Rise From The Doom

Chapter 557

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He was lucky to have changed his clothes earlier, otherwise, he would have been covered in blood when he entered the city. He estimated that he would be stopped by the police before he could even walk a few steps into the city. He did not dare to go to the hospital. He found a relatively remote clinic. It was just past 8 o"clock and the clinic was open. There were no patients in the clinic.

The first thing Liu Wei An did after entering was to close the door. There was only one person in the clinic, and that person was cooking breakfast. After hearing the commotion, he came out with a bowl of noodles.

As he said this, he didn"t bother to open the door. He placed the noodles on the table and led Liu Wei An into the inner room.

"Put the patient down. Let me see what"s going on." The doctor dimmed the light.

The doctor glanced at his back and immediately frowned. Although Liu Wei"an had wrapped himself in gauze, his wounds had long since ruptured, the gauze was dyed red, and his clothes were dyed red with blood. Luckily, this was a dark gray shirt, otherwise, it would have been discovered on the way here.

The doctor took out a pair of scissors, but didn"t do anything. He first looked at Zhao Hanyin"s face, then looked back at Liu Wei"an, his mouth moved but he didn"t say anything. He turned back and turned on the light. However, he did not point it out. Carefully cutting open the clothes, he moved skillfully. In the blink of an eye, the gauze had been cut open, revealing Zhao Hanyi"s slim back. It was now completely dyed red by blood, and criss-crossing wounds covered his entire back.

Suddenly, Liu Wei An and the doctor"s body shook at the same time. There were four wounds on the left shoulder near the spine, which should be the claws of some kind of animal, at this moment, the wound was completely decayed, the sharp wounds had become nearly a centimeter wide, it was pus, the yellow liquid overflowed, it emitted an unpleasant odor, and a black gas that was difficult to distinguish was emitted from the deep wound.

"Evil black energy!" Liu Wei An immediately recognized what was going on. He was about to pounce on Ye Xiwen. He hadn"t done that even when he was cleaning up the wound a few hours ago. The damage rate of this force was way too fast.

Without a word, he turned on the light a bit more, turned it to maximum power, took a pair of tweezers and poked it a few times at the wound. He carefully examined it for half an hour, then raised his head.

"She"s infected with a virus that"s very destructive. I"m not sure if it"s contagious or not, but the patient"s condition isn"t very optimistic. I"ll deal with the other wounds first, then I"ll ask you later." the doctor said.

"Listen to the doctor." Liu Wei An quickly said.

The doctor didn"t say anything more, he took the medicine and gave Zhao Hanyin a face mask to take in some oxygen, and slowly began to sew up the wound after a while. Although it looked a little shabby, his fingers were very agile, and a needle and thread drilled into his hand, and after a while, a wound was st.i.tched up, the wound was more severely cracked — st.i.tched, the shallower wound was made by sprinkling medicinal powder on it and wrapping it in gauze, leaving behind four scratches.

"You stay here with the patient. I"ll go and test the virus for the correct drug." The doctor took a few drops of pus and left. He didn"t care whether Liu Wei An was a good person or a bad person because the door was still closed.

It was unknown whether it was the effect of the oxygen or the infusion, but Zhao Hanqing"s complexion was slightly better. He slowly opened his eyes, and just as he moved his fingers, he heard a familiar voice beside his ear.

"Don"t move, there"s a wound on your back." Liu Wei An said softly.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Han Qing immediately stopped moving.

"This is the hospital." Liu Wei An caressed her pale and cold face. "Don"t speak, and don"t worry about anything. Leave everything to me."

His words seemed to have some magic to them. Zhao Han Qing"s heart quieted down as a strong sense of weakness a.s.saulted his brain. His eyes slowly closed.

In the lab, which was called a laboratory, it was actually a dispensing room. After half an hour of work, the doctor finally placed the sample under the microscope, stared unblinkingly at it, and the finger pressing down on the lens grew more and more powerful, until it was finally about to shatter. When he saw that the last granulocyte had been corroded and a.s.similated, his heart skipped a beat, his pupils contracted, then enlarged, and his body stood up without even realizing it, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Zombie virus, does this thing really exist?"

Birth crisis movies, whether it was the apocalypse or the pre-apocalypse, were not a rare occurrence. There were probably not many zombies that were unfamiliar with it. Eating people, being cruel, not being afraid of death, not being afraid of pain, being crazy, being infectious, being ugly, being disgusting … These were the words used to describe zombies, but no matter how good the movie was, it was only a movie and not a reality.

