Rise From The Doom

Chapter 556

After taking three more bullets in the back, Liu Wei An finally made it into the woods. The light faded and he was gone. An angry shout came from behind. The mercenary no longer hid his body and rushed over.

Because of Liu Wei An"s superb marksmanship, the mercenaries had to put in a lot of effort in chasing after him. They had to keep their eyes on Liu Wei"an"s gun all the time, and as long as he pointed the gun at them, they had to dodge. However, once Liu Wei An entered the forest, they couldn"t bear it anymore. If they lost someone, they would face a punishment worse than death. At this time, death was not scary at all.

The moment he entered the forest, a strange chill pa.s.sed through his body. Although it was very fast, it still gave Liu Wei An gooseb.u.mps. This feeling was very strange, but unfortunately, Liu Wei An"s mind was focused on the concentrated bullets and did not attract any attention.

He had been running the entire time without making a sound, and he appeared to be very strong, but the moment he saw Liu Wei An turn around, his heart, which he thought he was used to seeing through injuries, fiercely trembled. On his back were nine bullets, and in addition to the moment on his shoulder and the moment on his b.u.t.t, there were a total of eleven bullets. These bullets were embedded in his flesh, blocking the flow of his blood, so he couldn"t see much.

"What"s wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable here, or can you not see clearly? " Liu Wei An asked after seeing that Zhao Hanyi did not make a move for a long time.

The light in the woods wasn"t good, but Liu Wei An didn"t dare to light the fire. He could only accept it. Zhao Hanqing didn"t say anything, but his hands began to move. As expected of someone with a major background, his movements were quick, whoosh whoosh whoosh, in less than three minutes, eleven bullets were pulled out. Disinfection, cleaning, hemostasis, bandaging … After finishing all this, just as Zhao Hanyin was about to remind him, he found Liu Wei An"s muscles instantly bulging and tensed up. The wounds he had just bandaged up burst open and blood began to flow out, the gauze was dyed red and his face changed color. As a doctor, the one he disliked the most were the disobedient patients. Liu Wei An grabbed the side of her mouth and pressed it against her ear. Her breath was very hot because of the nervousness, and she said in a very soft voice, "Don"t make a sound, don"t move, it"s dangerous."

After putting the things in his pocket, he gently wrapped his arms around Liu Wei An"s waist. His dark eyes looked around a few times, but he didn"t find anything out of the ordinary. Even though it was strange, he knew Liu Wei An couldn"t make useless movements, and after looking carefully a few times, he still couldn"t find anything, but when he finally gave up, he felt that something was wrong.

Silence! It was too quiet here! The silence was outrageous!

There were mosquitoes, ants, and rats in the most desolate area of the mine. The place was full of life and vitality, and there were creatures living in the contaminated area. There were not much less mutated creatures than mutated plants, but the area was so quiet that it was scary.

"Pata ~ ~ ~"

The light crackling sound of branches breaking came from a direction that Zhao Han Qing wouldn"t have been able to hear if she hadn"t been concentrating hard. However, at this moment, her body was shaking violently and no matter who made the sound, it would not be a good thing.

Liu Wei An raised his gun and aimed at the source of the sound. The dark night could not obstruct his line of sight. Although it had a certain effect on him compared to the day, he still had his binoculars on him compared to the others. He saw a mercenary walking like a leopard cat, light and fast. Every time he heard the words, they would cross the two trees to hide and change their positions at any time. This kind of thing that could increase survival on the battlefield had already been integrated into their habits.

More importantly, he wanted to fight back. After being chased for such a long time, he knew that it was time to take back some interest. He knew that the mercenaries had also been trained in the forest environment, but he was not afraid at all. The moment he pressed his finger on the trigger, that ice-cold feeling spread through his body once again. It disappeared just as fast as it came. Before he could feel it, it had already disappeared, as if he was hallucinating.

