While smiling toward Sylvia, Akito who jumped and absorbed the flame the moment he entered the arena,

『Mhm. The flame emperor"s flame is quite tasty.』

He smiled wryly at Feny who muttered inside his mind.

Inside his body, the absorbed flame returns to magic power, and then restores his physical condition.

He knew it for the first time just know, that Feny appears to have the ability to absorb magic power from fire elemental hierarchy, and recover her magic power.

And now, as he is now contracted to her, it seems that it recovers Akito"s magic power as the contractor. Moreover, it seems that it is a high ranking spell, it seems that he has considerably recovered. Akito who has lost too much magic power since the uproar yesterday, grasp his fists tight while feeling the strength that returns to him.

"You, you are late to come here……"

Sylvia said that while letting out tears. Because of that, Akito has a wry smile,

"Aah. My bad."

He apologized for the time being. Well, he could see the tears of the princess that he couldn"t see easily, he thought that around this much should be okay.

(However Ohime-sama. You are cute when you are crying…… Ha! Is this what they call gap moe!?)

When Akito was thinking something like that while grinning, he averted his glance because Sylvia glared at him saying "Wha, what!"

"Yaa. Hiiragi Akito-kun. You appeared with a great timing. Well then, what kind of trick did you use? To erase my high ranking magic easily."

When Akito was thinking seriously about the gap in his mind, Arthur"s voice could be heard from behind. Akito who noticed that slowly turns around.

Then , he laughs.

"It"s the power of effort that you completely ridiculed."

Although it"s actually Feny"s power, he said it like that.

"Hmn? You have done a quite amazing thing. As I thought when a talented person puts an effort, it"s frightening."

Akito become annoyed because Arthur said it while shaking his head.

"Ah? What are you talking about? A talented person that puts an effort is terrifying? If that"s the case, don"t you think that it will negate what you have said to the princess before that "no matter how much a talentless person puts an effort it would be pointless."?"

Arthur immediately answer Akito"s question which was filled with anger.

"Aah. That"s not it. It would be pointless no matter how much effort a talentless person puts. They have no strength to climb up after all."

Akito become enraged at Arthur"s behavior that looks like he"s saying it"s natural.

"Oi, you. Did you misunderstood something? I"m a man with no talent. I also don"t have any contracted spirit, I am a man that is called as "The Dunce" at school, you know?"
"But, when you defeated that military spirit, you certainly released a magic, right? In other words, doesn"t that mean you have some talent?"

Hearing that, Akito shrugs his shoulder as if he knew it already.

"Yeah. That may be so…… Well, I don"t care about such thing. For now, I have something I want to ask you. The thing that is called talent for you, is it only "the ability to make a contract with spirit"?"
"Of course. Is there any other talent? In this country, the one who is able to make a contract with spirit is strong. Then the one who can"t is weak. This country is that kind of country, isn"t it?"

Hearing that, Akito spat. Because of that, Arthur frowned.

"You. What did you misunderstand? Certainly there aren"t only a handful of spirit users. But hey, Do you think that people would be able to live when the country is only filled by only those?"

Saying that far, Akito pauses his words, and takes a deep breath once.

"Listen! First the king of the country that you aim. The talent of that politic, and the talent to cook, to make the food that we always eat. The talent to study. Those are talents, and there are various kinds of it."

Arthur is listening quietly to Akito"s words. Confirming that, Akito continued.

"Besides, I don"t understand how politic is, you know? But, something like cooking, if you put an effort, you will be able to do it, right? The thing that they make for us after putting an effort is delicious, isn"t it? It is something we called "filled with love". Hey, are you really making light of that efforts?"

Akito waits for Arthur"s reaction while glaring at him. Then, Arthur snorted.

"Hmn. Since I"m employing a first cla.s.s chef, I don"t eat the food made by people without those kind of talents."
"Aah, I see. If that"s the case, I don"t have anything to say to you. I will just give you a beating."

Akito cracks his knuckles. Arthur laughs scornfully to that.

"A beating? To this me? To the elite me, Arthur Dramon? Ahahaha! You said a boring joke. Even if you said that you are that leader"s son, there is no way you can do it, right? You don"t know your own place. You who is not even able to win against my brother, there is no way you can win against me!"

Akito tilts his head because of that.

"Brother? Who is he?"
"Hmm? Aah. so you don"t know? I"m the older brother of Leonardo Dramon who is the elite among the elites in your school!"

Because of that, Akito tilts his head once again.

"As I said, who is—- Ah. I remember. Is it the fainted pretentious, the useless ikemen, the talentless and honourless b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"
"Who, who is he? That guy?"
"Your younger brother."

