aIam glad youare here.a She squeezed his hip and pushed her way closer to him.

He smiled against her hair, closing his eyes against the sunlight that was coming in between her blinds. aI was hoping to surprise you. I didnat expect to fall asleep, but I guess I needed it more than I thought.a She had the feeling that he didnat sleep any better than she did when they were apart. This was taking a toll on the both of them, and she would be glad when it was done. They both needed a break. Hannah ran her hands up his stomach and chest before clasping her hands around his neck, burrowing her face into the s.p.a.ce where his shoulder allowed her to fit perfectly. aYou probably did. This hasnat been hard on only me. Iam glad you were able to rest. What time is it?a He turned so that he could see the clock and laughed. aAlmost one in the afternoon. d.a.m.n.a aGood thing this is a travel day, huh?a aWell I had planned to keep you in bed all day anyway,a he threw out off-handedly. aNot like that,a he laughed when she smirked at him. aI brought a ton of DVDs, and I loaded my iPad with games. We are relaxing today.a as.e.x is relaxing,a she whispered against his ear, snaking her tongue out to try and tempt him.

aNo, we always do that when weare alone together.a He pushed her away. aAnd then you go away or I go away, and it sucks. We have a week left, we can last. Weare watching movies and playing games today.a She pursed her lips and removed her hands from around his neck aIf you say so.a aI do.a He was so adamant about it that she couldnat help but laugh. aFine, so do tell, what are we going to do first?a aFirst,a he said as he got up and swung his legs over the bed. aYou need to eat, so Iam going to go find us something and check on Sh.e.l.l.a aWait.a She sat up, surprise in her voice. aWhy are you checking on Sh.e.l.l? Did something happen while I was asleep?a aJared gave me a letter to give to her.a Fear gripped her heart. aIt wasnat a break-up letter was it?a she blurted out before she could stop herself.

aI donat know, Hannah,a he told her as patiently as possible. aI didnat read it before I gave it to her, and I didnat stick around once I did give it to her. I wanted to give her some privacy, just in case it was bad, but I think it was okay. Jared and I had a talk before I left to come here. I think I explained to him what she needed to hear if he does in fact feel that way about her. He asked me to give it to her. Iave done that, now I want to make sure sheas okay.a He was such a good guy, such a good friend. He would do anything for anyone that asked him. It was one of the things she loved most about him. aIf she needs me, will you please let me know?a aI will,a he told her as he put his clothes back on. aI have to see this through, though. I brought it to her; I want to make sure sheas okay.a Hannah stood up from the bed and walked over to where he stood. She carefully twined her arms around his neck and pulled him down so that she could brush her lips over his. aI know, and I love you for it.a That wasnat exactly what he was going for, but Garrett knew he would take it, no matter what. aBe right back.a It was hard for her to let him go in the other room and try to take care of her friend. It went against everything that she and Sh.e.l.l had stood for in their relationship, but she had to acknowledge that maybe that was a part of growing up too. Maybe Garrett could now give Sh.e.l.l what she never coulda"a glimpse into what it was like to be with Jared and understand him. She had to let them do thisa"not only for them, but for herself too. She had to trust that Garret knew what he was doing, and she had to trust that Sh.e.l.l would be okay if good news or bad news didnat come from her.

aHey,a Garrett started as he walked into the sitting area. Sh.e.l.l still sat in front of her laptop but looked up when he made his presence known. He watched her for signs of distress just like he would Hannah. Relieved, he saw that there were no red eyes, no puffy skin, and no tear tracks. aYou okay?a Sh.e.l.l chuckled. aIf youare trying to ask me if Jared broke up with me, the answer is no. He told me a lot of things in that letter that I needed to hear, and Iam thankful that you brought it to me.a aThank G.o.d,a he breathed deeply, running his hands through his hair. aIam not going to lie. I was nervous.a aHow the h.e.l.l do you think I felt when you gave it to me?a He turned to the fridge and began rummaging around in it. aWell, at least now this doesnat have to be all awkward. I told Hannah to let me come out here and talk to you about it because I felt like I had to. Really, though, I was afraid you were going to bust me in the b.a.l.l.s if head broken up with you. You know, shooting the messenger and all that.a He spared a glance back at her.

