Rise From The Doom

Chapter 193

As the first man in black approached, his heavy breathing became fainter and fainter until it could barely be heard. The man in black did not expect that there was a hidden cave in the rocks. With a quick glance, he left.

At the bottom of the volcano, the heat wave shot up to the sky. Just halfway down, the black clothed man was already unable to withstand the heat, the temperature below was too high, even a silver master would have to choke, but the orders from above were too tight, even if the black man was unwilling, he still had to bite the bullet and go down. The further down he went, the higher the temperature was, the more distorted the air was, and his vision was severely affected.

Liu Wei An and Bai Ling were stuck close to each other inside the narrow cave. Although Liu Wei"an had taken the initiative to take up most of the position of sticking to the wall, Bai Ling still had a small portion of her skin in contact with the wall, and her delicate skin released a burnt smell. The pain was not any less than torture, but Bai Ling"s character was really tough, her face did not even frown, as if it was not her own skin that was burnt.

Liu Wei An was filled with both admiration and fear. Even after practicing the Iron Body, he still felt excruciating pain. He had no idea what made Bai Ling"s nerves so strong that she could bear it. The men in black chased them from the top of the cliff down to the bottom of the volcano. It seemed like they wouldn"t give up until they caught the two of them.

More than forty men in black came down to the bottom. Liu Wei An recalled Bai Ling"s order and immediately chose to break through the encirclement. The number of enemies was ten times more than the two of them.

When the last black man rushed down, their tense bodies relaxed, and their suppressed breathing slowly became rough. The narrow s.p.a.ce was filled with sulfur, and the air was scarce. After holding it in for several minutes, the two blushed and almost fainted. He had only taken two breaths of air when Liu Wei An"s expression suddenly changed, and he covered Bai Ling"s nose and mouth with his hand. Bai Ling was shocked, and with lightning speed, she lifted her hand and dropped it onto his neck, and discovered that he was giving her a meaningful look with all his might, and with a thought, she immediately quieted down, and a faint sound entered her ears, causing her pupils to constrict. This sound was so soft that it was difficult to do it even when walking on flat ground.

Another expert was approaching!

At the same time, Bai Ling also noticed that the expert had appeared in the vicinity of the cave. It was unknown if it was a coincidence or a coincidence, but after a minute or so, Bai Ling"s face turned from red to purple, and then to white, her chest began to jump and jump, and like thunder, her face changed, indicating for Bai Ling to calm down. If she was discovered, the two of them would die without a place to hide.

Although he didn"t see the enemy, he was very familiar with the aura they emitted. Even if he was in his best condition, he would only be able to run for his life if he met a Gold rank expert. If he was discovered at this moment, he wouldn"t even have a chance to run. For the first time, they regretted choosing such a place. They had truly been caught off guard. Who would have thought that the two of them had not reached the bottom but had found a hole to hide in. However, to encounter absolute strength was to reap what one sowed.

When the Gold rank expert"s gaze swept past the hiding spot of the two, a cold killing intent surged out like a tide. At this moment, Liu Wei An felt his hair stand on end and his heart stopped beating.

Without even thinking, he moved his mouth over to Bai Ling"s mouth and blocked it. He took a deep breath, and Bai Ling felt the air coming over, and without understanding what was going on, she took a deep breath, and as the air entered her lungs, her heart slowly calmed down. Liu Wei An took another breath, and felt the coldness in her eyes shift away. Then, the sound of robes fluttering in the wind rang out as the Gold rank expert left the scene.

"You …"

Liu Wei An had just left Bai Ling"s lips when she woke up. It was unknown if her face was due to anger or lack of oxygen, but it had turned ashen. It was as if her eyes were spitting fire.

"This..." Liu Wei An only said two words before closing his mouth. Someone else came. Bai Ling also heard the footsteps and shut her mouth. However, her eyes were full of killing intent as she stared at Liu Wei An.

Different from the hurry up, this time, the person who came was steady and there were quite a few of them. Suddenly, a slightly arrogant voice sounded.

"As expected of the Bai Clan"s Young Miss. She can still escape from such a situation."

Liu Wei An was moved. He recognized this voice. It was the first son of the Su Clan, Su Hai Ji. They had met once before at the city gates of the Yellow Sand City, and they had a strong aura.

"With Deer Elder helping, she won"t be able to escape." Another voice sounded. It was not that arrogant, but it was filled with confidence. Gu Jianbo was Black Dragon City"s number one silver ranked expert.

"Where did that guide come from? If it wasn"t for him, Bai Ling wouldn"t have been able to escape." Su Tian"er"s voice was filled with killing intent, "One person killed twenty-seven of us. If we don"t kill this sort of person, it will definitely cause trouble in the future."

