121. Demon Subjugation 3

After we defeated the goblins, we walk a bit further, and this time we encounter orcs.

Well, some horned rabbits came out, but the Two Wolf Fang Members ignored it. Even though it was delicious…

Right now, three orcs appeared in front of us.

"Shoot!" (Captain-san)

Three a.s.sault rifles made a light sound under captain-san"s command. Of course, there"s no way to fire with full auto on three enemies, they shot the orcs using semi-auto.

Unlike pistols, it is tricky to use a.s.sault rifles for short distance. They"re professional mercenary though, they never missed a single shot. … But.

"d.a.m.n, 5.56mm doesn"t works!" (Captain-san)

The 5.56mm round, which captain-san chose, seems to be less effective than the full-length 7.52mm rifle. If the opponent is human, it can compensate the lack of penetrating power by increasing the bullet speed by devising the shape of the bullet tip. But if you"re against monster, you still need to have sufficient penetrating power…

I think…

"s.h.i.t, it"s not effective shooting on their body!" (WF Members)

Ara, the two Members who uses 7.62mm also are also cursing.

Of course, that doesn"t mean it doesn"t work at all, unlike human that can be killed with 1-2 shots. As expected of monsters.

First of all, they"re using FMJ bullet (Full Metal Jacket). The bullet tip is unlikely to break after impact, thus the damage dealt were not that severe. Also, orcs gas thick meat unlike humans. It seems that one or two shots weren"t enough to penetrate the think and tough monster"s flesh to cause fatal wounds.

At the time of the battle in the Royal Capital, the kept shooting continuously, either light or heavy guns, so they did not care much about the effect of 1 or 2 shots, but it seems that monsters like orcs can"t be killed unless it hits their vital point.

"Aim for the head!" (Captain-san)

Un, if you can"t get through the chest, you just have to aim for the place where there are no much flesh.

Indeed, it might be impossible to penetrate the skull.

In fact, you might want to experiment in more places, but is seems a little dangerous to do a prolonged battle with the orcs. This time, they decided to clean up quickly.

A total of six successive shots resounded, two each, and the three orcs fell to the ground.

"Even a.s.sault rifle is lacking power huh…." (Captain-san)

"If you have to aim for the head in every encounter, it might be too risky in some restrictive situation…" (WF 1)

"If we use special ammo, it might work, but it"s expensive …" (WF 2)

"Umu, if the missy were attacked by a herd of demons, it might be difficult to use only a.s.sault rifle and support firearms … " (Captain-san)

Ara, did you conduct experiment not only for your own benefit, but also in consideration for our territory? Sorry, I miss judged you.

Certainly, support guns usually use the mainstream 5.56mm rounds, but it is lacking in power. Well, if you focus on a few orcs, you can beat them without any problem, but that"s not a decent way to fight.

The Count and co. were terrified of the [The Lightning Wand] who took down the orcs in short amount of time, but [The Lighting Wand] is by no means omnipotent.

"Well, let"s continue moving" (Mitsuha)

Hunter-san looks disappointed because he can"t harvest the hunt. But we can"t take them back to the village either, so let"s give it up. It"s unacceptable if Hunter-san guiding speed were greatly reduced because he is carrying the orcs spoils. Well, I"ll pay you later.

And after walking for a while.

Suddenly monsters appeared out of the shadows of the trees.

"Ogres!! There"s multiple of them!!" (Hunter-san)

Hunter-san shouted in panic.

Ogres. These are the strongest monster we can find here. And the distance is too close!

The a.s.sault rifles fired by the three Wolf Fangs in a hurry, but it"s not very effective. The bullet aimed at the face was also block by a Log-like arm.  The Wolf Fang member who tried to reload the gun was blown off with the ogre"s arm, the other member judged that there was no time to reload the gun and pulled out a handgun from his waist. However, there"s no way for a pistol to do enough damage.

The moment when the member thought he would be beaten by the ogre leader, Captain-san fired all the remaining ammo into the face of the ogre, even though it was 5.56mm, the ogre died with that much bullets in its face. However, the remaining ogres still alive. The ousted members seem to be alive, but they"re still laying down. Captain-san rushed to switch the magazine but could not keep up with the speed of the ogre in front of him and had to parry the ogre"s arm with the gun.