aNo.a She winked. aYouare safe.a She watched him for a few more minutes as he continued to make a huge amount of noise going through the fridge. aGarrett, what in the f.u.c.k are you looking for?a aSome food, woman. What the h.e.l.l do the two of you eat?a She snorted at his frustration. aNormally we are stocked up, but the tour ends in a week. Neither one of us is thinking about food. If you want, I can get the bus to stop, run out, and grab all of us something.a aThat would be awesome, Iam starving.a Garrett called Hannah into the main room, and they looked up the closest fast food restaurants to where they were. Within minutes, Sh.e.l.l had a list and they were stopping in the parking lot.

aDonat forget my honey mustard,a Hannah yelled as Sh.e.l.l went to leave.

aFor the hundredth time in five minutes, I will get your d.a.m.n honey mustard.a Hannah giggled as Sh.e.l.l made her way off the bus. aI love to make her mad. Sheas so easy to rile up, but Iam glad to see that whatever was in that letter from Jared wasnat bad. The one thing about Sh.e.l.l is that she canat hide what sheas feeling. If it was bad, we would know. She even seems at peace.a aI would agree with that,a Garrett told her as he grabbed his bag and pulled a DVD out of it.

aDo I even get a say-so in what movie we watch?a aNo, I came to you, and this time we do what I say.a She wasnat sure if she liked that at all, but there was something very cute about him being bossy this way. aFine,a she sighed. aCan we watch it out here, at least? I donat want Sh.e.l.l to be lonely.a That was a concession that he was willing to make. Within minutes, Sh.e.l.l had brought their food back, and all of them were situated in the back lounge. Garrett and Hannah snuggled together on the couch; Sh.e.l.l lay out in the recliner. Garrett would never tell anyone this out loud, but it was the most relaxed head been in weeks. Here, in a dark lounge in the back of a bus, his wife snuggled to his chest eating chicken strips, a horrible action-adventure movie playing, and her best friend sitting to the side doing the same thing as the two of them. This was a huge departure from years past, but he knew with everything that he was, he would not change this for anything. If there was one thing that Hannah had brought to his life, it was stability, and he no longer had to be the life of the party. This was now the party, and he had never been happier. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss against her forehead. This was where he saw himself in five years, and he hoped with everything he had that she was with him all the time. It was selfish, but it was the truth.

Chapter Twenty-Six.

Hannah had expected the days since Garrettas departure to drag, but that hadnat been the case. It was as if one day she woke up and realized that this was it. Theyad made it to the end of the tour. Only one more show stood in their way, and then she could be Hannah Thompson. She could be the person that shead been longing to be for what seemed like forever. Of course, she knew that was an exaggeration, but she was okay with that.

aWhenas Garrett going to be here?a Sh.e.l.l asked as they moved around the bus, packing up last-minute essentials.

Hannah stole a glance at her phone. aHe should be landing right now. He and Jared were going to rent a car, I think, because Garrett and I are doing the four-hour drive to Nashville tomorrow. We want to check on the house thatas finally ours and figure out what we want to do for the holiday.a Thanksgiving was in a week, and they still had yet to decide which family and which coast they would be spending it on. It was something that Hannah hadnat wanted to mess with on top of everything else that was already going on. She was fine with letting it play out however it would. Tomorrow she would start worrying all about that.

aGood, because Iam flying back with Jared, but if you have a car, then that means you can take most of my luggage to the house?a aSure, just let me know which suitcases you want taken over there, and Iall be glad to do it.a They busied themselves with getting the rest of what they needed off the bus, and suddenly, it came to a stop.

aWeare here,a Sh.e.l.l told her quietly.

Here was the Phillips Arena.

