
Chapter 62 - Armored Vehicle

Chapter 62 - Armored Vehicle

──In a room of an inn.

Three men were gathering there.

Alcohol was placed on the table. Zalsa and Benir were drinking it.

The client Ludhor was sitting on a chair. He was tapping his foot from irritation.

「Oi, you guys have found out their schedule aren"t you?」

Benir was drinking alcohol while placing a memo.

「I asked their plan to enter the dungeon from the staff. There are some staffs who doesn"t like them, so it"s easy to ask the schedule.」

Ludhor s.n.a.t.c.hed the paper and confirmed the plan of Lyle"s party.

「……So they"ll enter the dungeon in one more week. We"re going to attack at that time.」

Zalsa laughed slightly.

(This d.a.m.n small fry is getting carried away.)

He ridiculed Ludhor inside his heart, even so his words outside were polite.

「I don"t recommend that. Besides we"ll also need to prepare, so let"s ambush them at their second expedition.」

Lyle"s party planned to go to floor B10 at the first time.

At the second time it was written that they planned to conquer floor B30.

It seemed the staff asked Lyle thoroughly, so they also obtained the information that Lyle"s party would challenge the boss of floor B30.

Benir drank down the alcohol inside his gla.s.s.

「We"ll aim when they"re completely exhausted after working hard collecting incomes. Let"s decide whether to aim when they"re fighting or lying in ambush at that time.」

The floor travelling device was located at floor B5 until floor B25.

It would be troublesome if they reached floor B25 and asked help from other adventurers.

Zalsa stared at his clean nails.

They were well cared after and today too they were glinting prettily.

「Preparation is important for this kind of a.s.sault. We have to investigate the floor so they won"t be able to run away and lay trap before waiting for the prey to enter. Well, please leave it to us.」

Ludhor stood up in front of the two.

「I"ll also prepare. You guys, don"t you dare fail.」

Zalsa saw off Ludhor closing the door violently. He then clicked his tongue.

「d.a.m.n brat……」

Benir laughed.

「Oi, your true self is coming out.」

「Oops, pardon me.」

Benir was grinning faintly while watching Zalsa putting up his mask.

「And……what"re we going to do?」

Even Ludhor looked like prey between the two of them.

They were adventurers who were carrying out misdeed daily.

In the first place they never thought of carrying out the request honestly.

「Accident often happen inside the dungeon. There"s no guarantee that brat won"t erase us, and I also got bored already with Arumsaas. I want to rampage with a blast before leaving.」

Benir also agreed.

「He is just a second or third son who can"t inherit his house anyway. There"s no need to worry about his house"s reprisal even if we erase him. It seems that Lyle guy has also saved up quite a lot. The request this time is a delicious one.」

The two would lay their hand even toward their client. They poured alcohol into their gla.s.s and toasted.

「Let"s leave Arumsaas after cleaning up everything.」

「We got to earn big for the last one.」

The two adventurers laughed──.

The place was underground dungeon floor B10.

When we stepped inside, the floor boss wasn"t inside. It seemed it had been exterminated by other adventurers. We walked with Porter at the center and looked across the room of the floor boss.

「……What now?」

The reason everyone was making a perplexed face was because we arrived at floor B10 faster than planned.

Even Novem was holding her staff in bewilderment.

「It"s because Poyopoyo-san mapped the area and Shannon-chan notified us of the threat at the surrounding beforehand. We"re able to reach until this far without any problem.」

A box was placed on the ceiling of Porter. Magic stones and other things were stuffed there.

It seemed that the result surpa.s.sed even Novem"s imagination.

「Wha, what"ll we do now, Lyle-sama?」

Originally we planned to descend until floor B10 and then returned back to the surface in three days.

However, we arrived at our destination in one day without any problem.

「……I guess we"ll return to floor B9 and camped there. Like this, we"ll return back by tomorrow.」

Clarsan got down from Porter.

She got down from the spot that Poyopoyo called "driver"s seat" and told me how the driving sensation was until now.

「Lyle-san, about Porter.」

「Was there any problem? If you"re tired from driving I"ll switch with you.」

Clarsan shook her head at my suggestion and answered.

「It"s strange. The driving sensation is just too easy. It"s easier than the remodeled cart from before, is that possible?」

I looked at Porter.