If the first time was an accident, then the second time was definitely not a coincidence. Liu Wei An had an inexplicable feeling that something bad was going to happen. He quietly retrieved his gun and changed his bow. Thanks to the robbery in the magma pool, he now had another arrow to use. The first black iron bow was destroyed in the slave area, which made him worry for a long time. After all, good bows were not easy to obtain.

The black iron bow was released as soon as it was released. Mercenaries were mercenaries. Each mercenary was surrounded by two comrades in a triangular formation that could be used to attack and defend. Such a tacit understanding could not be cultivated without several years of practice. He almost ignored it. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head as if he sensed something. His pupils constricted, then enlarged as an expression of disbelief shot out from his eyes. Sensing Liu Wei An"s change, Zhao Han Qing also turned around. Her delicate body trembled, and the exact same expression as Liu Wei An surfaced on her face. She was shocked and in disbelief.

Because of the light, their bodies could not be seen, only their glowing eyes could be seen. Looking at them, one would think that they were floating beads, these monsters fell to the ground without making a sound, and approached them from the direction of the forest. At a glance, the forest was densely packed with green eyeb.a.l.l.s, and there were simply too many to count.

Through the mottled moonlight, Zhao Hanyi could clearly see the appearances of these monsters. There were wolves, wild boars, monkeys, gorillas, wild dogs, and leopards … They were of different sizes and appearances. The only thing he could think through was his green eyes.

"These are all mutated beasts that have been exposed to nuclear radiation for a long time. Fortunately, they did not die, and after neutralizing the radiation, they produced a substance that can resist the radiation. Although they can survive in the radiation zone for a long time, their bodies will still undergo some changes. Scientists around the world have yet to figure out what this radiation-resistant substance is, but one thing is certain, these mutated beasts are very powerful. " Zhao Hanyi explained in a low voice when he saw that Liu Wei An didn"t seem to have seen this kind of thing before.


Bang, bang!

"What the h.e.l.l is that?"

Bang, bang!

Screams, gunshots and curses rang out almost at the same time. It was a mercenary who had taken a detour to outflank them. This mercenary seemed to like using ring-shaped flanking tactics. The tactics had always been very effective, but this time, an accident occurred. Liu Wei An could clearly see that it was a fox-like animal hiding under a tree. The mercenary who pa.s.sed by frightened it, so he turned into a grey shadow, biting the mercenary"s thigh before turning around and running away. The mercenary was not slow to react either. He raised his hand and shot twice. Although the animal was as fast as lightning but it was still hit. It didn"t turn around as expected. Instead it shot into the bushes and disappeared.

Perhaps the mercenary was restricted by his vision, but Liu Wei"an could clearly see from above that the bullet had hit the little fox, and could not even penetrate half of its body. The little fox"s muscles squirmed, and it squeezed out the bullet in the blink of an eye. The process was very quick, as if the bullet was sent flying.

The mercenary was still looking for the little fox, but he did not notice that a huge black shadow had suddenly appeared behind him. Without making any noise, he extended a claw towards the mercenary.


His claws stabbed into his back and out of his chest like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter. When he retracted his claws, there was a b.l.o.o.d.y heart still beating with steam rising from it. The shadow opened his mouth and bit his heart into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Han Qing"s face paled. He covered his mouth with his hands and felt his stomach churning.

"Partridge stronghold, what"s going on?"

asked one of his companions, and just as he finished, he saw the partridge stronghold fall to the ground. He could not help but be shocked, "Partridge stronghold? You — d.a.m.n it! " He saw the huge shadow behind the partridge stronghold. His face suddenly changed as he raised the muzzle of the gun.


The bullet hit the huge shadow, but the shadow only shook slightly and then rushed over angrily. Its speed was beyond imagination.

"Not good, enemy - ah -" The mercenary screamed. His left hand was clutching his bleeding neck while his right hand was using his submachine gun to shoot. He was in pursuit of a running fox.

"What"s going on? Not good, there are a lot of wild animals, quick — Ahh! A distant scream of pain rang out, as if a charge had been sounded, and the next moment, gunshots were fired from the forest. The mercenary shouted with fear.

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