"Well then, is it about time to clean it up, and return?"

The time is around 9.30. Finishing his dinner, Akito, Asha, and Alca gathered in the room Akito had borrowed, and had a friendly chat.

By the way, Yuuka and Rutia clean up the room they borrowed. It seems that Raios is in his room groaning after being beaten black and blue by Hawk. Hearing that, Akito reflected a bit, thinking that it might be pitiful as expected.

Meanwhile, thinking that it"s about time to return, he opened his mouth.

However, Alca looks dissatisfied from such Akito.

"Eh~, you are going back already? Although it would be better if you return together with us tomorrow night~"
"Stuupid! We are different from you guys, we have cla.s.s tomorrow. We can"t stay here as long as we like."

Akito said that also because they are different from the 3 of them, as they didn"t get cla.s.s exemption. In other words, they will have cla.s.s normally.

He wants to shout with a loud voice that it"s unreasonable despite he has the most hard feeling, but it can"t be help. The distance from the academy to here is far so if he doesn"t return anytime soon, the day will be changed by the time of their arrival.

"Eeh~. if that"s the case, the actual plan is for us to return this morning, right? But, since they caused various trouble, as an apology, tomorrow they will have a dance party, and we are told that they want us to stay until that. Akito is the target audience. Or rather aren"t you the main guest? Since the princess doesn"t have any interest on Asha and the others."
"Shut up……"

Alca who is not giving up yet, refuses to back down. When she said a bit unnecessary things, Asha groaned with half opened eyes.

"Well, certainly since you corner the princess who the 10 of us can"t win against…… besides with a worn-out body, it"s really great~ Alca"s childhood friend is~"
"Ehem! That"s right, that"s right!"

When Asha said it looking displeased, Alca threw up her chest for some reason. While having a wry smile from that, Akito turns toward Asha.

"However, I"m sorry, Anlayhaim-san. I can"t take out the enemy."
"No, I don"t blame Hiiragi-kun. However, I thought that after seeing it today, but as I thought you are strong. I don"t understand why you don"t make a serious effort at the academy…… Hey, are you perhaps go easy on the students from the academy?"
"You have misunderstood. If I don"t have any sword, then that"s the best I can do. "
"Hee, so it"s alright if you have a sword? Well then, let"s have a match once we return. Since you can use your sword."

Apparently, it seems that Asha who has a high pride, misunderstood thinking that Akito has gone easy on them. Avoiding Asha"s gaze that is staring at him, while vowing (I will reject those request doc.u.ment!) inside his heart, he stretched his body

"Well, I"m fine without having a dance. I want to quickly return to the dormitory and sleep."
"Muu…. Although I want to dance with Aki-kun~"
"Hahaa. Well, I will accompany you someday. Well then, I will do some cleaning. Although I only use it for a night, but as expected since it"s an etiquette. it"s better for you 2 to return to your room, you know?

Saying that, Akito tried to send both of them back.

"No, I will help, Aki-kun. Your body is still hard to move, right?"
"Well, it seems that today is terrible, so I will help."

But because those 2 girls told him like that, he decided to accept their favor.

"Seriously? Thanks. Well then, let"s finish it right away."

Both of them nodded together as Akito said that with a smile.

The arena of Grand Magic Academy.

This place which is usually crowded with people who are doing self training even at this hour, only today it falls silent.

Primarily, there is a warning stating that a prohibition of usage today. There is a reason for that.

That"s because there is a single girl standing in the middle of that silent arena.

Sylvia Lancaster, The first princess of Grandneal Kingdom, the strongest magic knight in this academy. That girl is her.

Because of that girl proposal, it"s made that no one is able to enter just for today. The reason is because from now on something will happen here.

"So you"ve come……"

Murmuring quietly, she who was closing her eyes and looking down, raised her face. Then from the direction of her sight, one man came walking.

"Yaa. have you gathered your resolution to server for my purpose?"

That"s a man who brushes his blond hair with his hand, has a shining teeth, and wearing the armor of the spirit knight order. His name is Arthur Dramon, Sylvia"s fiance.

While getting irritated from that behaviour, Sylvia glares at Arthur. Then, slowly open her lips.

"Yes. I have decided. My resolution to beat you that is……"
"Haa…… is that so? If that"s the case, talking more than this is pointless."

Shaking his head because of Sylvia"s words, Arthur raised his left hand. Then, from the seal engraved in that hand, it starts emitting a beautiful light.

While looking at that, Sylvia quietly let out her voice. In order to confirm that, the thing she wants to ask all this time.

