The divine beast that governs fire. The immortal bird had slept for about 11 years.

Warm sunshine, a sign that spring is coming.
In that kind of pleasant weather, Akito was walking inside the forest alone.

“Fuu, I shouldn’t walk too far ”

After he wipe his sweat with the sleeve of his uniform, he stretch myself.
While walking inside the forest that looks calm, he doesn’t let down his guard while doing this.
A lot of spirits live here. This place is called “Spirit Forest”.
“Spirit Forest” is a big forest, spreading from behind Element Academy, the school he attends.
The characteristic of this forest is that a lot of spirit lives there, wild boars and birds can be seen a lot too.
It can be said that it’s natural. The spirits live in harmony with the world, many of them live here, because of that, of course, the environment will be wonderful.
However, the spirits who live in this forest aren’t only this kind of wonderful spirit. Among the spirits, there are also many dangerous spirits specialize in combat live here too. Of course, there are some that indiscriminately attacked people.
When you encounter that kind of dangerous spirits, run away immediately is Akito’s best idea. Of course, fighting is not an option.
Because while he is an existence that can be said as a spirit user, he doesn’t have any contracted spirit. Without the power of spirit, there is no way he will be able to fight the spirit.
Then, why is he walking in this kind of place alone? Of course, question like that comes to mind. The answer is simple.

(Now then… The spirit lake is just a bit further)

He thinks while he bustles in the shade of trees.
His aim is the beautiful lake inside “Spirit Forest”, “Spirit Lake”. In there it is said that there are spirits that is relatively easy to communicate.

Most of the students, make a short trip there to make the contract immediately after entrance ceremony, making the contract after communicating with the spirit. But last year, he wasn’t able to make any contract with those spirits.
Because of that, he spent a year without using a spirit at the academy, and trained his body. But, no matter how much physical strength someone has, winning against spirit is not possible without spirit.
Thanks to that, he is the lowest ranked person in the academy. He was immediately branded as “The Dunce”, he was very frustrated.
But this year, somehow he is promoted to a soph.o.m.ore, and tomorrow the juniors will enter the academy. He wanted to show the good place even if it’s only a little to the juniors, in order to make a contract with a spirit here this year, thus that’s the reason why he is walking inside the forest.

“Oh… here we are”

When he pa.s.ses through the forest, a beautiful lake is there. Inside the forest, in the this s.p.a.ce where there are no trees, here is the spirit lake. If you look into the vicinity, there are a lot of cute spirits. Right away, he turns to the spirit near him and smiles. That spirit is surprised and stiffen its body for a moment, but immediately approaches him timidly.
Until the spirit comes by itself, He won’t approach it forcefully. That’s the basic of the ironclad rule when communicating with spirits. Akito follows that, keep looking at it,and waiting for it to come.


Finally, the spirit draws close to his foot and then he hold the spirit in his arms. He was relieved… That the spirit didn’t get scared.

“Let’s see… Water element spirit. Rank D. And it’s cute!”
“Kyururu? Kyururu?”

When he hold it while smiling, the spirit turn its eyes while cried cutely. It definitely has lovely eyes. It’s like a blue kitten.
By the way, the rank he just said is the rank of the spirit. The criteria for evaluation are not known, but it’s said to be its combat capabilities.
The existing rank starts from the highest : rank S, to the lowest : rank F, and also being the highest rank S, it’s already on the level of state weapon.
Then the rank of the spirit is said to be related to the growth of the contractor, it is said that it will rise as they grow together. Actually the spirits that live here are mostly rank D, but there are uppercla.s.smen in the academy that had raised it to a strong rank A too.
Of course, ranks for contractor also exist. However the rank of the contractor have various evaluation criteria, resulting the overall rank. By the way, now Akito is

Spirit Magic : Unusable
Spirit Armament : Undeployable
Martial Arts : A
Spirit Magic Amount : Unmeasurable (Estimated more than A)
Contracted Spirit : None
Overall Evaluation : E (Proximity Type)

It’s like that. Spirit magic is a magic that uses the power of spirit, without having contracted spirit, of course he can’t use it. Spirit armament is out of question, you can’t use it unless you are genuinely communicating with the spirits.
It’s said that he has a higher amount of spirit magic than most people, but it can’t be measured because he doesn’t have any contracted spirit. Thanks to the martial arts he earnestly polished, he was able to somehow stopped his rank at E.

