian Gulf.

Because the Arabs were good at reselling trade, selling western luxury goods to the East, and then selling oriental spices and porcelain to the West, there were many treasures on the ship. These treasures included porcelain from the East and gold from the West. Silver artwork, ivory, etc.

In addition to the South China Sea and the Persian Gulf, there are also the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean off the Iberian Peninsula, the British Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Caribbean Sea. The seabed of these seas has sunk a large number of shipwrecks.

These wrecks include merchant ships, treasure ships and pirate ships.

The treasures in the ship include gold, silver, jewelry, gold and silver art, ivory, porcelain and so on.

Only a small part of these mysterious treasures were discovered by explorers, and most of them remain in a corner of the seabed, attracting treasure hunters, archaeologists, and so on.

Most of the time, the shipwreck treasure looks like a legend until the explorer fishes these myths from the sea to become real, mountain-like gold coins.

The world"s people looking for treasures are not only pirates and marine exploration companies, but also individuals, families and even the whole family.

For example, the "treasure hunt" Mel Fisher"s family went to the water to search together. On July 20, 1985, I found the "Mrs. Atoka". This shipwreck, known as the largest treasure on the seabed, has 40 tons of treasure, of which gold 8 tons, the gemstone also has 500 kilograms, worth 400 million US dollars.

Of course, the Mel Fisher family is a very fortunate family, and most of the treasure hunters or marine exploration companies have nothing to gain.

The sea treasure hunt should be an adventure full of adrenaline, mysterious maps and conspiracy.

It is very difficult to find the location of the shipwreck. From research to exploration, it is a very voluminous work.

For example, the Odyssey Company searched for the "Republic", first collecting the literature, and then a.n.a.lyzing the shipwreck of the "Republic", using computers to simulate the line and speed of the year.

Eventually, the shipwreck was locked within 1,500 miles.

1500 miles - it"s a very voluminous job to sort out such a large piece of seabed with sonar.

For Chen Rui, it is much simpler to find a shipwreck at the bottom of the sea.

Moreover, the most difficult step in seabed treasure hunting, from research, search, exploration to salvage, is that the most expensive step is salvage.

One of the simplest examples, Jason II, a deep-sea work robot, requires $2.5 million, and the price of more advanced deep-sea work robots is now doubled.

There are also large submarine excavation robots that are more expensive.

After all, the machine is not a human being. In the process of salvaging, some valuable and fragile items, such as porcelain, will be accidentally damaged.

Another point is that no matter what kind of texture, long-term immersion in seawater will generally have a negative impact on its protection. In addition to the corrosion resistance of gold products, generally silver, copper, iron, tin and other materials will be seriously affected. Many metal artifacts have just as new as the new water, but they are quickly oxidized after exposure to air, eventually becoming Powdery.

In addition, once the porcelain itself is separated from the environment surrounded by seawater, after being exposed to the air for a long time, the salt that has already entered the body will continue to precipitate from it, causing the glaze layer to crack and causing it to peel off from the carca.s.s.

However, Chen Rui has Eternal Sea Pearl, these are not problems, directly collect the treasure into the pregnant sea pearls.

The water separation + water bullet gave Chen Rui great convenience in searching for the shipwreck.

Eternal Sea Pearl has brought great convenience to Chen Rui to salvage and preserve the treasure.

Think of it! Chen Rui"s thoughts on the underwater treasure hunt are even more urgent.

The next day, Chen Rui stayed in the rented hotel and did not go out.

Treasure hunt in the sea is divided into four steps.

Research, search, exploration, salvage.

Chen Rui wants to search for treasures on the seabed first from research.

Search for some information about the shipwreck, the story of the fisherman"s word of mouth and the logbook.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately search for it. Now that internet is so developed, as long as you search for the seabed treasure + Caribbean in the computer, or the seabed ship + South China Sea, you can find countless pieces of information about this.

But it is also limited to this, and more detailed information can"t be obtained by Chen Rui"s current ability.

Searching online, Chen Rui quickly locked the Caribbean.

To say the legend of maritime treasures, the first in the minds of people will definitely think of the Caribbean.

In the colonial era, the gold that Spain and Portugal plundered from Central and South America needed to cross the Baltic sea to return to Europe, so this sea area was also one of the busiest sea areas at that time. In addition to the merchant ships and official ships, there are a large number of pirate ships robbery. This has also made the Caribbean region the most frequent area of ​​man-made shipwrecks.

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