Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 21

Roi, s. Spoon.

Rokra, v. a. To talk, speak. Rus. Rek (he said). Lat. Loquor.

Rokrenchericlo, s. Parrot, magpie.

Rokrenguero, s. A lawyer, talker. Gaelic, Racaire (a chatterer).

Rokrengueriskey gav. Talking fellows" town--Norwich.


Rokunyes, s. Trousers, breeches. Hun. Gyp. Roklia (gown). Mod.

Gr. [Greek: ] (cloth).

Rom, s. A husband. Sans. Rama (a husband), Rama (an incarnation of Vishnu), Rum (to sport, fondle). Lat. Roma (City of Rama). Gaelic, Rom (organ of manhood). Eng. Ram (aries, male sheep). Heb. Ream (monoceros, unicorn).

Rommado, part. pa.s.s. s. Married, husband.

Romm"d, part. pa.s.s. Married.

Romano Chal / Romany Chal, A Gypsy fellow, Gypsy lad. See Chal.

Romani chi. Gypsy la.s.s, female Gypsy.

Romanes / Romany, Gypsy language.

Romaneskoenaes. After the Gypsy fashion. Wal. Roumainesk (Roumainean, Wallachian.)

Romano Rye / Romany Rye, Gypsy gentleman.

Romipen, s. Marriage.

Rook / Rukh, s. Tree. Sans. Vriksha. Hun. Gyp. Rukh. Span. Gyp.

Erucal (an olive-tree).

Rookeskey cost. Branch of a tree.

Rooko-mengro, s. Squirrel. Lit. tree-fellow.

Roshto, a. Angry. Wal. Resti (to be angry).

Rossar-mescro, s. Gypsy name of the tribe Heron, or Herne. Lit.


Roujiou, a. Clean. See Iuziou.

Rove, v. n. To weep. Sans. Rud.

Rup, s. Silver. Sans. Raupya. Hin. Rupee.

Rupenoe, a. Silver: rupenoe pea-mengri, silver tea-pots.

Ruslipen, s. Strength.

Ruslo, a. Strong. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (roborabo). Rus. Rosluy (great, huge of stature). Hun. Ero (strength), eros (strong).

Rye, s. A lord, gentleman. Sans. Raj, Raya.

Ryeskoe, a. Gentlemanly.

Ryeskoe d.i.c.king guero. Gentlemanly looking man.

Ryoriskey rokkaring keir, s. The House of Commons. Lit. the gentlemen"s talking house.


SACKI. Name of a Gypsy man.

Sainyor, s. Pins. Span. Gyp. Chingabar (a pin).

Sal, v. n. To laugh; properly, he laughs. Span. Gyp. Asasela.r.s.e.

Sans. Has.

Salla. She laughs.

Salivaris, s.f. Bridle. See Sollibari.

Sap / Sarp, s. Snake, serpent. Wal. Sharpele. Span. Gyp.


Sappors, s. pl. Snakes.

Sap drey chaw. A snake in the gra.s.s: sap drey bor, a snake in the hedge.

Sapnis, s. Soap. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] Wal. Sipoun.

Sar, postpos., prepos. With: mensar, with us; sar amande, with me.

Sar, conjunct. As.

Sar, ad. How.

Sar shin, How are you? Sar shin, meero rye? Sar shin, meeri rawnie?

How are you, sir? How are you, madam?

Sas. If it were. See Is.

Sas, s. Nest. See Ta.s.s.

Sarla, s. Evening: koshti sarla, good evening. See Tasarla. Wal.

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