Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 25

Trupo, s. Body. Wal. Troup. Rus. Trup

Trushni, s. f.a.ggot.

Trusno, a. Thirsty, dry. Sans. Trishnaj.

Tu, p.r.o.n. Thou: shoon tu, dieya! do thou hear, mother!

Tud, s. Milk. Sans. Duh (to milk).


Tudlo gueri. Milkmaid.

Tug, a. Sad, afflicted.

Tugnipen, s. Affliction.

Tugnis amande. Woe is me; I am sad.

Tugno, a. Sad, mournful.

Tule / Tuley, prep. Below, under: tuley the bor, under the hedge.

Slavonian, doly.

Tulipen, s. Fat, grease.

Tulo, a. Fat.

Tute, p.r.o.n. Accusative of Tu; generally used instead of the nominative.

Tuv, s. Smoke, tobacco.

Tuvalo / Tuvvalo, a. Smoky. Span. Gyp. Chibalo (a cigar).


VANGUS, s. Finger. Sans. Angula.

Vangustri, s. Ring. Sans. Angulika, anguri. See w.a.n.gustri.

Vaneshu, s. Nothing. From the Wallachian Ba nitchi, not at all.

Var, s. Flour: var-engro, a miller. See Waro.

Vardo, s. Cart. See Wardo.

Va.s.savo / Va.s.savy, a. Bad, evil.

Vast, s. Hand.

Vava. An affix, by which the future of a verb is formed, as Heta- vava. It seems to be the Wallachian Wa-fi, he shall or will be.

Vellin, s. A bottle.

Vauros, s. A city. Hun. Varos. Sans. Puri. Hin. Poor. Wal.


Venor / Vennor, Bowels, entrails. See Wendror,


WAFO, a. Another. Sans. Apara.

Wafo divvus, s. Yesterday. Lit. the other day.

Wafo tem. Another country, foreign land.

Wafo temeskoe mush, s. A foreigner, another countryman.

Wafo tem-engre. Foreigners.

Wafodu / Wafudo, a. Bad, evil.

Wafoduder. Worse: wafoduder than dovor, worse than they.

Wafodu-pen, s. Wickedness.

Wafodu guero, s. The Evil One, Satan.

Wafodu tan, s. h.e.l.l, bad place.

w.a.n.gar, s. Coals, charcoal. Sans. Angara. See Wongar.

w.a.n.gustri, s. Ring.

Warda, v. To guard, take care: warda tu coccorus, take care of yourself.

Wardo, s. Cart. Sans. Pattra.

Wardo-mescro, s. Carter, cartwright, cooper, name of a Gypsy tribe.

Waro, s. Flour.

Waro-mescro, s. Miller.

Wast, s. Hand. See Vast. Wastrors, hands. Gaelic, Bas (the palm of the hand).

Weggaulus / Welgorus / Welgaulus, s. A fair. Wal. Bieltchiou.

Wel, v. a. He comes; from Ava. Sometimes used imperatively; e.g.

Wel adrey, come in.

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