The arena is filled with great cheers. In the center of it Sylvia smiled while looking at the fallen Akito.

–As I thought, I was not wrong.

Sylvia felt happy while remembering Akito"s movement in the battle just now.

The technique she has never seen, Shungi Issen. Repelling bullets with 2 swords, both of them are techniques that normal people won"t be able to do.

Sylvia realized that even without using his flame, this person is stronger than her, there would even be an overwhelming difference,

(If his body has recovered completely, I would be defeated instantly.)

Sylvia was thinking like that while waving her hand to the spectators. She wonders how many people who realized about that thing,

It might be seem like Akito"s strength and the princess who defeat him to the spectators. In fact, the students from Element Academy is making a gloomy face for some reason.

But from the observation from someone like Sylvia, and the fact that if they try to cross sword with him, they will understand that there is an overwhelming difference in strength between Akito and Sylvia.

(Fufuu. I"m glad he didn"t let out his flame. If they saw that, it would be impossible to transfer him here.)

Returning her gaze to Akito who was started to be moved with a stretcher, Sylvia thought. Sylvia has decided in her heart that she would do anything it takes to transfer him to Grand Magic Academy.

He is an existence I want to keep near herself. Because she has reconfirmed it.

After waiting for Akito to leave, she walked until the pa.s.sage, and entered the waiting room. Then, Raiya"s voice could be heard.

"How is he, Hime-sama? About Hiiragi Akito."

Raiya smiled while saying it. That"s as expected, Sylvia was impressed. It seems that she also understand about the difference in power between Akito and Sylvia.

"It"s as you thought. Raiya."

When Sylvia smiled to raiya, Raiya said "That"s good to hear" and smiled even more happily.

"Prepare the the doc.u.ments for his transfer immediately. After that, I want to meet the knight leader. I want to talk a bit, and I have to withdraw his search warrant."
"Understood. I will immediately inform him."

Sylvia takes a breath while seeing Raiya runs. When she wipes her sweat with a towel, and stretches out her body, she looks at the shattered large sword besides her.

"Ah…… I have to go to the maintenance department…… this will make them get angry….."

Thinking about the face of her friend who always maintains her weapons, Sylvia had a wry smile. She can only apologize for this.

At that time, the door to the waiting room was opened, and a man came in. he is Sylvia"s fiance, Arthur Dramon. He is wearing his spirit knight armor as usual.

The moment she saw him, Sylvia felt that the happiness she felt until just now had been blown away. Sylvia really hates this man very much.

Whether he realized Sylvia"s situation or not, Arthur said it with a smile.

"Ya, My princess. It"s a really wonderful match. As expected of that leader"s son. That sword skill is worth a praise. I can"t comprehend why he is called "The dunce"."

Arthur said it with a sparkling teeth. Sylvia was annoyed, but she was happy that Akito was praised for some reason as if she herself was being praised.

"Isn"t that obvious? That"s the man I choose. He is different from man who doesn"t even catch my eye like you. If you understand, can you get out?"

When Sylvia said that while pointing her finger toward the door, Arthur shakes his head,

"Unfortunately, I can"t do that yet. Because I didn"t come here just to congratulate you. I have something to do properly."
"Something to do? If that"s the case, get over with it immediately and get out."
"Hahahaa. You are really cold to me."

When Sylvia who felt irritated replied coldly to Arthur who said that and smiled, Arthur had a wry smile. Then when Sylvia snorted,

"Isn"t that obvious? I have already found the man who will become my partner. You have served your purpose."

She coldly declared it once again. Then, Arthur"s face after hearing that became serious.

"I would be troubled with that. No matter what happen, I have to obtain you. That"s why……"

Saying that far, Arthur pauses. When Sylvia dropped her eyebrows because of that, he suddenly laughed.

"I will have the case this time be reported to the king."

Sylvia opened her eyes wide from the words Arthur declared. Looking at that, Arthur laughs once again.

"Then, perhaps you will be dropped out from this school and returned to the imperial capital. You have done all this, so isn"t it obvious?"

Hearing that, Sylvia became pale. When she thought about it now, she felt that she has gone too far in a lot of things. If her father hears that, she would be taken back to the imperial capital immediately, and confined at the royal palace. When that happens, she would not be able to get out before her engagement with Arthur. That is the only thing she wanted to prevent.

"Stop it! Arthur! You….. really are the worst!"
"I"m fine for being the worst. It"s fine if I"m even able to be the king with that. A chance like this won"t appear twice. I can"t let it pa.s.s to a boy who shows up now."

When Sylvia shouted while glaring at Arthur, Arthur laughed fearlessly. Looking at that, Sylvia"s glare becomes even stronger.

"So since that"s how it is, tomorrow I will return to the imperial capital with the knight order first, and I will inform the king immediately. Since it seems that you will be ordered to go home immediately, let"s meet there."

Sylvia stopped Arthur who is about to leave the waiting room. Then after she let out a large breath,

"Fine, do whatever you like, but I have a condition. At 10 tonight. Let"s have a one on one match in this arena. If you win, I will obediently become your wife. Is that okay?"