"Hey, can I ask something before the fight?"
"It"s fine. It"s better to ask anything you want to ask while you have the freedom. If it"s now, I will also answer anything. "

Because she got his confirmation. She continues.

"Why are you so fixated with the throne to that extent?"

Arthur immediately answered that question.

"A foolish question. Everyone wants status."

But, Sylvia felt that what Arthur is thinking, is not only that since long ago. That"s why she decides to pursue it.

"It"s a lie, right? No matter what you are thinking, you don"t tell anyone. Because I will destroy your ambition here."
"Is that so? Well, since you are a royalty, you can immediately identify a lie. I have said that I will answer anything if it"s now, so I will tell you."

Arthur smiles at that question, then closes his eyes for a moment. Then while staying like that, he quietly told her.

"I thought that the king of this kingdom……. Well, he is your father, is a fool. Honestly, it is irritating."

Arthur said until that point and then opened his eyes. From that sharp gaze, Sylvia is just a bit at loss.

"This country has the power to unite this continent. Starting from the strongest spirit user, Hiiragi Yuito, then the knight order that worked for that person, they are a bunch of monster. I will be the king, then if I use that war potential in a meaningful way, I won"t only be the king of Grandneal. The king of the world…… No, I will be able to become a G.o.d!"

Sylvia opened her eyes wide from the size of his ambition. Certainly, he is trying to make war with another countries. She is thinking that far. But, she didn"t think that he will make the enemy out of all countries in the continent.

"Yo, you! Do you forget about the continental law! All country, except for self defense on the occasion when the attack from another country occurs, the deployment of spirit users is forbid—"
"That law is something that is made by the countries other than Grandneal, which are afraid of the existence of spirit users. Since Grandneal"s spirit users is too strong compared with the other countries. Well, because he wants to follow such rules forever, I said that the king is a fool."

The man in front of her keep saying the king of his own country is a fiil. Sylvia has a doubt whether he is really the knight serving the country.

Looking at the face of Sylvia who can"t hide her surprised look, Arthur grins.

"Well, it"s a story unrelated to you. It"s better for you to think how to give birth to my child and raise him as a capable spirit user. Since I like capable children. Not a good for nothing like you……"

Sylvia has her shoulder trembling in anger. She really dislike this man since long time ago, but for the country, there is a time she thinks to give it up.

"Well, even though you are called a good for nothing who can"t make a contract with spirits, since it seems that you properly inherited only the amount of magic power, the children will be alright I guess."

This man who is talking ignoring Sylvia who is in front of him, is also a spirit user who made fun of her. Then, her father who sets that marriage saying that it"s for the sake of the country. She really hates all of them.

But, hearing that, Sylvia was convinced.

——That man who she hates so much to the point it"s better to die rather than living together with him, although she would give up if it"s for the sake of the country, but in reality if she married this man, it wouldn"t be for the sake of the country. If that"s the case—

"That"s why, leave the war to me—"
"Why do you keep talking as you like?"

Facing toward Sylvia who interrupted him suddenly, Arthur frowns. But, it"s unrelated to Sylvia. Because with this, her resolution has been properly settled.

In that case, she will destroy it, she will destroy it and make him admit it.

Sylvia raises her face which was looking down. Then, she shouted.

"I will defeat you, Arthur Dramon. It seems that I don"t need to hold back anymore…… Raiya! Activate the magic damage conversion field!"

When Sylvia shouted, something like a thin membrane covered the arena. She made Raiya waiting in order to expand the field. But to make up for her, she was told to to not do anything stupid.

"Well then, let"s play, Arthur?…… Betting my future, your ambition, and this country"s future……"

Hearing that, Arthur grinned.

"That"s right. Well then— Burn everything without leaving any traces, O FIre Emperor! Show your form in from of me."

Arthur chanted his deployment rite, and then the flame soared from his contracted seal, and a beast— a lion like spirit clad in flame, came out.

Seeing that, Sylvia thinks that even if the same flame, but Hiiragi Akito"s flame is many times…… no, thousand times more beautiful.

(I have to win this match in order to obtain him too.)

Sylvia laughs while thinking about the boy who exchanged swords with her today. Then, somehow she felt that she can win.

It"s strange. Somehow, I feel like I got some power without me knowing……)

Sylvia who have settled her resolution, turns her 2 bracelets into long swords, and gets ready. Then,

"Let"s go! Arthur!"

She shouted, and started running toward the fiance she really hates in the middle of the dimly-lit arena.

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