Rise From The Doom

Chapter 301

With a tank leading the way, and a perverted human like the elephant, Liu Wei An"s group rushed out without any obstruction. There were even more zombies outside, just like the tide. However, Liu Wei An"s speed was just too fast. He shot out his arrow like a torrential storm, and it forcefully flew through the crowd of zombies.

The two types of incantations intertwined, and the number of arrows in the ring decreased at an alarming rate. This was the first time since he had set foot on this path that he had used up so many arrows.

"Let"s go!" He turned around and shouted at the crowd. His face was extremely solemn.

The repairman and Xie Shiqiang had long since dropped the guns in their hands, and kept running with their heads down, because they discovered that the guns in their hands were useless against zombies. Not only that, the gunshots would stimulate the zombies, and Liu Wei An was too fast, even if he ran at full speed, he could only barely keep up with Liu Wei An"s footsteps.

His physique was special, so he was not afraid of zombies getting infected. Normal zombies could not cause too much damage to his attack, and high level zombies were not able to enter his body, so no zombies could withstand his abnormal strength.

However, because of Liu Wei An"s words, he couldn"t help but speed up his footsteps. At this time, he sensed something and raised his head to look to the left, where he saw an ogre running towards him from afar with a b.l.o.o.d.y aura and an imposing aura. Behind it followed a tide of zombies, all of which were close to 2.0 level.

He had fought against ogres before, so he was no match for the ogres. This was the first time in his life that he was no match for the other party. When he was in the eighth floor, he had lost a few times against others in terms of physical strength, but that was because they had used a coincidence or used their inner force"s true qi, so although he had lost, he was not convinced. Only this time, it was a true battle, and he was completely defeated.

However, he also knew that the reason why he lost was not because of how terrifying the Ogre was, but because he had yet to grow up. Once he matured, his strength would increase by leaps and bounds, and then, he would no longer have to fear the Ogre.

After running a few steps, he knocked away a few zombies that were trying to ambush Xu Ying. Suddenly, he discovered that the interstellar bandit"s tank had turned around and was chasing after them. Although he didn"t know why, as long as the tank didn"t fire at them, he didn"t care too much. However, he was certain that if the tank fired at them, he would immediately rush forward and overturn the tank.

Very quickly, he found out the reason behind the tank turning around. It wasn"t out of goodwill that he came to support them, but because two ironclad zombies were chasing after the tank.

With the pressure lifted, they were out of the zombie encirclement. Liu Wei An didn"t even have time to rest as he turned around and shouted to the crowd, "Hurry, a bit faster —" He couldn"t even deal with a single Ogre, not to mention two more Iron-Chain Zombies.

"The repairman is going to get the car." He shouted and shot two zombies that were about to get close to him. He aimed at the two zombies with the iron chain and immediately put them down.

The iron-chain zombie was a hundred meters away, beyond the range of the black iron bow. He decided that once he settled down, he would get a Bronze Bow from the game.

After taking out the sniper rifle, he didn"t immediately shoot, but took out two bullets and began to draw a flame rune on it. No matter how strong a zombie was, it couldn"t change its negative characteristics.

The surface of the tank was filled with the marks of iron chain strikes. It was as if in front of the iron chain, the tank was no longer a steel beast but was made of flour.


The bullet was fast to the extreme, and by the time the sound reached the ear hole, one of the iron chain zombies had already been shot, its body turned into a ball of flames, releasing a mournful howl, the iron chain swung out randomly, the surrounding zombies were shattered into pieces, many lower level zombies were instantly killed, even the other iron chain zombie with it also suffered several iron chains, almost hitting it.

"Drip, drip ~ ~ ~"

The bullets were not powerful, they hit the zombie"s body and bounced off. Liu Wei An was confused, but he heard Xu Ying let out a painful cry, and his body tilted, falling down. He was shocked at first, but then he became furious.

These bullets weren"t meant for zombies but for them. The muzzle of the gun shifted and aimed at the location of the shot.


The next moment, on the city wall a hundred meters away, a fist-sized hole appeared in the chest of the soldier who was still holding the gun. He did not see where the bullet had come from, and his strength instantly dissipated. However, a ball of fire rose up on his body. The flames expanded and all the soldiers within three meters of him were buried in the sea of fire, letting out mournful and painful screams.

"Chi ~ ~ ~"

With an ear-piercing noise, the mechanic drove a rear eight-wheel drive over. He deserved to be called a mechanic. In less than a minute, he managed to get a car.

By the time Wu Lili and Xie Shiqiang rushed into the car, Liu Wei An had already arrived in front of the car with Xu Ying in his arms, moving as fast as lightning.


