Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 19

Pias, s. Fun. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (to play).

Pikkis / Pikkaris, s. pl. b.r.e.a.s.t.s. See Birk, bark. Wal. Piept.

Pikko, s. Shoulder.

Pios, part. pa.s.s. Drunken. Only employed when a health is drunk: e.g. aukko tu pios adrey Romanes, your health is drunk in Romany.

Pire, s. pl. Feet.


Pire, s. pl. Trampers.

Pire-gueros, s. pl. Travellers, trampers. Lit. foot-fellows.

Pireni, s.f. Sweetheart.

Pireno, s. m. Sweetheart.

Piro, v. a. To walk: pirel, he walks.

Piro-mengro, s. Walker.

Pirry, s. Pot, boiler. This is a west-country Gypsy word. Span.

Gyp. Piri. Sans. Pithara, patra.

Pishen, s. Flea, any kind of insect: guldo pishen, honey-insect, bee, honey.

Pivli, s. A widow.

Pivlo, s. A widower.

Pivley-gueri, s. A widowed female.

Pivley-guero, s. A widowed fellow.

Pivley-raunie, s. A widow lady.

Piya-mengro, s. Drunkard. See Pea-mengro.

Pizarris / Pizaurus, part. pa.s.s. Trusted, credited, in debt. Sans.

Vishvas (to trust). Wal. Se bizoui (to trust, to credit). Mod. Gr.

[Greek: ] (he who has been credited). Span. Gyp. Bisarar (to owe), bisauras (debts), pista (an account).

Pizarri-mengro, s. A trusted person, a debtor.

Plakta, s. Sheet: bero-rukiskie plakta, a ship"s sail.

Plashta, s. Cloak: lolli plashta, red cloak. Span. Gyp. Plata.

Plakta and plashta are probably both derived from the Wallachian postat, a sheet.

Plastra, v. a. To run.

Plastra lesti. Run it; run for your life.

Plastra-mengro, s. a. A Bow Street runner, a pursuer. In Spanish Gypsy, Plastani means a company which pursues robbers.

Poggado, part. pa.s.s. Broken.

Poggado bavol-engro, s. Broken-winded horse.

Poggado habben, s. Broken victuals.

Poggra, v. a. To break. Wal. Pokni.

Poggra-mengri, s. A mill. Lit. a breaking thing.

Poknies, s. Justice of the peace. Rus. Pokoio (to pacify).

Pokiniskoe ker, s. House of a justice of the peace.

Pooshed / Poosheno, part. pa.s.s. Buried: mulo ta poosheno, dead and buried.

Por, s. Feather. Pers. Par. Sans. Parna.

Por-engro, s. Pen-master, penman, one able to write.

Por-engri-pen, s. Penmanship, writing.

Porior, s. pl. Feathers.

Pordo, a. Heavy. Wal. Povarie (a weight). Lat. Pondus.

Porra, v. a. To exchange.

Posh, s. Half.

Posherro / Poshoro, s. Halfpenny.

Possey-mengri, s. Pitchfork; improperly used for any fork. The literal meaning is a straw-thing; a thing used for the removal of straw. See Pus.

Potan, s. Tinder. Wal. Postabh (sheet, cloth). Sans. Pata (cloth).

Poov / Pov, s. Earth, ground. Sans. Bhu.

Poov, v. To poov a gry, to put a horse in a field at night.

Pov-engro, s. An earth thing, potato.

Pov-engreskoe, a. Belonging to the potato.

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