"Haa, So I just need to wait for those 2 after this?"

Thanks to Asha and Alca, Akito who finished cleaning his room quite quick, sighs while sitting on the chair.

By the way, it seems that the 2 girls who helped him, borrowed dress to be wore in the dance party tomorrow, so they are going to adjust the size.

He didn"t thought that they would do something grand to that extent, but it seems that Sylvia did something. Well, the reason may be because it would be strange if only the students from Element Academy wear their school uniform.

The student who came to call him, listing Akito"s name as if it"s natural, but when Akito said "Because I will go home.", that student made a complicated face. Sylvia probably said something to the student.

(I wonder if that is the way the princess saying sorry.)

Thinking that far, Akito has a wry smile. He remembered yesterday"s disaster.

(Although I wonder what kind of person the princess is……. But, she was quite an unexpected person~)

When he is thinking something like that while having a wry smile, Feny spoke.

『That"s right. And here I thought what kind of person is she as the representative of this country……』
(Hahaha. Certainly.)

Akito laughs because of Feny"s words. She is the princess who is overflowed the feeling of doing things too far to that extend. That impression is strong.

(But, to think that she is called the good for nothing princess…… the result of her effort, that person is…… great despite being a girl, moreover being the princess.)

That"s the only thing that Akito felt impressed.

Even though he is trained himself to the point he may be able to defeat a spirit user, but the physical build of a man and a woman should be greatly different. Despite that, I heard that she defeated 10 strongest spirit users from the academy alone.

(Despite planning to not go easy on her just because she is a woman, I lost……)

When he is having a wry smile while thinking something like that, Feny suddenly groaned 『hmm?』. Moreover when Akito tries to ask (What"s wrong?),

『Master. In this academy, there is a reaction of something strong rampaging around– hmm? Is it not the flame emperor? What is it doing?』

『Aah, that"s how it is.』

Somehow in this academy, Feny"s clan– in other words, it seems that a strong spirit with a fire element is rampaging.

But, hearing that, Akito thinks a bit,

(The spirit knight order is here today, Isn"t it one of their contracted spirit?.)
『Yeah, I knew it was here since yesterday. That may be right.』

Then because Feny also said that, he concludes that it"s not mistaken that it is someone from the spirit knight order.

(If that"s the case, maybe they are training or something. You don"t need to worry.)
『Is that so? Then fine, but……』

Akito thought that Feny is surprisingly a worrywart. Those G.o.d, are all of them like this?

When Akito is thinking about something like that, Feny suddenly,

『Master. I have something to ask. Could you help me?』

Because of that, Akito tilted his head.

The arena of Grand Magic Academy.

The one on one fight between Sylvia and Arthur which happened there was one sided.

The flame spirit Arthur used is [1]. The thing that can be said as a lion clad with fire like spirit is chasing Sylvia, while Sylvia is running to escape from it.

The contractor, Arthur doesn"t do anything. From a place that is a bit far, he is looking at Sylvia who keeps running away.

Sylvia already breathe heavily, and her face is distorted looking painful, but nevertheless she grips the swords in both of her hands firmly so that it won"t fell, and moves her feet.

(Ugh…… It"s fast……)

Taking a glimpse at the flame spirit that is chasing her from behind, Sylvia clicks her tongue. She has confidence in the speed of her feet, but as expected she can"t escape from it.

Occasionally, she forcefully jumps sideways, then kick the wall to change her direction, and somehow manages to escape. If she is caught up by that spirit, Sylvia would be burnt, the damage to her body would be converted to magic damage, and she would definitely lose consciousness. Because she knows that, she can"t stop her feet.

Thinking that she should aim at the contractor if she can"t get close to the spirit, Sylvia directs her gun toward Arthur and shoots, but he is cladded with flame immediately and protected. Sylia who understood that even if she shoots it would be a waste of magic power, immediately put away her gun.

"Ahahahaha! Is that the limit of your effort, Sylvia!? Aren"t you unable to do anything!"

Arthur laughs. Exercising overwhelming strength, moreover seeing his enemy can"t do anything, it can"t be helped that he is happy.

"Listen, Sylvia! Something that is called effort, is something a talented person does! No matter how much effort a talentless person puts, against a talented person…… against a prodigy, there is no way they can win!"

Arthur shouts in order to preach Sylvia. While listening to that and running, Sylvia bit her lips.

(–I know it. About that much……)

Tears float in Sylvia"s eyes. It"s sad and frustrating, she had cried many times in the past, and she thought that her tears had already been dried.

(–That"s why I"m not going to make a talented person my partner……)

When will she find out her limit? When will she start thinking that she can"t go further than this?
(–That"s why I didn"t look for a talented spirit user……)

Rolling on the ground, she doesn"t care about her uniform that becomes muddy, and runs. Because her eyes were filled with tears, she couldn"t see the front clearly. But, she doesn"t have the leisure to wipe it.

