
Chapter 66

The second question Chen Rui also quickly calculated that it is 224.7, this is the time when Venus...o...b..ts the sun.

The third pattern seems to open the truth to Chen Rui that shocks all human beings.

More than 10,000 years ago, an asteroid with a diameter of more than 60 meters and a ma.s.s of more than 1 million tons dragged a long fireworks tail and landed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The asteroid weighing 1 million tons. .h.i.t the Earth at a large angle of 15 times the bullet speed, carrying 4000 times the energy equivalent to the atomic bombing power of Hiroshima, causing a large-scale earthquake near the edge of a continent in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. And the tsunami, the tsunami flooded the continent, and the ma.s.sive earthquake that followed it sank the continent.

This continent is called Atlantis.

The legendary Atlantis. The lost continent.

The legend about Atlantis began in the dialogue of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. In the Dialogue, Plato first described Atlantis in the form of dialogue.

"In the sea of ​​the Strait of Gibraltar, between the coasts of Spain and Morocco, there is a land called Atlantis, which consists of a large island and a series of small islands.

The Atlanteans set the capital on Poseidonia on the southeast coast of the land, where there are temples, royal palaces, and magnificent buildings built for the country founders."

After Plato, many scientists, scholars, explorers, and archaeologists began to investigate, compare, and study Atlantis in Plato work.

Especially with regard to the location of Atlantis, scholars have been arguing endlessly.

Starting from Plato, there are thousands of books about Atlantis. It is doubtful that Plato description of Atlantis is only a myth and fable for two reasons.

First, Plato purpose is to promote the concept of "ideal country" and to make it easier for people to understand the story of Atlantis.

Second, to encourage the descendants of Athens who were corrupt and defeated at the time, their ancestors had fought bravely with the "ideal man" and defeated the legendary ocean empire, proving that the Athenians had the essence and strength to transcend all mankind, hoping to make defeat corruption that rooted in the sons of Athens.

But many people believe that Atlantis once existed.

Over time, more and more real scientific discoveries have gradually removed the lost land of Atlantis from the mythological color and become a real fact in history.

It has been confirmed that Atlantis has existed.

There are countless archaeological discoveries and seabed explorations that can prove this.

For example, in 1968, an American expedition found an ancient temple site beneath the sea near Andros.

Under the sea near Bimini, the expedition discovered the famous "Bimini Wall", and archaeologists must have discovered the "wall" as an artificial building.

In 1971, the explorer opened some holes at the foot of the "Bimini Wall" east wall and found a layer of stone underneath, which was poured from the first layer of rock by 6 cm of cement.

Scientists also found other rock buildings at the bottom of the Atlantic, including fortifications, walls, docks, and roads.

In 1974, a Soviet "Warrior" scientific research ship successfully photographed eight underwater photographs on the Atlantic Ocean outside the Strait of Gibraltar. It is clear from the photos that there are seamounts and ancient seas in addition to rotten seaweed. Castle walls and stone steps, etc.

These homing films are enough to prove that it used to be land and humans have lived here.

Scientists have discovered a huge submarine pyramid on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The bottom is 300 meters long and 200 meters high. The spire is 100 meters above sea level. It is older than the Egyptian pyramid.


All of this shows that there was an ancient continent and its civilized society buried under the Atlantic.

Biologists, ethnographers, geologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, and explorers have proved that from the Azores to the Great Archipelago, large tracts of people found on the seabed that once exposed on the land.

After the Atlantis submerged, the Atlantean who escaped the catastrophe were widely spread all over the world.

Chen Rui speculated that the legacy of Atlantis civilization led to the prosperity of Egyptian civilization and the Mayan civilization.

Because the two continents, which are separated in the east and west of the Atlantic Ocean, the ancient civilizations of Inca, Egypt, Maya and Aka, which have risen and developed on the African continent and the American continent, are geographically separated, but They were not developed independently but had direct or indirect connections, and various forms of pyramids and temples in Mexico, Egypt, and South America have similar characteristics.

Chen Rui believes that these architectural styles must be developed by the same culture.

One surviving immigrant crossed the sea to the American continent, and along the Amazon River, they settled down and settled in the Artka Mountains deep in the Amazon jungle.

Their descendants are Aka.

This is a good explanation of the mysterious places of the Aka civilization.

The Aka civilization was born in the tropical jungle instead of being born in the Great Rivers like other civilizations in the world.

Other ancient civilizations such as ancient Chinese civilization, Babylonian civilization, Mesopotamia civilizations, and ancient Egyptian civilizations have experienced a long and long-term development process of the rise and development of these civilizations.

The miraculous rise and development of the Aka civilization is full of mystery. It seems that this civilization has very advanced production technology.

For example, the smelting and processing of metals.

The superb level of construction can be used to sculpt solid stone.

In the astronomical calendar, the eclipse cycle and the daily, monthly, and Venus movement rules have been mastered.

In terms of carving, painted pottery, and murals, it is highly artistic.

This is almost unbelievable.

As we all know, the process of mastering these advanced production technologies is not a one-off event but has a long process of development and transformation.

Just say production tools.

Any human civilization has experienced the Stone Age or the non-metallic era, Stone Age is divided into a single production tool period (simple sc.r.a.per), and composite tool period (that is, production tools) The various components are then a.s.sembled together), the three processes of the Neolithic period (grinding stone tools, the highest peak of non-metallic production tools).

This process of the Stone Age has gone through millions of years.

After the Stone Age, it entered the Bronze Age. The Bronze Age entered a period of rapid development from the application of simple bronzes to various tools bronzes, and finally reached a peak period in the production of bronze tools.

The Bronze Age experienced thousands of years of development.

After the Bronze Age, it entered the Iron Age. Like the Bronze Age, the Ironware experienced a simple application from the beginning to the rapid development, to the full maturity, and then continues to this day.

However, Chen Rui relics and various items found in the ancient city of Aka inferred that the time of the rise and development of the Aka civilization was very short, about 10,000 years.

What makes Chen Rui incredible, the Aka civilization has not experienced the Stone Age, and jumped directly to the full-fledged Bronze Age.

How is this possible?

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