120. Demon Subjugation 2

So, that was the case, I went to Colette Village, Count Bozes Territory.

(Note: What?)

"Like I said, this village don"t have such a name, Mitsuha!" (Colette-chan)

Colette-chan made a complaint.

Well, I would also be embarra.s.sed if the town where I live is called "Mitsuha town"…

Okay, let"s reach out the Count and make him change the village name to [Colette Village].

This time, I"m here not as a lord or her employer, so Colette-chan is in [Friend Mode]. So, she called me [Mitsuha]. On the other hand, Sabine-chan calls me [Onee-sama] on her usual mode and calls me [Mitsuha] on her Princess Mode. … It"s rather complicated.

Right now, there are me, Colette-chan, Sabine-chan, Wolf Fang"s Captain and the two Members, And…

" … and, why are you here Count-sama? Even Iris-sama, Alexis-sama, and Theodore-sama too…" (Mitsuha)

The absence of Beatrice-chan is good on one side, but on the other side it"s also scary.

"I told you, right? Guide and escort" (Count Bozes)

And behind Count-sama, there"s also the village"s Hunter and 30 soldiers.

"Too many! And how in the world the number of guides increased to four?!" (Mitsuha)

No, even if the opponent is Count-sama, I"ll angry when I have to be angry!

"I told you, did I not?! I want permission because there"re sacred soldiers from my home country came to experience monster subjugation!" (Mitsuha)

I am seriously in anger.

Yes, I"m pretty sure I explained it to the Count.

At the time of the absolute defense when the Royal Capital was attacked, they only used the power of the sacred treasure from afar, so they hoped to experience in closer fight. That was the setting I explained.

By the way, I also add something to the setting, it is said that monsters have been exterminated long ago in our home country and its surrounding.

And I also explained that they came by using small high-speed boat.

For the 3 Wolf Fang"s member, they knew that my transfer capacity is much less restrictive than what I told the national delegates. … or rather, I talked about it myself. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to ask for reinforcements in case of emergency or when I need a large sum of weapon and supplies. It may be time to buy a light armored vehicle.

Driving? I can do it, you know! If I can adjust the seat so that my feet can reach the pedals that is…

But with a 5.56mm machine gun, the armament might be a bit lacking. It"s enough if the opponent were human, but monsters might not be enough. Here we might need, a light scout vehicle equipped with a 25mm main gun and a 7.62mm secondary gun, and an armored combat vehicle equipped with 35mm main gun…. Tte, what did Yamano territory intended to fight?!!

No, well, anyway, I demanded to reduce the number of escorts.

Actually, we don"t even need escorts, the 3 Wolf Fang member is already more than enough, and me, Sabine-chan, and Colette-chan are all equipped with handguns. It"s bad for the Bozes to not bring escorts, but in the event where we have to escape, you"ll need at least enough strength to withstand the surprise attack for a moment. So, I asked the Bozes to bring one escort for each of them. The rest of the soldiers will be waiting in the village.

In the first place, we will be encountering orcs at most. There are no way monsters like dragon or manticore lurking near a human settlement. If that"s the case, this village would"ve been perished long time ago, and it would be national priority to hunt those monsters.

Although the Count was opposed to reduce the escorts, when I said [Do you want to let the soldiers who have come all the way here to return to home, and made a report to His Majesty the King saying "There were too many escorts soldiers, which made the mission useless"?], he finally convinced.

Well, if you imagine a scene where the King read such a report then you can"t say anything….

In fact, none of the Count"s man has seen the offensive power of the firearms during the [Royal Capital Absolute Defense]. The count was on his way to Royal Capital, Alexis was in a hospital on earth, and Iris was in Bozes. When the a.s.sa.s.sin was defeated, Alexis fell down and did not witness the power of my firearm back then. Of course, he at least had heard the sounds.

The purpose of the Counts and co. this time must be because they wanted to witness the power of [The Sacred Treasure]. They might"ve witnessed the Canon power from the battleship of the Vanel Kingdom when they did test shooting, but [The Sacred Treasure] is incomparable to that.

M1 Garand test shooting?