For him, a D-rank spirit is considerably a joyful thing. Even if it’s a F-ranked spirit is okay, It’s a situation where He has to make a contract even if He has to kneel….

“Hey, you. Won’t you make a contract with me?”
“Kyu? Kyuru!”
“Seriously! Are you sure?”

When He asked if it’s okay or not, the water spirit in my arms agreed with a nod. After that if he can make a contract, he can also use the power of spirit.

“O, Ok! I will do it, alright?”

After he saw the water spirit nodded again, he decided to be ready. Then he held up his left hand towards the water spirit, He chanted the incantation of the contract ceremony that is used in a spirit contract.

— Protecting the beautiful water, O water spirit which nurtures the source of life! Now, answer my thought, that power ———

However, his incantation didn’t continue until the end. An intense light suddenly surged from the back of his right hand, he stopped the incantation.

“Kyu… Kyuru!?”

Afraid of the light, the water spirit ran away. Then, The many spirits inside the lake also hid themselves.

“What is that…. jeez!”

Akito slammed the ground with his fist, and looked at the back of his right hand irritatedly.
It was engraved there. A mark of wings that he can’t remember contracting.

Element Academy. It has produced excellent spirit users. It’s a school not only for a few numbers of spirit users. In cla.s.s 2-E of that Academy. There is Akito in the cla.s.s commonly known as the lowest cla.s.s.


Resting his chin on his hand on the table, he lets out a sigh. He recalled ….. about the event at “Spirit Lake” yesterday.

(If only this thing isn’t here…..)

Still resting his chin on his hand, he looks at his right hand that is laying on top of the table. When he realized it, he already had this contract seal. No matter how much he tried communicating with the spirits, this thing always got in the way.

(I… wonder when I can make a contract with spirits….)

I quit thinking about it because a sharp pain goes through my head. I conclude that, no matter how much I think about it I won’t understand.
Because I don’t have anything to do, I daydream while looking to the outside. Akito’s seat is especially pleasant as it’s by the window. From here, school’s battlefield can be seen well.
I remember the last battle tournament (although not even one month have pa.s.sed since then).
I overcame the teachers that asked me to withdraw from the tournament, I remembered my pitiful defeat without able to do anything. When I realized it, I was gritting my teeth.

(I wonder if I should quit school…)

While thinking that seriously, I let out a sigh. When I entered this academy, my chest was filled with hope, but it’s just despair everyday now. Of course, I don’t have any regrets.
The academy admission is also loose as long as your talent is recognized, if you can make a contract with spirit, you can easily resign.
Although it’s said that I have talent, I’m the lowest leftover in the academy… Eh? When I thought about that, tears had come out.
I wipe the tears, suppressing the sadness. When I do that, suddenly, it becomes noisy outside the cla.s.sroom. What’s wrong? Thinking that, Akito stands from his seat. Then

“Ohh! The group of leftovers shouldn’t gather in front of us!‘
“Small fry should act like a small fry, and be quiet”

A harsh voice can be heard. When I look at the corridor feeling anxious, my cla.s.smate had fell down in front of 2 men. From his uniform, a smoldering and light burning smell can be smelt.
What happened? I asked the student near me. Somehow, when they happened to pa.s.s by, suddenly the male cla.s.smate was. .h.i.t by spirit magic.

(It’s the worst…..)

I grit my teeth. Certainly, the disparities in this school is terrible, but that’s too much. Thinking that, I take a step forward. Suddenly, I was stopped by the person near me. But knowing such thing! I violently shake off their arms


I kick on of the man from behind. As I aimed the head, the man fall with a hit. In case of surprise attack, Akito who trains his body properly is strong. He won’t lose in a match.

“Na!? What are you doing!!”

The other man shout, glaring at Akito. What are you doing? That’s my line. Without averting his line of vision to the man’s eyes, Akito clicks his tongue.