The elephant jumped into the car, making a loud noise. Although the elephant was slim, it was still heavy. Liu Wei An was one step faster than him. He pa.s.sed Xu Ying to Wu Lili to greet him, and lightly landed in the car without making any sound. He then shouted at the mechanic, "Drive!" The repairman did not hesitate to start the car.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three blind zombies were blown away, their heads exploded, and brain matter splattered everywhere. Liu Wei An"s expression didn"t change at all. He turned the spearhead and aimed a shot at the Iron Rope Zombie.


Sparks flew. The bullet was blocked by the iron chain and burst into flames. The Iron Chain Zombie let out a roar and shifted its attention away from the tank. The tank took the opportunity to leave the battlefield and agilely turned around, charging into a fork in the road and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Bang, bang, bang!

Liu Wei An"s firing speed was extremely fast, giving the impression that he didn"t even need to aim. The Iron Chains Zombies were furious, but the power of the sniper rifle was too great, even they didn"t dare to underestimate it.

After the elephant threw out the last zombie that was hung outside the door, it stood still like an iron man, with a gaze like lightning. It was very simple, but after entering a battle state, it gave off an exceptionally sharp aura. The others, including Liu Wei An, could not help but sit in the car, gasping for breath. Only he seemed to have an inexhaustible stamina.

It was unknown if it was the zombies that were lured away. After escaping from the zombies" encirclement, the journey was smooth and basically, they didn"t encounter any zombies. There were a few that weren"t a threat to the last eight rounds. When he rushed out of Xinfeng City, the sky had already turned bright.

"Where are we going?" The mechanic stopped the truck, not because he didn"t want to go further, but because the truck ran out of gas.

"Let"s find a place to rest. I believe the police don"t have the energy to chase us right now." Liu Wei An said. Everyone agreed that the most important thing for Xin Feng city was to eliminate zombies, not to chase them. Even if he killed Ma Xuelao, the police wouldn"t be able to take care of him, let alone the fact that Liu Wei An had only killed the Ma family"s disciples.

Xu Ying"s wound was not serious, it was an abrasion wound. The bullet did not stay in the flesh and was wrapped up. Liu Wei An had brought medicine with him. Although it was not a professional wound, it should not be a big problem.

After the zombie outbreak, they immediately moved to the Public Security Bureau, and not just them, a lot of them also ran to the Public Security Bureau, because everyone thought that the Public Security Bureau had guns and could deal with zombies, but things weren"t as simple as they had imagined. It was true that the Public Security Bureau had guns, but the effect of dealing with zombies was very bad.

The zombie was chased out, while Xu Ying was caught by a n.o.ble. He wanted to take advantage of this chaos to kidnap Xu Ying, but he underestimated Xu Ying"s decision to resist, so the moment he was careless he was killed by her. Zhang Yan and Zhou Jie saw that Xu Ying had caused a great disaster, so they did not hesitate to break off their relationship. Otherwise, Liu Wei An might not be able to see her anymore.

One of the key figures was Shi Hu. Back then, when someone wanted to kill Xu Ying on the spot, Shi Hu was the one who protected her. According to him, everyone had to abide by the law and not act rashly. If not for Shi Hu, Xu Ying wouldn"t even have the chance to go to jail.

Everyone ate and fell asleep, but in reality, except for the elephant, no one else could sleep. Wu Lili felt a sense of crisis due to Xu Ying"s appearance. Xu Ying said that she still hadn"t gotten out of her predicament, while the repairman was still holding onto a small casket. Her wife"s body had been tortured to such a state that he chose to cremate it.

Liu Wei An actually fell asleep, but he slept very lightly. In this kind of place, he didn"t dare to be careless at all.

When he woke up, it was already noon. He ate his meal until he was full. Each of them was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy as their fatigue was swept away.

"I plan to go to the slave area. If you want to follow me, then go with me. If you don"t want to, then leave." He had also thought about occupying a plot of land in the affluent regions, but he immediately rejected the idea. The affluent regions would not be his, and once the army returned, he would be the first to die. What he needed to consider now was not to get rich, but to escape. It was obvious that a slave district far away from the regime was a good place to settle down in.

Elephant and Wu Lili were undoubtedly following him, and he was actually asking about Xie Shiqiang, the repairman and Xu Ying. The three of them thought about it for a few seconds, then agreed to go to the slave quarters. In fact, they had nowhere else to go.

Six hours later, Qin Zhan returned to the slave district that he had not been in for a long time. Before he had a chance to express his feelings, his path was blocked.

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