Searching For You

Chapter 106

Prince Hue Chi glanced at Yu Sha. He knew there must have been more than what Yu Sha could remember. The idiot Prince of Cleotara would not purposely come all the way to make a bold claim for not having encounter Yu Sha before. Hue Chi knew the old Prince of Cleotara was a lazy, egotistic, spoiled brat who never does anything to help around his country but used his privilege to get away from responsibilities and party day after day.

Then, one day, there came the rumor that Kytos changed suddenly over night and that was around the time when the Luxury Pavilion Project was completed. Something must have happened that Yu Sha could not recalled. She usually is reckless and formidable, but she can also be vulnerable and gullible at times. Even he felt like he had taken advantages of her without any intention of doing so, seeing her nude. Prince Hue Chi"s mind started to wander of the possibility before he quickly brushed off the thoughts to the back of his mind.

Some times later, the group finished eating their food. The two ladies said their thanks and good byes before departing from the group. They had a long day and wanted to get back to their room to rest.

As the two friends were walking, Su Na glanced over at her beast friend feeling curious, she hesitated but proceeded to ask, "What happened back at the mountain?"

Dread! Yu Sha thought that Su Na was distracted enough to forget about what happened, but seems like she cannot escape. She guiltily replied in a low voice, "I.. I was just trying to save the driver so I ran towards the car and was dragged down. Luckily, Hue Li was there to give a hand." Yu Sha lied in her reply. She felt guilty about lying to her friend but it is something that Su Na does not need to know.

"That fast?" Su Na was not sure how fast, as her back was facing the incident when it happened but she was sure that a car coming downhill must be fast.

Yu Sha nudged Su Na, "You think I"m slow? I"m always the fastest throughout our school years."

Su Na huffed as she cannot deny that statement. Her beast friend statement is true, always ranked first in P.E and all sports. Her beast friend has never been defeated when it comes to using her body and physical violence. Su Na had to admit that Yu Sha is not normal. She rolled her eyes at Yu Sha and threatened, "Do something like this next time and I"ll replace you with Yu Ping."

For a split seconds, Yu Sha felt fear. She avoided eye contact with her friends. That is something she"s not sure she can keep. She lowered her head and mumbled, "I.. I"ll try."

"You better!" Su Na sent a threat glare to her beast friend.

Back at Prince Hue Chi"s suite in the hotel, he sat down in his office, with the schedule of his upcoming trip on the computer screen. His elbow perched on the desk counter, his fingers interlocking eachothers to support his chin that laid gently on the knuckles between his hands.

Prince Hue Chi"s mind seemed to be in deep thoughts, his gaze seemed to be in a different universe as his golden beaming eyes shines like the sunset at golden hour. He looked mystically handsome like G.o.d had spent several years molding him millimeter at a time. Hue Chi was trying to understand why Kytos declaration affected his temper. He has yet to find a woman who could move his stone heart. The only woman that gave him all sorts of emotions is the one in his dreams. He has never met a woman that could give him the same feeling until he saw Yu Sha. She could elicit the same emotions in him like the woman he dreams about almost every night.

Suddenly, his phone beeped and interrupted his train of thoughts. Hue Chi turned his head slightly left next to his elbow and his eyes landed on the phone next to his elbow. A notification popped on the screen. He unlocked his fingers and reached for the phone. It was a message from Dao Txu. Hue Chi quickly open the screen to look at the message, "One week and a few days, I have to return the book back Aires Museum."

He had completely forgotten about the book that is currently shoved on the bottom shelves of his closet. Hue Chi pulled up Long Kue"s name among his contact and called Long Kue. In a few seconds Long Kue picked up on the other line, "h.e.l.lo?"

Hue Chi ordered through the phone, "Re-adjust my schedule and pack everything into three days." Long Kue could only comply and spent the night readjusting Hue Chi"s schedule.

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