h.e.l.lo everyone, it’s nice to meet you. As this is my first translation project, there is bound to be many errors. Please comment on anything you don’t understand or find weird. Thanks!

Saikyou Mahoushi no Inton Keikaku


In a devastated land, a house stands in ruins with sc.r.a.p wood scattered everywhere to the point that one would wonder if a natural disaster had occurred.

There was no trace of the land that once flourished.

It wouldn’t be weird to see this scene and think of it as a ruined civilization.
The sorrows of the land even begin to fade as time pa.s.ses.

The clear blue sky stretched on and on as the glowing light creates a horizon which fills the land. The overgrown greenery absorbed the light, and shone with vivid colors overflowing with vitality.  The scenery was magnificent to the point as if Life itself was breathing.

Animals lively spring through the woods and through green shrubbery. As someone once said, the statement “Humanity is the pest to Mother Earth” could be applied here. The reason for all of this could be traced to the appearance of an existence that towers over humanity. An unnatural existence that managed to appear in nature.

The mysterious monsters that appeared which caused the land to reclaim its original form, something out of a fairy tale or a daydream was a major turning point in the history of humanity as well as a countdown to the destruction of humanity. Those mysterious monsters were not like something out of a book, but rather an existence much more cruel and sinister.
Even though they were like a messenger of G.o.d being the savior of Mother Nature, the mysterious monsters could be said to be the natural enemy of Humans. Those mysterious monsters were called demons by humanity.

A single young boy was about to engage in a fight against several monsters. His opponents were giant figures holding tree trunks, as if they were clubs. They lightly lifted up their weapons with one hand; one attack from them meant certain death.

Attached to the bottom of the knife were thin chains, connected to the scabbard hanging on his waist.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that it was an unreliable weapon against the demons who were many times the size of the boy.

Demons have many different sizes and appearances. Even if they aren’t from the same race,  all of them no matter what have one thing in common, their ugly appearance.

They can not be thought of as an existence from this world.

Also demons had a characteristic of having dark or black skin.

Compared to the single boy, the numbers of the demons were plentiful.  Also, you could clearly see more presences near the back of the horde, and in thickets. Maybe it was because of their absolute status as a predator, they seemed to be playing around with their food while hunting.
Anyone witnessing this scene would no doubt feel despair. They would not even think of resistance.

Even so, you couldn’t feel even a millimeter of panic from the young boy.
His jet-black hair swayed in rhythm with his footsteps. He smirked at the same time the demons pounced on him.

As the giants approached him, they blocked out every ounce of light making it seem as if it was night time. Then suddenly, the battle cry of the giant went silent. Something from the left and right flashed for a second and smashed in on the demon.
At a glance, the boy pressed his hands together, as if praying.  Just as the demons were about the rush in on him.

Dark green blood rained down around them, but the demons did not falter one bit.

It was as if he was a human toying with ants ― you could call it a ma.s.sacre.

If you look carefully, the boy isn’t even moving around that much. The knife that he was holding in his hand flew out in a second.

You could only hear the ominous metallic sound that the chains made as they flew around.

The ferocious demon in front of his prey fell down without any movement as the knife pierced him.

The chains mowed down through the thickets, and agonizing death cries could be heard quickly in succession.
The boy then slowly opened his mouth.

「That’s all of them」

He said to no-one but himself.

He traced the chains with his fingers. Then he stuck a finger into one of the rings in the chain.

「207 SashikiChain Style、【RensaResonate】」

The boy tightened the chain around his finger and pulled.

The surroundings were dyed in the blood of the demon, and the scenery was that of flesh and body parts. Almost as if isolated from the rest of the beautiful world.

In the middle of it all was the boy, standing there without a speck of blood on him. Even among the midst of stenches from the demons, he pulled his water canteen.

He took a glance at the surroundings and sighed, opening his canteen bottle. Inside was clear and transparent water.

The boy looked towards sky.

Tasked with stopping the demons he had the opportunity to go outside, but to other people this was a scenery unfamiliar to them.  However this scenery must be what people instinctively yearn for. To yearn for the world of the past.
It can be said that to find value in something that one has lost is common for humans.

And while gazing at the infinitely expanding sky, the boy raised his arm and splashed water all over himself.

He then shaked his head drying out his hair while once again looking up towards the sky.

It seems to be a habitual action for the boy. The beautiful sky along with refreshing himself with water gave him a different atmosphere.
There were no words that could express how moved the boy felt at that moment.

The boy then regretfully left the area, because other demons would come gather at places with the blood of demons.

Alusu Reigin was the boy’s name. It was the name of a someone who reigns at the top of all mages, in their long and cruel fight against the demons.