Arthur grinned at Sylvia who made a serious face.

"It"s fine. I also doesn"t want to do something troublesome like meeting the king. If it will make you obedient…… That match, I will accept it."

Then when Arthur laughed once again, he left the waiting room. While seeing his back figure, Sylvia is at her wits" end.

Arthur belongs to the spirit knight order, and an AA-cla.s.s spirit user. She doesn"t think that she will lose. Besides, she also doesn"t think she will win. But, she has to win.

(Well then, I wonder what I should do….. seriously……)

In the waiting room that no one inside, Sylvia sighs a bit, and thinks.

(for the time being, I have to get my weapon fixed……)

Then she stood up to go to the maintenance department for the time being.

In order to prepare for the fight tonight that will decide her fate.

When Akito who lost the match against Sylvia opened his eyes. The first thing he sees is the ceilings.

An unfamiliar ceilings. It would give a bit fear to a human.

But, Akito was not afraid. Rather he was glad.

That"s because there is a soft pillow hitting the back of his head. Also the face of her kind senior. Which looks into his face and her hand that gently pat his head.

(I’m glad to be aliveeeeeeee!)

Akito was shedding tears. He is crying. His senpai who saw that– Rutia seems surprised, but it has nothing to do with Akito.

Well then, despite how things turns out like this and Akito should also have slept for several hours, Rutia has been giving Akito a lap pillow since the time he was brought to a place that looks like the infirmary.

How gentle, she is as a good senior. Moreover, her soft body, and her face is a bit cute, but it is in the beautiful category. Moreover, there is some kind of good smell coming out of her body.

She is perfect. She is the perfect senior. Akito was crying. Since there are only extremely violent girls around him recently, kindness like this, is something that rarely comes.

"Rutia-senpai…… I will follow you for the rest of my life!"
"Hmm? I don"t know why you are crying, but it"s alright. Follow me~"
"Yes! Rutia-senpai!"

When he purposely moves the back of his head a bit, Akito who understand that he can enjoy the pillow even more, moves his head a bit.

"Hey~ It"s tickling~"

Moreover, Rutia has a wry smile. Again, how cute is that face. Spontaneously Akito"s cheek loosen up.

Like that, Akito thought that they both entered a s.p.a.ce just for them, but—

"Senpai……? Aren"t you already fine any time now? Is it okay if I kill this useless meat?"
"Uuuuu! Aki-kun stupiddd!"
"……Hiiragi-kun…… Haa……"

Hearing that, he thought that it"s about time to stop escaping from reality, so he shifts his sight sideways. Then, there are Yuuka who has lost the light in her eyes, Alca who has teary eyes, and then Asha who is sighing.

The reason why the girls can only look vexed, can be said because the spirit magic Rutia uses has holy attribute so it excels in healing. In reality, Rutia"s hand who pat Akito"s face shines a bit.

Akito who has spent all of his magic power is able to open his eyes after several hours also because Rutia gently transfer her magic power. The only one who can use the magic to transfer someone"s magic power to someone else, among people in this place is only Rutia.

(Moreover since I"m happy, it"s like killing 2 birds with 1 stone! Fuwa~ it"s soft~)

Because there isn"t any disturbance from the other girls (especially Yuuka), Akito can enjoy the lap pillow to his heart"s content. It doesn’t even matter even if a sound like "Ugugugugu" could be heard besides him. It is truly unrivaled.

(The match was troublesome though, but I"m glad I had done it…… Well, although my allowance will be halved though.)

He feels that there will be a bit uneasy thing in his life starting tomorrow, but he has the sword he received from his mother, so by using that, even if he has to hunt wild boar in the forest, he would be fine.

(After that if I can get Yuuka made some ices, I would be able to preserve it~)

While he is thinking like that while enjoying the lap pillow, because Rutia asks him "Are you already able to wake up?" with a smile.

"It"s still impossible!"

He denied it with all his might. It won"t be a joke if he lost this pillow. Besides because Rutia also smiled saying "I see~", it seems fine.

"Senpai? Brionac also said that, but you should have already recovered enough to wake up, right?"
"Tha, that"s right! You also looks better!"

Although those 3 people said that, but if the injured person said that he is unable to stand, it means that he is unable to stand. It"s just a problem with his willpower in short. He just doesn"t feel like standing though.

『well, certainly, you can stand. The ice dragon girl is noisy since just now, so stand up, master.』
(No way.)
『Haa…… Well, I also think that this sensation is quite good, but……』

He also has some exchange with Feny, and then he hardens his determination to not stand. Then, his bad friend who was in this room for the time being, shouted with a loud voice.

"Akito!! Isn"t it about time you let her go! Wake up! Or rather why do I have to experience this terrible thing, while you are in heaven!!"

When Akito reluctantly moves his sight there after hearing that voice, there was Raios" figure restrained to the door.

"Now that you mention it, what are you doing?"
"What was it again that you did? Thanks to someone who used Hiiragi style or something, the students here comes pushing to get taught!"
"Aah~ hang in there. Also, I"m still unable to move my body."