"No matter how powerful he is, he"s still just a single person." Su Hai Nai didn"t think much of Liu Wei An, "Even if ten of them were to make a move, it wouldn"t be enough for Elder Lu to make a move. Because of Bai Ling, we have to advance our plans. Elder Qian is still on the way here, if he isn"t able to make it in time, I"m afraid Elder Lu won"t be able to handle it by himself. "

The few of them fell into silence. After a while, Gu Jiabao finally opened his mouth, "When the time comes, we"ll just have to randomly react. Maybe, things won"t be as bad as we imagined."

"This is the only way …." Su Hai replied. Their voices faded into the distance. A few minutes later, the sound of their footsteps could no longer be heard. They had probably reached the bottom of the valley.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you?" Outside the cave, Bai Ling"s killing intent had lessened a bit. She looked at Liu Wei An, who was just inches away from her, with suspicion in her eyes.

"You don"t suspect me of having planned all this?" Liu Wei An said with a smile.

"Why not?" Bai Ling said expressionlessly. Without waiting for Liu Wei An to speak, she said, "You can leave now."

After confirming that there were no enemies, he climbed out of the cave. This was a small cave that only allowed one person to climb out, with two people inside, the moving s.p.a.ce could be imagined. Stepping over the seemingly cracked but solid volcanic rock, he carefully climbed up.

Liu Wei An was at the front and Bai Ling was at the back. Neither of them spoke as they climbed up more than 30 meters. When they were less than 5 meters away from the top, Liu Wei An stopped. With one hand, he grabbed the rock. With the other, he retrieved the bow and arrow. Then, he gave a light cough.

"Who is it?" Two arrows shot out from the top of the mountain, and before they could get a clear look at the situation below, their eyes opened wide in a flash of despair. Two lightning bolts shot out from the bottom of the mountain, and when the two men tried to retract their heads, the arrows had already shot through their mouths and out the back of their heads.

Immediately after, Liu Wei An rushed down like an ape man, like a gust of wind, he grabbed the falling corpses with one hand and threw them on the ground, then he jumped up onto the volcano"s crater and could not hold on any longer, he sat down on the ground and panted heavily. From drawing the bow, shooting the arrows, and sprinting to grabbing the corpse, a few movements had been completed in one go. With just a slight mistake, he would be doomed.

After a few seconds, Bai Ling came up as well. She glanced at Liu Wei An with a hint of surprise in her eyes, what happened just now, she saw, was shooting an arrow on the cliff without any rope to hold her body back. Not only did it require a high reaction speed, it also required a high shooting speed, and it also required a lot of courage. She knew many young elites, but only a few were as outstanding as the one in front of her. She had been thinking about how to kill the duo at the volcano"s crater without batting an eyelid, but she didn"t expect that Liu Wei An would easily solve the problem before she had a clue.

"What are you doing?" Liu Wei An was surprised to see Bai Ling pull out a small knife from nowhere. The pressure was so tight, she didn"t even notice that Bai Ling was carrying a small knife on her body.

Bai Ling did not say anything. She took out a bottle of medicinal powder and tore off a few strips of cloth from her body. Under Liu Wei An"s horrified gaze, the knife cut her thigh.

"What are you doing?" Liu Wei An asked again.

Bai Ling"s forehead was covered in sweat, but she did not make a sound. She sliced her thigh with her knife again, forming a cross with her knife. The two slashes were very deep, and blood was spurting out. Bai Ling was in so much pain that her face turned pale, but she didn"t hesitate to move her hand. The knife stabbed into the cut and stirred a few times, causing more blood to flow out. She picked out an arrow and looked at it, causing Liu Wei An"s scalp to go numb.

This arrow actually had a barb.

His profession of being an archer was not short, but this was the first time he had seen arrows with barbs on them. He thought of the three arrows on his back and shoulders, and how his face was uglier than a dead fly.

In less than five minutes, she had already picked out all of the arrows. Her efficiency was very high because the shaft of the arrow had long since been broken off, so the four arrows that she had picked out now stood side by side. At that moment, the silver arrow was completely stained with blood, making it look even more ferocious.

When the last arrow was picked out, Bai Ling nearly fainted from the pain. She gritted her teeth as she bandaged the wound, the ground beneath her feet completely drenched in sweat. She only rested for less than two minutes before she said to Liu Wei An, "Can you do me a favor? Take the arrows off your back. " His voice was weak and filled with determination.

"I"m going to faint!" Liu Wei An"s heart turned cold.

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