Hannah glanced out the window to the place they had been waiting for since this whole thing began. It seemed like both a lifetime ago and only yesterday that she had taken a look at the grueling touring schedule theyad placed in front of her. There had been times when she wondered if she could do it. There were other times when she wondered if she wanted to do it. She remembered with startling clarity the nights that shead cried herself to sleep because shead missed Garrett so much. On the other hand, she remembered all the amazing days off she had with him. Not being on tour would change the whole dynamic of her relationship with him, because more than likely in a few short months, he would be the one going on tour and she wouldnat be staying behind. This time she would be following along. It was an unknown for her, so it was scary, but at the same time, she was more than excited to being this next chapter.

aLetas go get ready for the show.a She smiled, reaching over to give Sh.e.l.l a hug. aMy makeup ainat gonna do itself.a aIs it weird to feel like Iam walking into the unknown and scared s.h.i.tless?a Sh.e.l.l asked her as they made their way off the bus, both holding what was left of their bags.

aNo.a She shook her head. aI feel the same way too. Neither one of us have ever had this much time coming to us. Weave never had the option. I feel like weare seniors and weare graduating from high school, ready to take college by storm but wanting so badly to stay at home and be the children weave always been.a aThe irony of that statement is that we both went from being seniors in high school to doing this,a Sh.e.l.l laughed.

That was the irony. Ever since they had been adults, neither one of them had what anyone would call a normal life.

aGuess we better get ready for the freshman fifteen then,a Hannah joked as they made their way into the back of the arena.

Just in case this was the last time she did this, Hannah took a moment to glance behind her. She took note of the setting sun behind her tour bus, the hustle and bustle of everyone getting the equipment ready for the show. She took a minute to look around the side. From where she stood, she could see the line of people coming to see her already forming. Tears gathered in her eyes and she breathed deeply. The journey she was about to embark on was the most important of her life, but if anyone asked her, she would tell them that she had never been so scared. Ever.

aYou coming?a Sh.e.l.l asked, holding her hand out for her friend.

aYeah.a aWanted to remember it, huh?a Hannah nodded. She wasnat sure that she could push the words past the tightening in her throat. aI do, just in case I donat come back.a Sh.e.l.l pulled her into a tight hug. aYou know that whatever you decide Iam a hundred percent behind you.a aAre you sure? You were pretty ticked at me when I started talking about this.a aThat was me being an idiot, and I am sorry for ever putting you through that. That was my own insecurities. You are always going to be the best friend Iave ever had, just like you tell me. Whether you come back to this or not, we will always be close. I promise you that.a That was exactly what Hannah had needed to hear. The two of them made their way through the back halls and into the dressing room. Hannah took a deep breath, sat down at the makeup table, and went about putting on her face. This was the face that many fans would have to remember for a long time to come.

aAtlanta! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming out tonight,a she spoke clearly into the mic, trying to keep her voice from cracking. aAs many of you know, this is my last show for a while.a The announcement was met with a huge round of applause. aI hope youare clapping because youare happy about what Iam going to be doing,a she laughed as she looked over to the side of the stage where Garrett stood. aIall be spending all kinds of time with my husband.a More loud cheering and screaming. aBut before we go into the last two songs of the night, I want to say thank you for all the support. I want to tell you how excited I am that youave accepted me and Reaper into your lives. Our song, which is sitting at number freakina two right now, means a lot to us, and I hope it means just as much to you.a She stopped, gathering her breath and courage. aHaving said that, Iam going to invite Reaper out to sing it with mea"you know, if thatas okay with you?a The response was so great she could feel it in her chest. The screams and stomps of feet reverberated in her body. It got even louder as Garrett made his way onto the stage. aThanks for coming,a she told him as he leaned down, kissing her on the cheek.

He had to yell to be heard. aWouldnat miss it for anything. To be honest, Iad hoped you would ask me out here to do this song.a One of the stage hands brought two stools out, and they had a seat facing each other. aSay hi,a she told Garrett as she indicated the crowd. He waved, smiling over at her. aI hope we arenat giving you a bad reputation. Youare charting on a country chart, and now Iave pulled you out to sing at a country show for the second time.a He glanced over at her. aIall do anything you ask me to, babe.a That was met with the cooing of the entire crowd, and he flashed them a thumbs-up.

aSince weare pretty much re-enacting the way we did this in the hotel room that we shot the YouTube video in, Iad like to invite my friend Sh.e.l.l and Black Fridayas lead guitarist Train.a The two of them were also met with a thunderous applause. As the foursome got situated and Jared made sure the guitar was in tune, Hannah took another moment for reflection. Shead caught herself doing that many times as the night and concert had progressed. She wanted to make sure she remembered each moment as she went through it; she wanted to remember exactly how she felt. It was no longer the best feeling in the world to her, but she wanted to make sure that she was completely in this experience.

