[???: Parallel Universes, that’s one school of thought. It states that, separate from the universe we are living in now, there exists many alternate universes following along a similar path]

The person speaking was trying her best to suppress the waves of excitement in her voice.
Accompanying that lecture-like statement, she was lightly tapping her fingers on the table in a pleasant and even rhythm.

[????: That sounds, huu… like it"s, haa…… kind of complicated]

[???: It"s not that hard to wrap your head around. Imagine infinite Parallel Worlds, each being generated by just one difference in choice. For example, say there is a split in the road on your way home. Both paths ultimately lead to your house, and there is a you who went right and a you who went left―― that possibility would already const.i.tute an extremely small-scale Parallel Universe]

[?????: What. So you"re saying that there"re so many worlds out there that we can"t even count them? That"s just stupid]

Hearing the response to the lethargic voice, a spirited voice b.u.t.ted in.
The lecturing speaker returned a wry smile, and raised a finger in front of her impatient companion,

[???: It"s not nearly so ridiculous. Indeed, that last example may have been too narrow to convey the sheer scope of the variations…… but you can definitely apply it to a grander scale as well]

[?????: Grander scale…… like what?]

[???: Let"s see, right. ――Imagine if you had abandoned the isolated Elven vanguard on Boroid Plains, what would have happened then?]

[???: ……Hmm. I was expecting you to be more infuriated by that]

[?????: It"s simple why I"m not angry. Even if you repeat that situation tens, hundreds, or thousands of times, I would always’ve choosen to throw my fists into the fray. ――So your Parallel Universe or whatever would never"ve come to be!]

With that forceful proclamation, the speaker threw her foot right onto the table. Seeing her literally "Putting her foot down" on the matter, the lecturer let slip a small smile. Noticing this, the spirited one angrily scowled up her pretty face,

[?????: What"s so funny!?]

[???: No, I mean that was very manly of you, but your panties are showing, Minerva]

[Minerva: Aa, kya! What, you dumba.s.s! Unbelievable! Idiot! Dumba.s.s! Duuumba.s.s! Blockhead! Stupid! So stupid! You stupid, dumba.s.s!]

Shouting curses that exposed the limits of her vocabulary, the blond-haired girl―― Witch of Wrath, Minerva, pulled her foot off the table with tears in her eyes, quickly closing her legs and holding down her skirt with her hands.
She looked up furiously―― at the white-haired Witch sitting opposite her. But,

[????: Haa. Leaving aside who"s right or wrong here, huu… your panties… haa…… you kind of did that to yourself, Minerva, always so unladylike, huu…… no point blaming anyone else for it… haa]

[Minerva: Unladylike! Like you"re one to say that, Sekhmet. As if you ever wear anything other than that…… actually, when"s the last time you changed your robes?]

Minerva swiped her harsh glare onto the Witch of Sloth―― Sekhmet, plopped on the table, completely buried in her long, magenta hair.
Under that sea of hair, a head moved and peeked out between the gaps, looking back at Minerva.

[Sekhmet: You just throw it over your head, huu…it"s the most convenient……haa… Typhon wipes my body for me…huu…so it"s not like I get filthy or anything…haa]

[Minerva: You go criticizing other people"s behavior when you…… Augh, aughh, aughhh……what do you want!? So I"m to blame? It"s all my fault? You want me to beat you clean here!?]

Minerva angrily waved her fist about, while Sekhmet turned her head away without saying a word.
Seeing Sekhmet lose even the energy to speak, a blue vein popped up on Minerva"s forehead, but, as if having grown used to her temper, Sekhmet already completely lost interest.
Taking over for the spent Witch of Sloth, the first Witch―― the Witch of Greed, Echidona, clapped her hands together and carried on the conversation,

[Echidona: I do understand your anger, but as much as I find it delightful, I would like to continue on our topic now]

[Minerva: Hrrmph. You"re the one provoking me with all that Parallel Worlds rubbish, Echidona. I"m angry. I"m enraged. I"m furious…]

[Echidona: Right right. Now, on with Parallel Universes. If that last example didn"t stick…… let"s see. What do you think would have happened if Flugel never sealed the pact with Volcanica?]

Holding a finger to her lips, Echidona mischievously smiled as she raised this question to Minerva.


(If anyone knows the source of the thumbnail please let me know!)


Welp… we had to reschedule the flight, so I’ll be sticking around for another 20 days before going home.

I’ll try to get more chapters done while I can, and in a couple weeks I might need a few days off, but the releases should definitely be faster this month!


Arc 4 Interlude I Live Draft:

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