Akito speaks quietly to Arthur whose eyebrows are twitching, while pointing his finger.

"Now that you mention it, you are similar to him. So is it like older brother, like younger brother?"
"Wha, what do you mean?"
"It means that both of them have a pointlessly high pride even though you are an ikemen, yet you are weak. Your brother, I beat him to a pulp 2 days ago."

Hearing that, Arthur"s eyebrows twitch even more. But Akito continues, ignoring Arthur who is in such condition.

"Well then, I will take care of the brothers in front of me. The sin of insulting the princess—- her n.o.ble effort is grave, you know? Disappointing ikemen older brother."

When Akito declares that while grinning toward Arthur whose eyebrows are twitching, Sylvia"s voice could be heard from behind.

"He, hey. To know that he ridiculed me, since when are you here?"

Akito got surprised *giku because of that, he looked back by startledly turning his head only. There is Sylvia who has stopped crying, is staring at him with red eyes.

"Well, uh~ since Ohime-sama let out that somehow amazing weapon."

When Akito moves his eyes looking around relentlessly to escape from Sylvia"s gaze and points at the multi-barrelled gun while feeling uncomfortable, then Sylvia lets out a voice "Hee?".

"Then, Even though you come to help immediately, you did not help me? Hmm?"

She excessively glared at Akito. But, Akito thinks that somehow her face is cute.

"No, no. Because Hime-sama is strong, I wonder is she would win…… Or rather, if I give her a hand, I wonder if she will get angry……"

Because of that, Sylvia lets out a sigh "haa" to Akito who let out a slightly restless voice,

"It"s fine. I will forgive you, Since you come to help me. But I only have one request……"

Sylvia who has a mischievous smile is also cute. But it also gives him a bad feeling…… Akito gulps and waits for Sylvia"s "request" while thinking like that.

Then, finally that "request" came out from Sylvia"s mouth.

"Beat that guy– Arthur Dramon!"

Moreover, when Akito rubbed his chest as he was glad it was not a strange request, and placed his hand on Sylvia"s head,

"Aah. Leave it to me Ohime-sama. Just for today, I will be your knight!"

He put a gentle smile, and then he poured magic power to his seal, and he was clad in flame.

—It"s beautiful……

The shining flame clothes the boy in front of her. Seeing that flame, Sylvia let"s out a sigh "…… hou…".

(As I thought, It"s beautiful……)

The flame of G.o.d, that dances around the boy. That is surely worthed to be called the sacred flame.

Sylvia is looking at Akito with absent minded eyes.

『Just for today, I will be your knight!』

That word that the boy said, made Sylvia"s heartbeat harder.

Even if she has abused her power, bothered him, this person stood in front of her.

She was glad because of that.

— there is no one that who will attack the good for nothing princess.

Because of such reason, there is no one who want to be her knight. People who want to be her bodyguard are also none.

Although only Raiya is by her side, she won"t receive any recognition outside the academy.

For me who is that kind of person, this person came to save me on his own accord. Sylvia felt that that thing is unbearable happy.

(Geez…… Don"t say that you will be my knight just for today, I want you to be my knight forever……)

While suppressing her thumping heart, Sylvia thinks.

(If you say like that to me, even I, will want to try living as a girl, right?)

Sylvia looks at her own hand. As she continues swinging the sword, there is a part where it is more firm, there is also a part where it is torn. The parts where it become something like an octopus are a lot, it is a dirty hand.

Well, if it was seen by others, the skin just becomes a bit firm, and it"s a pure white beautiful skin, but Sylvia thought like that.

(As I thought, would a man dislike such girl?)

Sylvia returns her gaze to Akito and thinks.

(Moreover, I have caused a lot of trouble…… as expected, he will hate it…..)

Sylvia who didn"t think that she would regret it like this, let out a sigh "Haa……".

(But nevermind…… for the time being, I will try asking him tomorrow……)

She wants to focus on the match in front of her, but this match is Akito"s win. Sylvia is confirming that and her heart is already too late to move there.

(The dance…… Would he dance together with me?)

While thinking like that, Sylvia sighed once again.

Akito who is clad completely in a shining flame, slowly walks toward Arthur.

"Ha!? Wha, what!? That flame….. Don"t, don"t tell me that is…… the thing that defeated that military spirit….."

It seems that Arthur is also fascinated by the flame for a moment, but it seems that he come back to his senses. He suddenly shouted in a panic.

Besides Akito doesn"t answer. He slowly walks without rushing and making any sound.

Even though it was only that, but there was a strangely strong pressure.

"Ku! Don"t come! d.a.m.n! Freios! Burn him! Burn!"