The flame emperor is going to catch up soon. Sylvia runs. Just keep running.

(That"s why, I can"t lose here.)

She runs into until the end of the arena, kicks the wall to change her course, and takes a distance. Then seeing the flame spirit who was unable to stop, crashing to the wall, Sylvia stabbed her sword to the ground. Then,

"I will use it! Elly[2]! Neck, gatling, activate!"

Shouting the name of her best friend, she activates the thing she entrusted to her. That is, a big gun with numerous barrels.

Today when she put out the large sword to be repaired, she borrowed the thing that was made as a prototype.

When Sylvia pulls the trigger, the numerous barrels start rotating. Then, converting Sylvia"s magic, it made a loud sound "Gagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaga!", and then began scattering a ma.s.sive amount of bullets.

"Ugh! A, amazing though……"

Sylvia groaned while shooting the bullet to the wall where Freios plunged into. Because of it"s heavy recoil, her arm is getting numb, and because of the force, her magic power diminishes in a frightening degree. If it"s a normal person, it won"t be strange if they already fainted.

『Since it is something originally made for Sylvia-sama~』

She remembers what her best friend said at the time she borrowed it. At that time, she just felt happy, but now she realized that there is a meaning behind what she said.

To handle this weapon, the amount of magic power that one has, has to be around Sylvia, if not, they can"t handle it.

(But, it"s excellent, Elly……)

When she is rapid firing, it becomes tough as expected even for Sylvia, and then she drops the gun. Her arms was trembling and she is losing her grip strength.

Even if she holds a sword, she can"t use it because she doesn"t have enough strength. So, while Sylvia gently rotated her wrists and tried recovering her gripping strength, she glared at the place where the flame emperor was until before—- the wall of the arena that smoke comes out now.

"As one would expect… I thought that… I"ve defeated it though……"

She mutters while breathing heavily. Then, the answer came immediately.

"Wow. I"m surprised though, but as expected, if it"s that much, you won"t be able to defeat my Freios, you know?"

The moment Arthur"s voice could be heard from behind, the smoke was cleared all at once. Then, from the inside, the flame emperor Freios appears brazenly.

"As I thought……. It"s a monster……"

While catching her breath, Sylvia mutters and holds her swords. She doesn"t have enough strength yet, but if it"s just holding a sword, it seems that it has recovered.

"I, I"m going!"

Holding the swords, one on each hand, Sylvia stares at Freios. At that time, Arthur let out a loud voice.

"Freios! That"s enough. Sylvia looks miserable. Burn and end it! Breath of the flame emperor!"

Sylvia became offended from those words. Miserable? I"m who is the enemy? How dare you underestimate me. I will definitely beat you.

But as if crushing such thought, Freios opened its mouth and breathe fire. Then that flame immediately covers fully in front of Sylvia.

(As I thought, it was impossible……)

While looking at the flame, Sylvia harms herself.

(As I thought, the talentless me was unable to win……)

Her strength disappears from her knees, and then she flops down. Then, tears start to brim over her eyes.

She always told that she doesn"t have any talent, and it"s pointless to give her efforts.

But, Sylvia kept trying hard. Then, she understood her limit. At that time, what should she do? What should she do to crush that limit? She thought like that. Then, she found out the answer.

— if she make a talented person her partner, no matter how unreasonable it is, she should be able to surpa.s.s it.

Sylvias wished for it. She opposed a partner that she can"t beat only by the power of her effort alone all the time.

(That"s why I,)

The flame starts wrapping Sylvia. Then, as if giving up, Sylvia is just looking at the flame absentmindedly.

She won"t ever close her eyes. That"s the only thing she swore in her hearts. Because she is thinking that if she closes her eyes, if she averts her eyes, that would be her lose for real.

A shadow fluttered above Sylvia"s head. When that shadow stands in front of Sylvia, he thrust his right hand toward the flame.

That"s why Sylvia doesn"t avert her eyes. Averting her eyes doesn"t only mean admitting defeat. As she knows that she will miss this moment of salvation.

The flame is steadily absorbed into his right hand– into the seal in the back of his hand. Seeing that Sylvia decided strongly in her heart that she absolutely won"t avert her eyes. As she will miss the moment when the figure who is standing in front of her—- the young man comes to her rescue.

The flame is completely absorbed and disappeared. Then, when the young man breathes "Fuu……", he turns toward Sylvia.

"Yo. Did you wait, Ohime-sama?"

(That"s why, I chose this person.)

Sylvia thought while looking at the young man who is standing in front of Sylvia while having a smile—- Hiiragi Akito.

Reference :フレイオス[


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