aYou ready?a Garrett asked, his deep voice echoing through the arena.

aIf you are.a aAlways ready when it comes to you, babe,a he told her, leaning over to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

The song they sung was about loving each other regardless of the imperfections they both had. It was about loving someone when all the obstacles stood in the way. Somehow, here, in front of this arena full of people, it felt even more intimate than it had in the hotel room. Garrett would not move his eyes from her as he sang, and she found herself having to look away, the emotion too much for her. He brought her right back to him every time she looked away. By the time they were done, there were cell phones up in every part of the arena, she had tears streaming down her face, and head stood up to hold her next to his side.

aThanks for letting me come hang out with you tonight, Atlanta! I appreciate it,a he told them before kissing her again and making his way off the stage. The songs that would follow and the little amount of time they had left in the concert would be hers. He would never steal anything like that from her or her fans. He watched her turn her back to the crowd and seem to collect herself. aCamon, babe, you got this,a he yelled from where he stood, clapping his hands for her.

Her brown eyes glanced over and met his, offering him a small smile. She nodded and exhaled before turning back around. Harmony was back on and would be for as long as Hannah needed her to be.

aYou okay?a Garrett asked two hours later as he helped her drag her suitcases to the car. He stole a glance at her. The stage makeup was gone, her hair was in a top knot on her head, and she had on sweatpants and a hoodie. She looked like she was student moving into the dorms on her first day of college. She had been quiet, and he couldnat help but worry about her.

aIam good.a Her smile was shaky, but it was there. aIam just a little emotional and Iam tired. I think after I get a good nightas sleep Iall be okay.a aNot regretting it, are you?a That was a big fear of his, and he was afraid she would regret it as soon as he walked off the stage for the final time.

aNever. I have the most peaceful feeling in the world surrounding me right now. Iam a little raw though, I need some time to decompress. The past year has been insane, and honestly weare lucky the past few months didnat drive me to a nervous breakdown. Iall be fine; I just need a few days.a He stopped what he was doing and walked over, scooping her up in his arms. He hugged her for a long time before kissing her tenderly. aI love you and I thank you for the sacrifices youave made for us.a aThey arenat any different than yours. We love each other, and as long as we remember that, weall be good.a As they got into the car and began the drive north, he still hoped against all he had that she would not come to regret the decisions that she had made.

Chapter Twenty-Seven.

Just as Garrett had figured, as soon as they were an hour outside of Atlanta and well after midnight, Hannah fell asleep in the pa.s.senger seat beside him. Taking his eyes off the road for a second, he glanced over at her and realized that his heart was full. She was his for longer than shead been his in the entire time theyad been together. He had so many things he wanted to do with her, so many things he wanted to show her. Truth be told, he was tired too. He was tired of the distance, of the separation, and of pretending like it didnat matter so much to him. When he didnat show it, it didnat seem to wear on her as much, but there was only so much he could take. He was at the end of that rope with it all. He was ready to have his wife with him, and to know that they would soon be celebrating the holidays together was one of the most exciting feelings head ever had.

Reaching over, he clasped her hand in his and squeezed tightly. The first order of business would be to get some weight back on her and remove the dark circles from under her eyes. The tiredness head seen there lately he didnat like one bit. The way her smile didnat touch her eyes, the beaten-down look. That needed to be gone. Garrett was ready for a bit of normalcy with them, even though he knew head soon be dragging her out on his tour, it would be easier with the two of them in the same spot for more than a couple of days.

Hours later, he pulled into the driveway of his in-laws and carefully got out of the car, keeping it running so that he wouldnat wake Hannah up. Robert met him on the front porch, surprising Garrett. He said so, asking what the older man was doing awake.

aI was watching for you,a he explained. aDo you need some coffee or anything? I know youave driven all night.a Garrett shook his head. aNah, Iam good.a Robert reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to the house that head been taking care of for them. aWe got some groceries for you yesterday. I had some of the guys from my shop help me move in a little bit of furniture. I figure if you donat like it, you can use it in the studio. Just a couch, a chair, a TV, and a Blu-Ray player. The bed you ordered was delivered yesterday too, and Liz made sure there are sheets and stuff on it. Heatas on and it should be ready for the two of you.a aThank you so much, you have no idea how much we appreciate this.a Garrett reached out, shaking Robertas hand.