I have to escape! No, I have to evacuate Sabine-chan and Colette-chan first!!

Handgun is useless. Somehow, I have to escape from this place…

Despite that, I"m still half panicked.

Zashi!! (Slash SFX)

When I realized, Count-sama and co. jumped in front of us, swinging their swords.

Zashu~, Bushu~, Dosu~~! (Slash SFX)

Following  the 8 sword slashes, blood scattered everywhere.

8 swords. Yes, there are 4 escorts, and also Count-sama, Alexis-sama, Theodore-sama and Iris-sama. Thus, there are 8 swords.

Since Count-sama is n.o.bleman, he seems to have been training swords since childhood, he also fights with his men on the battlefield, therefore he is stronger than ordinary soldiers. Theodore-sama also looking splendid. Of course, the four escorts are doing their best to keep Alexis-sama, Theodore-sama and Iris-sama from danger.

Apparently, Count-sama doesn"t need any support. The escorts were truly the escort of the lord family, they were only selected from among the 30 elites, and each of them seemed to be able to fight against ogres, but obviously Count-sama is stronger than that, Right?

Yeah, Count-sama, Alexis-sama and Theodore-sama are good. As expected of n.o.bleman.

… But, why Iris-sama is so strong?!

Look, you slashed the ogre"s throat again…

While the Count and co. gaining time, they were completely blocking the ogre, and the Wolf Fangs have finished switching the magazine. The members who were tossed out returned to the front to see if they had any serious injuries.

Captain-san"s a.s.sault rifle seems to be unusable. He holds a handgun in his right hand and a knife in his left hand.

If there"s enough time, even if it"s ogre, the 7.62mm round should work well. You just have to aim for its vital point. And at this close distance. Furthermore, it was easy aiming at the head of the ogre which focused all of its attention on the soldiers in front of it. Ogres are taller than human, so there"s no danger of missing the shot.

The sound of gun fire continued for a while, and all the ogres fell on the ground.

" … That was close …" (Captain-san)

When the captain murmurs so, the members nod with a blue face.

"I underestimated them. Certainly, you can kill them using the a.s.sault rifle If you hit the vital point, but if you hit the body, it will not die even if you hit 5-6 shots. Moreover, it"s really bad if you"re suddenly attacked at a close distance or surrounded by a horde…. At that time the conditions were just good huh…" (Captain-san)

Right, during the absolute defense in the Royal Capital, there was plenty of distance and there was no obstruction between them, so they could unilaterally shoot and get rid of the enemy before they came closer. And we have heavy machine guns at that time. If we were suddenly come across that many monsters in a short distance in the woods. …We were probably dead by now.

In comparison…

Two of the escorts were injured because they tried to defend us. However, that is not to say that it was a life-threatening. It may be pretty deep for us, but it"s probably a minor injury for them. Their friend treated the wound and laughed with a playful face.

Really amazing. A brave figure that swings his sword against the giant body of the ogres calmly, while avoiding the ogre"s attack. Indeed, they were worthy of being called a [Warrior]. Unlike modern earthling who relied on the power of weapons, the spirit from their bodies are different!

If they didn"t have the power to hold the ogres, the by now we"d…. tte, Why I didn"t transfer everyone with me?!  No, I was stunned!! Everyone was about to die. This is unacceptable mistake!!

I was so scared that I couldn"t think. No, I was to confident. My sense of crisis was paralyzed…

The Count and co. would not have thought the idea about having us transferred. Captain-san wouldn"t have been to think the unfamiliar concept of [Transfer] during the battle. I was also the one who insisted to reduce the number of escorts. Eventually, my mistake had injured the escorts and put everyone at risk. Aaaahhh….

The escorts feel honored to protect not only the Count"s Family but also me [himemiko-sama] and the [sacred soldiers]. Even though they didn"t have [The Lighting Wand], they could go against G.o.d with their swords. Such uplifting spirit they have. And the three Wolf Fang, who had dropped their shoulders due to their blunders, were looking at them with dazzling eyes.

… Yeah, it can"t be helped if they were shown the difference in ability of [Man among Man] this far…

Ah, I was helped by a n.o.ble brother who I thought was weak and Iris-sama who is a woman. Did we just lost our position as sacred soldier…?

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