“Apologize. Then bring that person to the infirmary”

He said that while pointing his cla.s.smate who is lying on the ground. Then, the man laugh boisterously.

“Huh. Here I think who it is, if it’s not Hiiragi-kun the worst of our academy. What now? Do you want to be killed?”
“Huh? b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what did you say with your disgusting face? Just quickly apologize, trash”
“It seems that you really want to die…….”

Blue veins appeared in the irritated man’s forehead. But that has nothing to do with this. Now Akito only thinks about one thing.

“Just apologize. If you can’t do that, just return to your mother’s place and suck her breast”
“I will absolutely kill you”

As expected, the man is enraged, finally raised his right hand. And then

“Burn you trash! Scorching fire bullet!!!”

Suddenly a flame bullet appears in the man’s palm. This is bad… This is

“Take this!!”

The fire bullet is emitted together with a shout. No matter how much his martial arts surpa.s.sed him, he can’t guard against this. Moreover, now he is in a narrow corridor. He has to avoid it…
Akito made up his mind, closed his eyes. If the water spirit from yesterday is here, he can use water wall magic.
But, that fireball doesn’t reach him.

(Wh, What what!?)

Akito opened his eyes while being puzzled. Then, there was the thing he wished just now, the spirit magic water wall was protecting him.

“What are you doing? Jeez”

When Akito looks back, there is a girl. The girl with light blue hair is walking while sweeping softly their shoulder with her hand. In that hand, spirit armament in the form of bow is being held.

(Asha Anlayhaim[1]…)

Akito gulps. That girl is without a doubt, one of the few A-ranked spirit users in this grade.

(If I remember correctly, it’s her spirit armament “Shower Tempest”….)

Akito naturally directed his sight there. The light blue bow that she carried, should be her B-rank spirit’s transformation.[2]
For a second year student to be able to deploy a spirit armament is already great by itself, plus her ability to use an A-rank spirit. She’s the exact opposite of Akito, the honor student.
It seems that the man is also surprised by her talent. Well, the number of A-rank spirit user is also not many in number, if it can be said of course, then of course…

“Chi, here comes the honor student-sama. What’?”
“Using spirit magic within the school is forbidden, right? Moreover using it on a student…..”

When she was being glared and the man is clicking his tongue at her, She was not fazed at all.
Rather, she was just looking at the man’s direction unfazedly…. Thinking that, Akito laughed.

“Ha! Doesn’t Honor student-sama also used her spirit magic too. Moreover even deploying a spirit armament”
“Doesn’t it because you shoot a spirit magic to this person?”
“He is the one that started it, right?”
“Are you sure?”

Suddenly, the conversation was thrown to him, Akito was surprised. Beautifully arranged face, in front of his eyes.
Even while his heart was beating fast from this, he tried to answer calmly.

“My cla.s.smate, he was bullied by that person”

When Akito said that, she let out a sigh “Haa…”. Because it’s known that Akito is the dunce who doesn’t have contracted spirit.
He thinks that he is that famous. In a bad meaning.

“Geez, What did you say you want to do to him even though you don’t have any contracted spirit? Are you an idiot?”
“…as you said”

Asha said while being amazed, Akito wanted to cry. Or rather, the tears had already come out.

“Well, This time please end it here just with this injury. Next time, I will personally accompany you, ok?”

She said that while lowering her bow. Then immediately “Paaa!”, it started disappearing.

“…Chi …You should watch out next time! Dunce”

While making a big clicking sound with his tongue, he dragged his friend, and left. It ended peacefully, Akito felt relieved.

“Thanks. I was saved.”

Akito deeply bowed to Asha. Then she rubbed her slightly blushed cheek.

“Well, you also be careful! There are also bad spirit users.”

She left while waving her hand. Towards her, he shouted “Thanks!” and waving his hand for a while, I saw her off until I can’t see her figure.
After that, He shouldered his cla.s.smate that is collapsed to the infirmary.

(Contracted spirit…. I want it….)

Halfway to the infirmary, Akito let out a sigh while having that kind of though.

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