「Are you unwilling to think this over again?」

「Yes. I’ve worked enough. I’ve fulfilled my task of recapturing the two continents, Zentrei and Kubent*. From now it’s time to relax leisurely.」

He declared clearly towards his boss who was clad in a white uniform. On his chest were many medals.
Across the desk with his arms folded and a perplexed face, an elderly man was troubled thinking but got nowhere.

「Even so, you are to our country, no, to humanity a valuable war potential. To say you’re quitting,  I can’t just wish you a good retirement and leave it at that. I can’t acknowledge your withdrawal.」

「I understand what you want to say governor general but the regulations says that after ten years of military service and constant war results, you are permitting to retire whenever you want. I enlisted in the army at the age of  6, and this year I’m 16 so ten years have already past. Or, are you disappointed about the recovery of the continents?」

In the regulations it is stated as such, but most mages are only in status, and in the first place it should be a highly respected profession.  The duty of protecting one’s country and recapturing lost territory is humanities dearest wish.

But the black haired boy can’t understand that. Or rather doesn’t care about it. To him who was raised in such special conditions, it might be hard to understand. To say nothing of military service at the age of 6, this is something that should have never happened. 14 years or older would be the normal age of military duty. But at only the age of 6, his natural disposition as a mage was recognized and his talent easily surpa.s.sed even the highest ranking mages. With such good prospects, the army immersed him in magic training without any general education.

To the governor general who himself was approaching the age at which he should retire, a certain black haired man who was not even half of his age who stated he wanted to retire was something that he had never even though of.
And now It’s karma for all the tasks the governor has imposed on him ever since he was a small kid*.

For mages who were part of the army, they had a higher salary than any other profession. They were being paid for by taxing the common people, but everyone recognized the importance of their duty.

As one of the seven countries that protect the Azazel continent,  the country of Alfa’s military power stood out among all the countries. Over half of their military achievements were made by just one man. A man who had just announced his retirement, Alusu Reigin, one of the single digit number 【Single Mages】. With black hair that slightly covered his eyes, and on both hands wore gloves of the same jet black color.

100 years ago, the demons suddenly appeared and caused the human population to shrink to 1/10 of it’s original size, and across the world the numbers of countries were reduced to only seven. Currently, the land that humanity resides in was reduced to 1/700 of what we had before.

Implementing the concept of magic to the army was only a recent idea, as at that time, the level of magic was not nearly enough to go up against the powerful demons. Magic at that time was only something humans used to aide them in their everyday lives. We can attribute the ma.s.sive growth of magic solely towards the invasion of demons.

Implementing magic into the army was what stopped the rapid decrease of the human population.
The seven countries then drew a circle around their territory and developed a defense line for humans to survive in. The creation of the large white tower in the middle of the territory can be said as humanities greatest achievement.  From the summit of the tower, the seven countries in order to cover it developed a defensive wall around it, and succeeded in preventing invasions. This was certainly the result of magic research. Then after 50 years, humanity eagerly started to train mages, in order to recapture their lost territory.

「How about taking an extended break or something along those lines? Of course I’ll promise that you will have a relaxing time and I’ll grant your wishes to the best of my ability. We can support your research such as arranging facilities for you.」

「And in return, I’ll appear whenever there’s a conference?」

Wrinkles formed all over the governor general’s old rigid face as he nodded. Right now losing Alusu would be equivalent of cutting their countries military power in half. If that happens we wouldn’t be able to defend out nation much less recapture territory.

During Alusu’s 10 years of military service, Alfa’s casualties among the seven nations were the lowest for mages.
The seven countries had the important duty of protecting the great white tower together for the sake of humanities survival. However in reality it was different. Asking another country for help was a shame to one’s country, so the weaker countries would be looked down upon. In other words while maintaining an united front against the demons, the seven countries were all rivals.

「I understand.」

Alusu curtly acknowledged. From the start he understood that he wasn’t going to be able to retire without any future problems. This would be a compromise.

For better or worse, Alfa was too dependent on him. Hence the governor general came to an agreement, as Alusu was an outstanding mage who had more than served his worth.

The governor general sat back into deeply his chair, and let out a worn-out sigh. He had expected that such a day would come. It was the result of the army asking for so many selfish favors.

Growing up in such a cruel world caused his own humanity  to weaken, and it’s too late for anyone to do something about it.

「I will tell you as soon as the preparations are done. Until then remain on standby at home.」

Alusu straightened up his posture.


He bowed deeply and left the room.

Alusu seems to harbor no feelings when dealing with other human beings. For that reason, maybe if he went to a general inst.i.tution academy something would change.

He can only immerse himself in all the culture and common sense he was never taught before. Even if his decision doesn’t change, it might be good that he’s thinking about himself now.

The only thing I would not tolerate would be losing Alusu.

That’s why if he ever wanted to protect something out of his own will, at that time, Belick as the governor general would be the first time not giving him orders.