Ignoring the shouting Raios, Akito has already moved her sight to enjoy the lap pillow for a while. Then, something cold hits the back of his neck.

That coldness instantly made his body shaking, when he moved his sight thinking what that is, there was ice. Something like a knife like ice——

Akiro noticed that, then he moved his sight while trembling, and looked at the face of the owner of the hand which hold the knife.

"Senpai? Choose either move to my lap pillow, or have your throat cut."

There was the face of Yuuka who quietly muttered with eyes that have lost any light. As expected, it seems that she has reached her limit. Because of that, Akito immediately answered "Yes…..", and raised his head and then put it on the lap Yuuka has prepared.

"Fufufufu. It"s good just like this right, senpai? Since senpai is mine…… Fufufufufufu. Ah, Rutia-san, please use the healing magic like this. The lap pillow is mine, fufufufufu."

The other 3 girls drew back from Yuuka who muttered something after patting Akito"s head with an innocent smile.

"A, AKi-kun? Seriously what"s with…… this girl?"
"M, mhm. I also don"t want to be this child"s enemy~"
"Maybe there are many out of standard S,S-ranked people……"
"Or rather, wake up soon, arghhhh!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile. Only Raios" shout could be heard loudly.

"That"s why, I will wake up."

Because Raios has become pitiful as expected, Akito who enjoyed Yuuka"s lap pillow for around 1 hour, slowly raised his body.

"Is, is this the end…..? I, I can"t do it anymore……."

Then, Raios collapsed with wounds all over his face, then lots of students from Grand Magic Academy came in stepping over that "corpse". Then, they come near Akito and start shouting.

"How do you do that technique!? Look, that *babyun thing!!"
"Teach us! That technique!"
"If we have that, we must be able to defeat the spirit users!"
"The match was cool! Please have a match with me!"

It seems that what Raios has said is true. Well, certainly, if one use the first stance, Shungi Issen, one would be able to defeat even a spirit user. But, that"s the only technique that his father bans to be used in ordinary situation. That"s why he can’t teach it to others.

Because of that, Akito saw the face of the students who come closer, he grinned.

"I don"t provide that kind of service!"

He raised his thumb and shouted. Then, of course jeerings are soaring. But, he can"t teach that technique. Having a match is also troublesome. If that"s the case, what he should do—

"Hiiragi style, first stance– "

When he muttered with the feeling of threat, and taking the posture of the stance, just because of that, the students from Grand Magic Academy ran away. Looking at that, Akito has a smile thinking that it was a good reaction.

Meanwhile, Alca opens her mouth while having a wry smile.

"But Aki-kun, it"s really been a while since I saw that technique. I thought that you are already unable to do it."
"Hmm? Aah. since that"s seriously a "destroying" technique, the other stance are also totally prohibited."
"Fuun. but, you are cool, right?"

Akito thinks that Alca who is a bit blushing and smiling, is really cute. She has brown hair, she is small, and her eyes are big and round, she is completely like a squirrel. It"s unbearable as he likes cute things.

"Fuaa…… as I said, stop patting me so suddenly~……"

Akito who couldn"t bear it after looking at that, unconsciously extended his hand. Also is also complaining with her mouth, but she narrows her eyes, it seems that she is feeling good.

Well, of course the light has disappeared from Yuuka and Rutia eyes, but Akito is patting her without care for the time being. Then, when he was satisfied, Yuuka let out her voice.

"Well then, Yuuka. I have already replenished my cute component, so shall we go?"
"Eh? Where to?"

Because of that, Yuuka tilts her head, and the other allies has a confused expression. Looking at that, Akito smiles a bit,

"It"s been decided, right? We will go to where my father and mother are, right?"

When he said that, Yuuka leaked out "Aah~". Then, she immediately stands up. The other girls also stands up, but Akito held them with his hand.

"Eh!? Wha, why only this girl!?"
"That, that"s right~ Why can"t we go?"

Especially Alca and Rutia is making a dissatisfied looks. But, the thing Akito wants to talk with his father from now on, is about his contracted spirit, Feny. In other words, they must not hear about it. Because of that, Akito is thinking what is better for him to say,

"Hmm~ It"s hard to say….. Ah, that"s right, it"s something that can be discussed between Yuuka, my parents and me. That"s why, the four of you other than us, could you return to your room? Since it will be over soon."
"Eeeh! What is…… What is with that!? No way, mamamamarrrri……"
"What do you mean? Can you please explain about it properly?"

Akito thought that it would be perfect with that. But, Alca and Rutia for some reason refuse to back down. Looking at that, Akito tilted his head, thinking "Eh? Did I say something strange?".

Then he tries to persuade them 1 more time.

"Well, It"s the reason why Yuuka who is S rank, and me are here, but how do you say it?Well it"s not a strange talk. I will come back soon."
"That"s right. It would be about senpai and mine"s engagement ta–"
"Since it won"t be about that you don"t need to worry. Well then, I"m going."

Thanks to retorting to Yuuka strange words, somehow those 2 put their faith on me, then Akito left the room stepping over Raios who is laying on the ground for the time being.

For some reason my arms was linked with Yuuka—-

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