Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 20

Povengreskoe gav. Potato town--Norwich.

Povengreskoe tem. Potato country--Norfolk.

Povo-guero, s. Mole, earth-fellow.

Praio, a. Upper: praio tem, upper country, heaven. Span. Gyp.

Tarpe (heaven). See Opre.


Prala, s. Brother.

Pude, v. a. To blow.

Pude-mengri, s. Blowing thing, bellows.

Pudge, s. Bridge. Wal. Pod, podoul. Pers. Pul. Sans. Pali.

Pukker, v. a. To tell, declare, answer, say, speak. Span. Gyp.

Pucanar (to proclaim). Hin. Pukar, pukarnar.

Pur, s. Belly. See Per.

Pureno, a. Ancient, old: pureno foky, the old people. Sans. Purvya (ancient).

Puro, a. Old. Sans. Pura.

Puro dad, s. Grandfather.

Purrum, s. Leek, onion. Lat. Porrum.

Purrum / Purrun, n. pr. Lee, or Leek; the name of a numerous Gypsy tribe in the neighbourhood of London. Wal. Pur (onion). Lat.

Porrum. Sans. Purana (ancient).

Pus, s. Straw. Sans. Busa, chaff.

Putch, v. a. To ask. Hin. Puchhna.

Putsi, s. Purse, pocket. Sans. Puta, pocket. Wal. Pountsi. Old cant, Boung.

Putsi-lil, s. Pocket-book.

Puvvo, s. Earth, ground. See Poov.

Puvvesti churi, s. a. Plough.


RAIA, s. Gentleman, lord. See Rye.

Rak, v. n. To beware, take care; rak tute, take care of yourself.

Sans. Raksh (to guard, preserve).

Rakli, s.f. Girl.

Raklo, s. Boy, lad.

Ran, s. Rod: ranior, rods. Sans. Ratha (cane, ratan).

Rarde, s. Night. Sans. Ratri.

Rardiskey, a. Nightly.

Rardiskey kair poggring, s. Housebreaking by night, burglary.

Rashengro, s. Clergyman.

Rashi, s. Clergyman, priest. Sans. Rishi (holy person).

Rashieskey rokkring tan, s. Pulpit.

Ratcheta, s. A goose, duck. See Retsa.

Ratti, s. Blood. Sans. Rudhira.

Ratniken chiriclo, s. Nightingale.

Rawnie, s. Lady.

Rawniskie d.i.c.king gueri, s. Lady-like looking woman.

Rawniskie tatti naflipen, s. The lady"s fever, maladie de France.

Retza, s. Duck. Wal. Rierzoiou. See Rossar-mescro. Hun. Recze.

Reyna. A female Gypsy name.

Riddo, part. pa.s.s. Dressed. Span. Gyp. Vriardao.

Rig / Riggur / Riggurava, v. a. To bear, carry, bring.

Rig in zi. To remember, bear in mind.

Rig to zi. To bring to mind.

Rinkeno, a. Handsome.

Rivipen, s. Dress. Lit. linen clothes, women"s dress. Wal. Ruphe.

Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (a tailor). In Spanish Gypsy clothes are called Goneles, from the Wallachian Khainele.

Rodra, v. a. To search, seek.

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