
Chapter 70

Aka people have mastered metal smelting techniques such as gold, silver, copper, and tin. Bronze technology, ceramic technology, engraving technology and painting technology are very mature.

The rich funerary objects in the tomb and the colorful murals on the walls are a good example.

Among the funerary objects in the tomb are statues, chariots, jewels, weapons, ornaments, furniture, drawings, etc. The rich funerary objects ensure that the chiefs of the Aka people can continue to enjoy their treatment in the kingdom of Poseidon.

Chen Rui opened the stone sarcophagus.

The inside is full of gems, pearls, and jade. The ruby the size ​​of the egg is sparkling, and a pearl that is as big as a chicken egg is clean and flawless...

In the sarcophagus, which is full of gems, pearls, and jade, there is a corpse lying on it. The corpse has already become a pile of white bones because it is too old.

Chen Rui took the treasures in the tomb together with the stone sarcophagus into the Eternal Sea Pearl s.p.a.ce.

Chen Rui walked into the side of the next tomb.

Seeing the scene in the deputy tomb, Chen Rui heart is shocked and feels a little cool in his heart.

This is a funerary pit.

The pit is full of dense white bones, male, female, adult skull, and child skull.

According to the number of skulls, at least hundreds of people were buried in this funerary pit.

Some bones look very stiff and appear black, Chen Rui guesses may be poisoned before the funeral, if it is poisoned, relatively speaking, relatively lucky.

In these skulls, Chen Rui found a crack in the back of the skull of many skulls, apparently being slammed by a blunt instrument before the funeral.

There are also stiff bones and feet, which means that they struggled before the funeral. This was an alive burial.


standing in front of the funeral burial pit, Chen Rui seems to be able to smell the air filled with grievances, and the ears seems to hear the grievances in the tomb.

Chen Rui began to understand why the Aka civilization died so quickly and finally disappeared into the long river of history.

Although the Aka civilization possessed very high-level civilization and advanced production technology more than 10,000 years ago, people from Asia, Europe, and Africa in the same era were in the early Neolithic era or in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. In the transitional stage, the use of stone tools, wooden sticks, bows and arrows, and the life of slash and burn.

Asians, Africans, and Europeans are indigenous compared to the Aka people with a very high civilization.

Although the Aka people have advanced production techniques, they have extremely brutal and primitive systems and customs.

Moreover, from the ancient city of Aka, the tombs of the Aka people can be found that the chiefs and n.o.bles of the Aka people are extremely extravagant and extremely eager, and the entire elite is gradually corrupted.

The Aka people mad worship and superst.i.tion of G.o.d, sacrifices people, wastes a lot of material and manpower to build a grand temple, altar, and there is a saying that G.o.d wants to make it perish, must first make it crazy.

After the Aka people were corrupted and mad, they died.

The gorges of the chieftains and n.o.bles who buried the Aka were looted by Chen Rui, and most of the tombs were empty.

The wealth acc.u.mulated by the Aka people for thousands of years fell in the hands of Chen Rui.

Chen Rui returned to the ancient city of Aka.

You should know that the most precious thing in the ancient city of Aka is not gold and silver, pearl gems, but the ancient city, the buildings of the ancient city, the stone carvings of the Aka pyramid, the statue of the giants who miss the distant hometown, and the magnificent temple decorated with gold, silver, and precious stones, palaces, and statues of the sea G.o.d, these are priceless treasures.

For example, the giant statue of the distant hometown, which is from the size, age, meaning, carving technique and artistry, is not inferior to that found in the Greek Aegean Sea. It is now in the Louvre Museum in France, with the smile of Mona Lisa and Venus, the statue of the G.o.ddess of victory. The three known as the treasure of the three major town halls of the Louvre and has a very high artistic value, and its value can be worth more than treasures harvested in the ancient city of Aka.

There is also the Aka Pyramid, which not only engraves the phase diagram of the solar system drawn by the Aka people more than 10,000 years ago.

There is also an Aka calculation of the astronomical calendar to calculate the exact time of the earth around the sun, 365.2424, and the time when Venus...o...b..ts the sun.

It also unveiled a puzzle that has been debated by scientists, historians, scholars, etc. from all over the world for thousands of years, about the sinking Atlantis unsolved in Plato "Dialogue".

Once this stone tablet is born, it will shock the world.

Its value cannot be measured by money.

The magnificent temples and palaces decorated with gold, silver and precious stones are also very outstanding architectural works of the Aka civilization.

In addition, the walls of the ancient city of Aka, the houses of the people also have a certain value.

Chen Rui intends to demolish the ancient city of Aka and return it to Tortuga Island to rebuild an ancient city of Aka on Tortuga Island.

Chen Rui did not immediately dismantle it. Instead, he took a video camera and took all the shots inside and outside the ancient city. These are important materials and the basis for rebuilding the ancient city in the future.

Two days later, Chen Rui began to dismantle.

First is the ancient city wall of Aka.

Standing in front of the ancient city wall, Chen Rui waved a piece of a huge rock and landed in the s.p.a.ce of Chen Rui Eternal Sea Pearl.

It took Chen Rui more than a week to tear down the walls of the ancient city, and Chen Rui was tired and half dead.

Then there is the pyramid, the statues, palaces and the giant statue.

The last is to save the complete house.

The entire demolition work cost Chen Rui for more than two months.

Now the ancient city of Aka has become bare.

Only a few broken walls left silently telling that there was once a brilliant ancient civilization here, the Aka civilization.

Chen Rui left the ancient city of Aka.

This is one of the most important journeys in Chen Rui life journey. The trip to the Amazon rainforest is about to come to an end. From June to December, it took half a year.


Tortuga Island, the pier.

Several hundreds of thousands of tons of transport ships quietly parked on the dock.

Chen Rui transferred some of the buildings that were removed from the ancient city of Aka to the transport ship and transported it to Tortuga Island. It was to confused people eyes and not to doubt where the source came from.

The workers on the island operate the crane, which carries the things on the transport ship to an open s.p.a.ce on the island.

Chen Rui intends to reconstruct a new ancient city of Aka by using the building materials removed from the ancient city of Aka.

Aka Palace, Temple, Pyramid Stone, Giant Statue of the Distant Hometown, House of the Aka, Bronze of the Aka, Ceramics and Production Tools, Gold and Silver Ornaments, Fine Pottery, Art of the Aka Products and so on will appear in the new city of Aka.

Whether the crew on the transport ship or the porters on the island receive the same order from their superiors, they are not allowed to ask.

The hundreds of thousands of tons of transport ships were transported back and forth for a few trips before they were all shipped.

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