Governor general Belick Sarebian for a second reset his mind and deep wrinkles formed on his face. From the top of the desk among many other doc.u.ments, he took out a register of names and pressed a card-like device to his ear.

I succeeded in preventing his retirement for now, but he’s no longer on the vital front lines of defense. If a demon appeared, it would be hard without Alusu to instantly deal with it. In preparation for any emergency situations, Governor Belick started reshuffling personnel and organized new formations.

In the Second Magic Inst.i.tution’s opening ceremony, located in the capital of Alfa, Beliza where their academy occupied an enormous amount of land had one of their great halls full of youths who strive to become great mages. Only a single seat in the entire hall was empty. There were no students who skipped even if they weren’t feeling well.
To the students whom the magic inst.i.tution had already promised their entry, it was as if their future as mages had already become set in stone.

They, who had talent of becoming mages and had to pa.s.s a difficult entrance exam could be called elites. From the seven countries in order to protect the great continent Azazel …… Alfa had only one ― every country only had one academy ― magic inst.i.tutions.

The inst.i.tution promoted themselves to the public as a facility that trains mages, but the reality was that they would be drafted into the army after graduation.

With the status of a mage, they would never miss a meal. At the same time it is also a n.o.ble occupation.
To risk your own life defending the nation. It sounded sweet and the populace yearned, intoxicated by the notion of it.

Also the usage of magic is normally prohibited. Only rudimentary magic that was essential to everyday life was permitted ― precisely, as the basic foundation, it was categorized as the first cla.s.s of magic ― and it couldn’t be helped that these youths were enticed by the unlimited potential and secrets of magic. That’s why they could only become a mage for the military, in other words enroll into a military controlled magic inst.i.tution. There they would seek their student card, or rather their license.

On the same day of the entrance ceremony, Alusu arrived early to school. The luggage that he had sent before had already arrived. He had a lot of organizing to do.

With three grades and almost over 1000 novice mages enrolled, they were all living in dorms located on the academy grounds. There was enormous amounts of land dedicated to the dorms, training facilities and research facilities. The academy itself takes up land equal to 1/5 of the biggest city and capital of the country, Beliza.

It was so big that you couldn’t even walk around the academy grounds in an entire day. That’s why for transportation, the students used Circle Ports
Teleportation Gates   which required one to have a student badge that was issued to them on acceptance to the academy. Using these, it was a very handy item used for transportation to any facility that have transportation gates.

Alusu was also a new student, but  he had no intention of partic.i.p.ating in the entrance ceremony. That was because he was enrolled in this academy under the governor’s orders. There was no mistake that all of this felt like a waste of time to him. Until his graduation in 3 years, he decided he would immerse himself in his own research.

「Are you also a new student?」

The voiced that called out was innocent and belong to a female student without a single wrinkle on her clothes. She had light maroon hair that swayed gently down to her shoulders, and a coquettish smiled formed on her face. Alusu confirmed with a glance that on her left chest hung a new student badge, and due to her bulging chest the badge hung and swayed on an angle.

「That’s right, you too?」
「Un*, I was so excited I came early.」

She poked her tongue out mischievously and gave off a kind smile, relieved that she found another new student while her hair flowed gently through the gentle spring wind. Considering it was their first meeting, it was pleasant.
Alusu opened his mouth with the intention of ending the conversation ―

「Alice, what are you up to? The entrance ceremony isn’t for a while, but let’s wait by the school building. 」

As a cheerful voice rang out from behind, the girl called Alice turned around.
Far away, a girl with red hair swaying left and right could be seen approaching.

「Sorry Fia, I’ll be there soon.」
「Then, I have a task to attend to.」

Alice tilted her head. She must’ve been thinking that it was weird to have something to do on the same day as the entrance ceremony.

「You’re not heading towards the entrance ceremony?」

「….. I’ll see you at the ceremony then.」

While smiling, she clasped her hands in front of her chest.

「If we see each other that is.」

It seemed his plan of escaping conversation somehow managed to work. Naturally, he had no intention of going to the entrance ceremony. He gave the approaching red haired girl a curt greeting and walked away.

「What an unlucky morning.」

He gave Alice a quick backwards glace while walking towards the research facilities.

1. Beast and man combined in Latin. ↑

2.ゼントレイ and クーベント; please suggest names if you can! ↑

3.Not sure how to translate 幼い頃より知る少年に課してきたツケが今になって回ってきた気分だった ↑

4. うん – would you rather I leave it as is? or translate into yes or yup. ↑

List of names; please suggest better reading if you have them!


クーベント Kubent (recaptured continent)

アルファ Alfa (current country)
ベリーツァ Beliza (capital of Alfa)


べリック・サーレビアヌ Belick Sarebian (governor general)

フィア Fia

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