aJust take care of her. Sheas had a rough couple of years.a Garrett looked back at the car, knowing that Hannah slept peacefully inside. aShe is my number-one priority.a aThatas what I wanted to hear. Please let us know what you two want to do for Thanksgiving.a Garrett had almost forgotten that it was so close, even though head been thinking about the holidays on the drive up. aAs soon as we get settled, that will be the first thing we talk about.a It was then that a jaw-popping yawn made its way out of his mouth.

aGo, get some sleep. Call us if you need anything, and weall figure everything out in the next few days.a Garrett surprised himself by reaching over and hugging the other man. He felt closer to Robert than he expected to feel, and he figured that was a part of the growing-up process, a part of welcoming more people into his family. Quickly, he made his way back to the car.

It was a good thing they had a GPS, because if asked, Garrett wouldnat be able to tell anyone how they had gotten to their new home. It had been a maze of turns, and he wanted only one thinga"to get home. Home sounded like such a good word. He couldnat wait to make this home with her. It had been one of the only things that had kept him going through their long separation.

He pulled into the garage and shut the door before turning the car off. aHan.a He reached over and gently shook her shoulder. When it was obvious she wasnat going to wake up, he unbuckled and went over to the pa.s.senger side. Carefully, he got her out and let them both inside. He hoped like h.e.l.l he remembered which room the two of them had decided on. A pang of loneliness. .h.i.t him too when he didnat hear the clickety-clack of Havockas toenails against the floor. They would have to bring their boy out here; as it was, Garrett hated leaving him.

The stairs werenat easy with her limp in his arms, but he navigated them. When he got to their room, he breathed a sigh of relief. The freshly made bed looked like an oasis in the middle of a desert. He was running on fumes, and he knew she was too. There wasnat anything left in either of them. He moved back the cover as best he could with one hand and laid her down; he then lay down next to her, still fully clothed. He pulled the cover up around them. That would have to be enough. The exhaustion of the last few months weighed on him, and he finally let it go, closing his eyes, putting his arms around Hannah, and letting it all go.

Hannah felt like she was some place shead been before, but she couldnat place it. She knew that Garrett was with her because she could feel his body behind hers. Prying her eyes open, she looked around. They were in their new house and it was dusk outside. How long had they been here? Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, she saw that it was four oaclock in the evening. The last thing she remembered was getting in the car a little after midnight that morning. Had she really slept for over twelve hours?

aGarrett.a She nudged his shoulder.

His eyes popped open and he glanced at her. aYeah?a aItas four thirty at night. Have we slept that long?a He sat up, wiping the sleep from his face and eyes. ad.a.m.n,a he mumbled, pulling his own cell phone out of his pocket. She was right, it was four and they had been there all day. aYeah, we have,a he laughed, running a hand through his hair. aI guess we needed it.a She lay back against the sheet and breathed deeply. She had no place to be, she had nothing to do. There wasnat another concert that she had to rush to; there was no interview to prep for. Her schedule was as clear as the window to her right. The feeling was odd, one that shead never had before. For some reason, she started to giggle.

aAre you okay?a he asked, staring over at her, a smile on his face.

aYes,a she laughed. aI donat know why Iam laughing, but I have a free schedule. Do you know how good that feels? I donat have to be anywhere at any certain time, I donat have to clear my schedule with anyone, and I can be with you whenever I want.a He answered her laugh with a deep exhale of his own. aIt does feel f.u.c.kina good, but you know what would feel really good right now?a She shook her head, not sure where he was going with this.

aA shower and some food. I feel nasty and Iam about to starve.a aWeare not showering together,a she told him as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. aI remember what happened last time we did that.a He gave her a slow smile. aWe donat have enough time for that right now. My stomachas about to eat itself, and I wouldnat be able to give you my full attention. Now, after I get the shower and some food in me, I wouldnat mind getting in you.a She shook her head at him. aCouldnat help it, could ya?a aNope.a Hannah watched as he made his way out of the bedroom, hoping they had towels and changes of clothes somewhere. If not, there was going to be a lot of naked lounging in this family. Standing up, she stretched, sighing as her back and neck cracked. The tension shead carried for so long was gone. She felt like she could breathe, and it had been a very long time since she had felt that way. The intense pressure that shead been under for the last few months was gone. It felt amazing. She felt lighter as she made her way down the stairs and into the foyer. With no suitcases to be found, she guessed they were still in the car. They would need them, and she had been self-sufficient for most of her life when it came to her own luggage.