No, not in this country. They haven"t witnessed that either. There"s no need to demonstrate the power of guns in this country, right?

That"s why the Count"s Family isn"t here for sightseeing… But rather to collect information. Well, it doesn"t matter.

And finally, Let"s depart.

A total of 15 people, including a Hunter from Colette Village (Temporary name), the 3 Wolf Fang Members, the Bozes Family, and four escorts…. It"s still a little bit too much!

Among them, there are 3 non-combatants which are Iris-sama, Alexis-sama, and Theodore-sama.

Naturally, the Hunter should be able to fight. We, too, have enough Walther to be strong enough. I"m doing bad thing with the Walther… tte, Shut up, will you?!

(Note: It"s another word play. Walther = Warusaa, Bad things = Warusaa)

"Both I and my brother can also fight! What do you think us, the n.o.ble child, are?!" (Theodore)

I received a complain from Theodore-sama… tte, Eh?

" … did I say it out loud?" (Mitsuha)

"You said it clearly!!" (Theodore)

That was close….

"… Iris is stronger than me, you know?" (Count Bozes)

… Eh?

Count-sama, what did you just say? What did you just saaaayy?!

A few hours walking on a mountain path.

"It"s about to come out" (Hunter-san)

I translated the Hunter"s word to Wolf Fang group. The Captain and his bunch do not understand this world"s language after all.

He seems to have guided us through the place where there aren"t many monsters. Right, if I were to use gun that makes flashy sounds, their usual prey near the village might run away. Orcs are also important prey, so won"t have to hunt for them. So, he guided us a little further. If it"s here, it would be fine even if the prey escapes, some of them may even fled towards the village. Turn troublesome thing into owns benefits. How reliable!

… But the villagers won"t be attacked, right? By the monster that escaped for example…

The Wolf Fang Member"s main weapon are a.s.sault rifles which has the caliber of 7.62mm. The current mainstream is 5.56 which is a small caliber but high-speed bullets. But in the forest thickets like this also because the opponent is orcs or ogres which are thicker than human, apparently, they chosen the older gun with 7.62mm that has heavier ma.s.s.

However, Captain-san chosen the 5.56mm. This is to confirm the difference in term of effectivity from the 7.62mm. He wants to confirm it for future reference it seems. He also brought armor-piercing bullets as well as the ordinary bullets. There may be a request from me again in the future, so he"s probably doing research to prepare when the time comes, Maybe.

… You wouldn"t ask to do monster subjugation again, right?

Well, if some territory is in trouble because of monster causing damages, then I might… Tte, what about the setting about [Transfer art consumes Vitality]!!

That was close, I"m a little bit carried away, and was about to cause another problem…

"They came out!" (Hunter-san)

Oops, Hunter-san seems to have found our first prey.

Wolf Fang members readied their guns, even though they don"t understand the words, but they did anyway. Of course, they were neither stupid nor amateurs, so they don"t fire before confirming the target. Unlike j.a.panese rookie hunters who often shoot their friends, they are professional.

(Note: Wow, that"s rather disturbing. Often shoot their friends lol)

And then, 5 - 6 monsters have appeared from behind the trees.

"Enemy! It"s Goblin, Attack permitted!!" (Mitsuha)

Right, the three Wolf Fangs have been told not to attack without my permission, except in emergency situations where they cannot afford to wait my confirmation. It would be bad if we accidentally shot an elf or dwarf.

… I don"t know if such thing exists somewhere in this world though.

Ta~an, ta~an, ta~an……

The firing sound in semi-automatic continued.

"There"s no problem using the 5.56mm with the goblin, they"re like human… no, they"re smaller and thinner than human, so they"re even weaker. They don"t wear armor either." (Captain-san)

Captain-san looks calm because he already saw dead bodies of goblins, orcs and ogres from the last time. But the other two who having first experience in a different world….

"That was nothing!" (WF Member 1)

"The stronger one! Aren"t there anything bigger?!" (WF Member 2)

… they weren"t satisfied at all.

d.a.m.n, this time we will hunt even rabbits (with horns)!!

(Footnote : Earl is equivalent with Count. i"m using count instead of earl to match “countess”)

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