Searching For You

Chapter 40

Everyone stood up and ran over to Yu Sha in panicked at the sight of the lady laying on the ground wheezing for airs. Yu Sha has not had any episodes for almost two decades. In her quick thinking, Su Na reached for Yu Sha"s bag to find an inhaler. She dumped everything in the bag out only to find that there is no inhalers. d.a.m.n! of course, Yu Sha probably does not carry it around anymore. She has not had an episode for so long and her asthma got better as one gets older.

Yu Sha still wheezing uncontrollably curled up on the ground looking pale as her consciousness fading away, Keo shouted, "Get a doctor!" He rushed down, lifted her up in his arms, and rushed out of the room.

Butler Zeu already made the call and have the paramedic dispatched from the nearest location.

Keo and Su Na were in complete shock, in the past, when Yu Sha"s was small, her asthma attack were not even this serious. What is wrong with her suddenly? She was just fine as a bull earlier.

Five minutes later, paramedics arrived outside as Keo reached the main entrance. Butler Zeu signaled for the paramedics to hurry over. When the paramedics noticed the signal, they saw a man carrying a woman whom at this point seemed unconscious. They rushed over with the stretcher, laid Yu Sha on the stretcher and covered her face with a ventilator to keep oxygen pumping so her brain is not deprived of oxygen. They pushed her inside the ambulance once everything was safety administered and secured.

Keo followed the paramedics and went inside the ambulance as well. The paramedics started asking questions of what happened and the patient"s health history that could help them determined the best course of first aid treatments. Not only was Keo able to answer them all but he was able advised them as well. He filled out some treatment authorization and consent forms while they made their way to the hospital nearby.

The paramedics person was surprised Keo knew pretty much everything about Yu Sha as far as health wise, and one of them the paramedics asked, "What is your relationship to her? Her lover?" as the paramedic did not see Yu Sha wearing a wedding ring.

Keo paused for a few seconds feeling warm hearted at the word, lover, he replied, "She was a patient at my father"s hospital, she"s an important friend." The hospital where Yu Sha was born and treated was owned by Herr"s Corporation. Just with those words, the Paramedics became more cautious of their behaviors and words. Keo glanced at Yu Sha who at this point is still unconscious making him feel distressed seeing her in this condition.

The hospital was only about ten minutes away. Shortly the ambulance arrived at the ER. Yu Sha was wheeled inside and testing was prioritized for her.

Not long after, the group arrived to the hospital and were directed to Yu Sha"s room. Su Na looked at her friend who was laying down lifeless with a complicated and sadness expression. It is hard to see her ferocious beast looking so weak. She has to tell uncle about this incident. After sometimes of deep thoughts, she left the room and went to find a quiet place to make a call. She found a quiet aisle alleyway that leads to the emergency stairs and made her call.

On the other line of the phone, a man picked up cheerfully, "Oh Su Na! How"s your trip?"

Su Na paused, and replied, "Mm.. good... uncle... "

The man picked up the tone was off and that something was up, "What"s wrong?" he asked.

"I"m at the hospital."

"Why? Are you okay?" The uncle asked.

Su Na took a deep breath and continued, "Yu Sha had another attack."

The uncle on the other line asked with a slight serious tone, "How is she?"

"I haven"t seen any of her episodes being this serious before. She"s never pa.s.sed out, but no worries, she"s in the hospital and is getting treated."

"How did it happened?"

"We were in the theater watching a play and suddenly she fell onto the ground. By then, she was already fading out. She didn"t have her inhaler with her."

"Was she acting strange prior to that?"

Su Na feeling complicated and baffled, she thought, Yu Sha is always weird and strange, how was she supposed to answer that question? A few things flashed through her mind until that night when she saw Yu Sha on the balcony. She hesitated but decided to tell the truth and replied, "Uncle, I don"t know. I might have been crazy and is just seeing things, but the other night, I saw..." Su Na took another deep breath and prepared her heart, "I saw Su Na glowing and floating on top of the balcony." She cringed and continued, "I know, I know. I must be crazy. Forget it..."

The uncle chuckled on the other line, "I"ll fly over this afternoon in a couple of hours."

"No no... you don"t need to. Keo and Leo are here and we will make sure she comes home safe. I just want to let you know."

"Oh... Keo and Leo are there? Then I"m sorry, I will leave her in your care."

Around the corner, Keo was eavesdropping and heard the entire conversation. Though his aura remained unchanged, his eyes and face showed a complex look. What and who is the girl he has secretly been attracted to?

"Thanks Su Na. Sorry for the trouble she"s caused you."

"No, no problem at all. I just hope she gets well soon."

"Mm. Thank you. She will. You can take my word for it."

As soon as they hung up, a distressed look shown through Yu Sha"s father face, he pressed a number on his phone and waited for the line to go through.

"Something"s up?" a coa.r.s.e old voice answered on the other line.

"Mother, I think the seal is weakened. She"s starting to show signs."

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