Walking out into the garage, she saw that she was right. This wasnat the first time shead had to lug her bags, and she knew that it wouldnat be the last. They were just a lot heavier than she remembered. After minutes of struggling, she had both one of hers and one of Garrettas in the foyer.

aHan?a aRight here,a she told him, breathing hard.

aBabe, I would have grabbed that stuff.a She looked up, laughing as he held a small towel around his waist. She wasnat even sure it went completely around his waist. aWhere did you find that?a aThe kitchen.a He shrugged. aI had to have something.a aThatas why I grabbed these; I had some towels in my bag.a She giggled as he turned around, showing her his exposed b.u.t.t cheeks.

aNow you tell me.a She snorted. aYou never asked. It was all aIam gonna take a shower, get some food, and thenaaa aPlease say it,a he whispered. Amus.e.m.e.nt made the edges of his mouth twitch. aPlease say it.a Hannah couldnat bring herself to say it. aYou know what you said.a aI do know what I said,a he told her, pulling her close to him.

They were so close that she could feel the moisture of the shower head just taken. Hannah needed to feel a part of him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tilted her face up to his. The invitation was clear, and Garrett didnat make her wait long. Like he always did, he possessed her with one of the hottest kisses shead ever had in her life, and that was saying something, given their history.

His stomach picked that moment to growl loudly. aCan we come back to this?a he asked, rubbing a hand over the skin there.

aYeah.a She shook her head, laughing quietly. aWe can, because I really need that shower.a aIall cook,a he offered, bending over in front of her. aDonat you dare smack my a.s.s either,a he threw over his shoulder at her.

aWouldnat dream of it,a she told him as she smacked him quickly and then made a run for the stairs.

aYouare lucky that Iam hungry.a Feeling a bit ornery, she put an extra sway into her hips as she climbed the stairs. aPromises, promises.a He watched her, an evil glint in his eye. She would find out about those promises.

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

aIam lucky that youare not only hot, but you cook pretty well too.a Hannah smiled at Garrett over their dinner.

They had set up camp in the living room, both sitting on the couch with the TV on some horrible reality TV show. They both had beers, and head whipped them up a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches a piece. They had found a bag of chips, and theyad dove into that like they hadnat eaten in days. He put half of the sandwich in his mouth and chewed thoroughly before taking a healthy drink of the beer. aI told you, there are certain things you learn to do as a bachelor. Omelets and grilled cheeses are number one and number two on the list.a She picked up half of the sandwich head made her and took a bite. The food tasted better when it was shared with him, it felt like it satisfied a hunger in her. Just by being together, she was more at peace. Her stomach no longer had the queasy feeling shead had the entire time shead been on the road. In hindsight, she wasnat even sure that shead known it was there, but nowa"now she knew how stressed she had been. aThanks for cooking me dinner.a aAnything for you,a he told her, swiping a chip off her plate.

She swatted at his hand, but in reality she couldnat help but notice how at ease he appeared to be too. There was no tension at the side of his eyes, he looked semi-well rested, and the smile was much easier to come to his face when he looked at her. Sighing, she moved her plate and his before throwing herself into his arms.

aWhatas that for?a he asked, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

aBecause I can and because I love you.a This was what had been missing between the two of them. Meeting in hotel rooms made it feel like their love was illicit, and while that was fun sometimes, n.o.body liked to feel like they werenat supposed to be together. He wanted to show her exactly what he was capable of. That he wanted this. He wanted to make it all work and head been waiting on it. Head told her that it didnat matter how long it would take, he would wait, and he had. Now was the time to put up or shut up. She would need him just as much here as she needed him while she was on tour. Now was the time for him to prove how serious he was and how in the marriage he wanted to be. If he didnat start this minute, this second, then what kind of a man was he? aYou wanna go sit on the wraparound porch?a Her eyes moved over to the French doors, eyeing the frost on them. aIsnat it cold?a aWe can take a blanket and huddle together.a That suggestion sounded awesome to her. She loved sitting near him and letting his body heat warm her. He was like her own personal furnace most of the time. aOkay, letas go.a She got up from the couch and grabbed the two blankets that someone had left there for them. During the day, Nashville wasnat too bad, but at night, it got coolera"definitely cooler than what Garrett was used to.