As if he is in panic, Arthur gives the command to his own contracted spirit. But, Freios didn"t respond. On the contrary,


It let a small groan, and lowered its head toward Akito. Akito pat the head of that flame emperor.

Strangely, it"s not hot. On contrary, its warm is just right.

(It"s a nice patting sensation…….)
『Right? There are times when this guy is pretty cute!』

When Akito is being impressed, Feny excitedly shouts.


Because of that spectacle, Arthur opened his mouth wide with dumbfounded look.

"Eh?…..No way….."

Of course, Sylvia also doesn"t understand what happened, and muttered a bit, and looked astonished.

Having a wry smile while looking at those 2, then while kept patting the head of the flame emperor, Akito

"What"s wrong, self proclaimed genius ikemen b.a.s.t.a.r.d? You are making a disbelief look, you know?"

chuckled, and called out to Arthur.

Because of that, Arthur becomes panic.

"What!? Is it a high ranking fire spirit higher than AA ranked Freios!? Im, impossible! It"s impossible! Does does that mean it is the S ranked…… fi, fire dragon spirit!?"

Arthur speaks while keep mumbling in the middle of his words. Because of that, Akito chuckles again.

"What is it I wonder? Well, did you understand with this? Talent is powerless against stronger talent. But– Right wrist, left wrist, activate!"

When Akito shouted, the bracelets that he was wearing in both of his hands shone, and 2 silver long swords appeared, then he threw one of them toward Arthur.

Akito shouts toward Arthur who is dumbfounded while looking at the sword that fell near his feet.

"But, effort is different. Effort won"t betray people. I will teach you that from now."

The flame that is clad on his body disappears, and then Akito takes his stance.

"What!? You plan to fight me with sword!? No, no way! There is no—-"
"No way. You don"t say that the guy who said what genius is until just now is unable to win, right? Moreover, I"m a student. You are a member of spirit knight order that everyone admires. If you run away here, it will be a disgrace~ Right? Father?"

Interrupting Arthur who is in panic, Akito grins and look above. Then there is Hiiragi Yuito"s figure holding his spirit armament "Hawk Ray".

"Le, leader……?"

Following Akito"s sight Arthur looks at the sky above and his face becomes blue.

Yuito laughed after taking a glance toward Arthur, and then he shouted to Akito.

"Since when did you realize it Akito?"
"Since the moment father came. Don"t underestimate Feny.
"Hahahaa. As expected."

Yuito was coming around the time when Akito started patting Freios. Then, it seems that he controlled the wind, flew to the sky and observed the situation.

"Anyway, you felt Feny"s power, right? So you came here just in case."
"Yeah. That"s right. Well, don"t mind about me and just keep going. It"s in a good part, right?"
"Well, yeah."

Akito also replied with grin to Yuito who was grinning. Then, Akito fixes his sword position and gets ready.

Because of that, Arthur became panic.

"Why, why are you trying to defeat me! You are not related to this, right!?"

Akito immediately answered that.

"It s because the princess ordered me, her knight to defeat you."

Because of that Arthur was at loss. Seeing that situation, Akito chuckles again.

"Well, that"s not only the only reason though. If I must say, you have done 3 things that I hate. That"s why I will beat you."

Akito released his right hand from the sword, then he raised 3 fingers and spoke. Then, Arthur was shaken and replied "Wha, what?"

Then, Akito answered while grinned a bit.

"First, you have made a fool of the effort that I like so much."

Akito said that and lowered one finger.

"Second, you have made a cute girl crying. You bullied her."

Akito lowers the second finger. For some reason, Sylvia"s face becomes red, she becomes fl.u.s.tered and lets out voice "Wha……!?", but he didn"t mind her.

"And the third one."

Akito becomes serious there and, closes his lips once. Then, while looking Arthur who was trembling saying "Wha, what is it?", he lowered his back, and

"The third one is……It"s the fact that you are an ikemennnnnn! Hiiragi war arts! The first stance! Shungi Isseeeen!!!!!!"

Shouted, raised his feet, then he jumped toward Arthur along the sound "Dogon!". Then, a flash.


Arthur who didn"t hold the sword, received that from upfront, flew to the wall of the arena, fell to the ground, after that he was unable to move.

Perhaps, without the magic damage conversion field, his body would have been blown into pieces. That"s because, destroying the target object into pieces, is the real use of this technique.

After fixing his breath, Akito who is somehow managed to land, turns back. Then confirming that the flame emperor spirit has disappeared, he takes a breath, head close towards the defeated Arthur.

Then, when he crouched near the defeated him.

"It was a good performance."

He muttered a bit, and chuckled. Then, Akito felt that he certainly heard that Arthur also chuckled.

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