
Chapter 71

Chen Rui finally got back to Tortuga Island after 6 months. After he got into the island, he welcomed by many professors.

"Chen Rui, I heard that you have found a major discovery in the past six months." An old professor asked Chen Rui.

Several ships carrying hundreds of thousands of tons of load, a few times back and forth, unloaded a large amount of building materials from the transport ship.

These include cut-flat huge rocks. The surface of the rock is mottled by years and wind and rain. It is covered with potholes. Some rocks also carry dirt and vines, base through this many experts here can basically judge the rock is part of ancient city wall or building.

There is also a large number of relic carved a huge column of various animal and character sculptures.

A huge idol decorated with precious stones in silver.

The gates and pillars cast in bronze, as well as various bronze and ceramic production tools and living utensils.

Many professors curious as Chen Rui definitely find something.

Perhaps not just the old professor has this question, many people on the island also have this question.

Chen Rui had definitely found a major discovery in the past six months, and it took a huge price to move back the ancient city.

"Chen Rui, can you determine what era the ancient city was built, and who built it?"

"The ancient city is built between 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, it is a .....

"Wait, you said that the ancient city was built between 11,000 and 12,000, you are sure...?" Zhao Zhongtian interrupted Chen Rui words.

The experts and scholars next to him also showed a skeptical look at Chen Rui.

It should be noted that from 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, humans in most parts of the world were still in the late Paleolithic or transitional stages of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, and developed faster, such as West Asia, North Africa, and Europe just entering the Neolithic Age, the most advanced production tools of human beings at that time were only some simple stone tools, wooden sticks, bows, and arrows.

The use of ground stone tools and wooden sticks to build a grand old city is simply a nightly dream talk.

Secondly, the items unloaded from the transport ship include many metal, silver and other metal-decorated objects, bronzes, and fine pottery, which is even more impossible.

It should be known that the earliest human beings entered the Bronze Age were the land of Egypt. It began in 3000 BC, that is, 5,000 years ago, when bronze casting was developed from the early stage to the maturity stage in which bronzes were commonly used by humans. It development just started from far more than 5,000 years ago.

The smelting technology of gold, silver, and other metals started later than the bronze casting process.

Therefore, a large number of bronzes, gold, silver and other metal and exquisite pottery were discovered by Chen Rui. The ancient city with a large scale of construction was built between 11,000 and 12,000. This is impossible in the cognition of many experts and scholars.

Therefore, Chen Rus words expressed doubts in many professors and did they did not believe it.

Chen Rui smiled and said with great certainty, "I am sure that the ancient city was built between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago. The people who built the ancient city were an ancient civilization that had disappeared for a long time. This civilization may not have any written records at all."

Many experts and scholars look at Chen Rui face with a certain look. It"s not like making fun of everyone. Moreover, there are so many archaeological experts here. The ancient city was built around 11,000~12,000 years ago. Chen Rui does not need to take this matter to lie to everyone.

From these two points, it is not like telling lies.

However, it is difficult to let the experts and scholars present believe that the ancient city was built between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago.

Everyone has a dubious att.i.tude in their hearts.

Li Hua said to Chen Rui, "Chen Rui, can you take us to see?" It is true or false, you will know if you go to see it yourself.

There are so many archaeological experts here, you can always see what it is.

The place where the building materials removed from the ancient city of Aka was piled up was guarded by dozens of escorts. Without the permission of Chen Rui, no one was allowed to approach.

"Yes." Chen Rui nodded.

Chen Rui took the experts to walk to the place where the building materials were removed from the ancient city of Aka.

Soon, most people on the island who heard the news ran to see the excitement.

The group of people came to the open s.p.a.ce where materials were piled up.

The first thing you see is the huge rock that was removed from the walls of the ancient city of Aka.

After years of rain and erosion, the surface of the rock is mottled, pitted, full of vicissitudes.

The rock is an old rock is certain.

After at least a few hundred years of wind and rain and the erosion of the surrounding environment, there will be mottled, pitted performances on the surface of the rock, and the vicissitudes of the years.

The cutting surface of the rock is very flat, and it is impossible to do this by the simple grinding of stone tools and wooden sticks by the humans of the Stone Age.

And for the city, it is not a simple stone. It is necessary to carry a few tons of rock to the wall surface of a dozen meters high. It is impossible to have more people do it without pulleys and translation tools.

This in turn involves a lot of more complicated tools, and the experts are very certain that the Stone Age man can"t do this kind of construction.

Many expert faces suddenly showed an unbelievable expression.

Even outsiders, such as biologists, workers, and tourists living on the island, know that it is impossible to do this with stone tools and wooden sticks from the Stone Age.

Therefore, many people think that the ancient city that Chen Rui said was built between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago, which is very unreliable.

At this time, an archaeological expert also said, "Look, these bronze objects. As far as I know, the earliest human bronzes appeared 3,000 BC, that is, more than 5,000 years ago, and the bronzes at that time were very simple. Rough, and mostly used for weapons. These bronze vessels are very delicate and beautiful. They have been widely used in people daily life. This time is already a mature stage of the Bronze Age. This period is at least 2000 BC.

There is also this pottery, pottery first appeared in 8000 ~ 7000 BC, the earliest pottery can be called earthenware, the fire is extremely low, thick lines, mud mixed with gra.s.s, very rough.

Look at this pottery, the main of this pottery It is characterized by polishing technology, elegant decoration, beautiful geometric patterns, and brilliant colors. The production techniques and decorative patterns of pottery have developed to the peak. Our ancestors are at least 2000~3000 BC ago that they could make such fine pottery.

Finally, there are these metals such as gold and silver. Our ancestors could not smelt it until 2000 BC, let alone the decoration and processing of gold, silver, and other metals."

Although, it is impossible to say that humans in the Stone Age of 11,000 to 12,000 years ago could not do this. However, he told everyone the fact that bronze casting has developed to maturity, and the tools commonly used for people lives were in 2000 BC. Years later, pottery making technology developed to the peak, adding elegant decoration, beautiful geometric patterns and brilliant colors on pottery. It was after 2000~3000 BC.

The smelting of gold, silver and other metals in our ancestors are in AD.

It is easy to use the archaeological common sense that many people know to infer that Chen Rui ancient city was built in 11000~12000, which is simply impossible.

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