They walked out, both pleased to discover the lounger used to help stage the home was still there. Garrett had a seat on it and then pulled Hannah into his arms so that her back pressed against his front. They quickly covered themselves up with both blankets to ward off the cold.

aMaybe I should have worn a sweatshirt instead of a T-shirt,a she laughed, her teeth chattering against the cold.

Garrett ran his hands up and down her arms, trying to keep her as warm as possible. aDo you think itall be colder next week?a he asked, blowing out a breath to see it show white against the cold.

aHard to say,a she shrugged. aThanksgiving is iffy sometimes. Speaking of, do we want to have it here or not?a It surprised him to admit it, but he did. aI do, I would love for everyone to get together in our new house. Do you think the west coast family would be up for it?a She turned in his arms. aGarrett, the question is, are we up for it? We have nothing in this house except for a couch, a chair, and a bed. Do you think we could pull it together?a aI think so. I mean, all we really need is furniture. Iam sure between the two of us we have enough fame,a he snickered at his own joke, ato get furniture in here. Iam sure our moms would love to cook in our new house.a aCan we get Havock out here?a aDefinitely, I miss the dude.a aMe too.a She smiled up at him, impulsively leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.

What started out as an innocent expression of happiness quickly heated up between the two of them. His large hands settled around her hips, adjusting her to the way he wanted her, his tongue coaxed hers out to play with his.

aGarrett,a she moaned, twining her arms around his neck and settling herself more fully against him. aWeare outside.a aAnd thereas no one around,a he whispered against her lips. aThatas the awesome thing about this place; there is no one who could see back here for miles.a He gestured out to the woods that b.u.t.ted up to the back of the property. There were neighbors on either side of them, but none could see in the back of the house. aCamon, babe, we have to christen our new house.a aThe house,a she laughed. aNot the back porch.a aItas an extension.a He ignored her protests, moving one hand up to curl around her neck. Head learned in the time theyad been together that was her spot; she loved when he did anything with her neck. Lightly, he ma.s.saged the muscles there, no longer tense with the strain of separation. She was putty in his arms as he used his thighs to separate hers.

aIam serious,a she protested.

He knew he had her when her neck tilted back, allowing his mouth to claim the soft skin there.

as.h.i.t,a she whispered, giggling as she did so. aYou make me do all the things I said I would never do.a aBaby, I will gladly be your bad influence forever.a His fingers played with the hem of her T-shirt, pushing his hands up the back.

aSo warm,a she breathed, arching into the strength of his hands. Her body began a slow grind against his, and she knew she was done for.

Moving his hands from her back, he cupped her chest through her T-shirt, not willing to take it off. It was cold and he didnat want her to get sick, but that didnat mean they couldnat have a little fun first. Molding his hands against the front of her shirt, he saw just how cold it was. The way she grasped his hair as he moved his head down and stuck his tongue against the pebbled flesh there enflamed him. His lips teased, and his hands moved in opposite directions, one grasping her hip, showing her the way he wanted her to move, the other tangling in her hair.

Hannah dared a glance down at him and moaned loudly. It was dark, but she could make out the edges of his lashes against his skin. His eyes fluttered lazily as he continued to work her skin between his lips. Needing to feel him the way he was feeling her, she unhooked her arms from around his neck and let them travel down the length of his chest and stomach. Once there she pushed up against the fabric but didnat take it off. Her hands stroked the ink on his abdominal muscles before slipping past the edge of the sweat pants he wore.

aYou sure you wanna do that?a he asked, letting her go for a half a second.

She moaned, nodding her head as he went back to work on her. Pushing his sweat pants further down his hips, she felt the hard length of him against her hand as she groped him in the dark.

In response, he hooked his thumbs in her own sweats and pulled harshly down on them.

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