After the apocalypse, there would occasionally be reports of zombies, every report would cause a wave of panic, but every time it was confirmed to be a fake, it was only a few powerful viruses, the more times, the world would not be surprised, it would attract attention, but not panic.

The doctor would never have dreamed that a real zombie would appear right in front of his eyes. An intense excitement rose from the bottom of his heart as he felt inexplicably proud of this great discovery. However, he immediately felt a wave of fear. Since Liu Wei An came here with Zhao Han Qing behind his back, he must have come in contact with zombies before, could he … I heard zombies like to eat people. Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone from his pocket. Just as he was about to press the b.u.t.ton, he suddenly turned his head to look at the door. After staring for a few seconds, he slowly put the phone back in his pocket. After a while, he packed his things and walked into the medical room.

It should be some kind of virus brought by an animal. It"s destructive and has a certain degree of infectivity, so I"m not completely sure what way it"s transmitted. Be careful, I need to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. The doctor said. After thinking for a moment, he added, "Before I come back, you should try your best to avoid contact with patients. From the looks of it, the two of you should be husband and wife.

"I understand." Liu Wei An nodded.

"I"m going out for a while. There"s a water dispenser over there. If you"re thirsty, go get it yourself." The doctor said, hanging the white coat on the wall and walked out of the medical room.

"Thank you, Doctor."

When the doctor walked out of the medical room and saw that Liu Wei An didn"t suspect anything, he could not help but feel relieved and quickened his steps. The doctor walked out of the medical room and when Liu Wei An didn"t suspect anything, he could not help but relax and quicken his pace. Even though he was full of wild thoughts, he couldn"t help but smile. The moment his hand touched the door, a loud sound pierced through the air.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

His brain felt like it had been struck by lightning, and he immediately lost consciousness.

"I"m sorry, I"ll have to trouble you for a few days." Liu Wei"an tied up the knocked out doctor"s hands and feet with a rope, stuffed a pair of stinky socks into his mouth, and left a warehouse behind.

He originally wanted to kill the doctor, but after thinking that he had found someone else, he decided against it. The doctor was talking to himself in the laboratory, and he heard it all. How could he dare to be careless in such a strange place? Although he didn"t go with them, he was very clear on the doctor"s every movement.

"Zombie virus." He smiled wryly, a trace of worry on his face. He picked up the breakfast the doctor had prepared for him and started to eat without saying a word.

The bowl of noodles was finished in a few bites. For him, it was just a foundation, and there was still a long way to go before he could eat his fill. He ran to the kitchen and cooked himself a big pot of noodles.

"No, I have to think of something." Liu Wei An suddenly made up his mind. Time waited for no one. Even if he had the cheek, he couldn"t just watch as Zhao Hanqing died. He took out his phone. There weren"t many numbers on it, and Fatty Yang Hongjun was only a acquaintance who nodded his head. Sun Lingzhi, upon thinking of Sun Qiouwu"s att.i.tude toward him, could also be excluded. Yang Yu"er had a lot of power, but he didn"t know for sure how much weight Yang Yu"er held in her heart. Whether Yang Yu"er would offend the Ma family or not, the answer was a question, but he felt that the chances of that happening were much higher. Zhao Kangcheng. If something had happened to him before, he would have been the first to call him. But now, he didn"t dare to, as it was difficult for others to fathom, and he didn"t dare to gamble.

Xu Ying, Wu Lili, and Gu Youyue could be trusted, but if the three girls didn"t have the power to contact them, it would only drag them down.

Huang Yue Yue was quite capable, but he immediately dismissed that thought in his heart. It was not that she didn"t trust Chu Feng. Rather, it was that Huang Yue was not capable of being the head of the Huang Family. At that time, if someone leaked out a bit of information about the Ma family, the Huang family would definitely not be willing to become enemies with the Ma family because of him. It was true that Huang Yue Yue was favored by the family, but when it came to the clan"s interests, no one would care about her feelings. The unfortunate commanders were him and Zhao Hanyi.

For some reason, he had only known them for a short time, but trusted them extremely. Just as he was about to make a phone call, he thought for a moment and put down his phone. At this moment, his phone should have been monitored. Now that the location of the satellite had been switched off, he was no longer afraid of tracking it.

Looking at the time, it would take at least ten more hours. Could Zhao Hanyin last that long?

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