「Ah, you mean that. Oi, Poyopoyo.」

When I called Poyopoyo, she brought out a box from inside the vehicle.

Clarsan tilted her head, then she was surprised seeing the inside of the box.

The box itself was a magic tool.

And then, shining inside it was a yellow-green gem peridot──a rare gem that was said to be a magic ore that contained mana inside.

「You possess a magic ore?」

「We obtained it before coming to Arumsaas. We also considered using magic stone or rare metal but, if we"re going to do that anyway then using this would be better, that"s what we thought.」

Porter was too heavy that it needed reinforcement to move it.

Magic ore was the best way to obtain the energy for that.

「It"ll be expensive to buy it. We have one so we used that.」

Clarsan put her hand on her forehead as though she was dizzy.

「I"m surprised that you have something like this. Lyle-san, you"re really a mysterious person.」

Is that so? Certainly I was ignorant of the ways of the world but, recently I had gotten a bit better…….

Arisan and Sophisan were approaching while we were deep in talk.

「Lyle, what"re we going to do now?」

「If possible please decide it quickly.」

I told Poyopoyo to put back the box and looked at Novem.

Novem was making a troubled face, but she suggested to achieve our original objective.

「We haven"t prepare to advance further than this, how about we return for now and camped?」

I scratched my head.

「You"re right. Let"s stay the night before returning tomorrow.」

Arisan shrugged.

「Is that fine even though we planned to stay for two nights? I think we"ll be able to earn a bit more money if we stay for two nights.」

I looked at Porter.

Mirandsan was looking after Shannon who went outside.

She wasn"t feeling well from witnessing battle against monster and dismantling materials from their body.

「Shannon isn"t feeling well, besides even if we don"t go that far the test driving has gone well. Let"s return tomorrow.」

Things went better than expected, to a degree that it shocked me thinking whether this was alright.

This was greatly different from before.

Around the time it became night at the surface.

We were camping at floor B9.

Sleeper"s breathing could be heard from the surrounding. I was sitting together with Arisan as lookout, a lantern between us.

There was friction between us since I was forbidden from using Arts, but today there wasn"t anything like that.

I didn"t know what would be good topic to talk about, but today our conversation was flowing naturally.

「So even scouting is divided into various types.」

A lot of Arisan"s talk was related to her dojo.

It seemed these several months she were going to the dojo almost every day to polish her skill.

「It"s amazing. You can check the situation of the area by touching the floor or wall. There"re also many types of trap that I have to memorize.」

At the dojo she was scolded, praised, and like that she finally felt the effect of her training in real battle.

I got the impression that she was having fun with that.

「You didn"t go to the same place with Sophisan?」

Arisan answered awkwardly at my simple question.

「……It"s a bit unsuited for me. How should I say it, the mood at her dojo is impossible for me.」

Arisan learned various new things, in contrast it seemed Sophisan who was sleeping right now was fundamentally improving herself as vanguard.

「Rather than that, what about Lyle?」

「At morning I would move my body with Poyopoyo, and then from there I would tinker with the cart the whole time. After that I would go to the library or Damian"s place.」

Arisan glanced at the sleeping Clarsan.

「……It seems there is rumor about you and Clarsan but, how is it actually is?」

「Clarsan? No, there isn"t anything like that. I"m in good terms with her but, there isn"t anything more than that. She is really a great help.」

Arisan looked down slightly.

「I, I see.」

「She is someone I want to have as party member but, it looks like she loves the library and I don"t know if she will leave Arumsaas to join us.」

From Clarsan"s point of view, Arumsaas was a place that suited her.

The library that was called as the greatest in the continent was big.

「……It will be great if she will come with us.」

There was one voice that agreed with my muttering.

It was the Third.

『Clarchan is really desirable. I recommend her. Lyle, seduce her to join your party just like usual. Like that you will be able to read book everyday!』

……This guy, just what kind of person I was in his mind?

I wished that he wouldn"t speak like I would seduce anyone without caring who they were.

Three days later.

I who returned to the surface brought Novem to go shopping.

We arranged for the necessary water and food for aiming to floor B30.

We also purchased things like consumable goods.

We were only heading to the shops that we used before this, but it was weighing my mind that recently I wasn"t talking with Novem.

Because of that I went out alone with her but……I looked around.

「……Why are they laughing at me?」

Not just our fellow adventurers, even the citizens of Arumsaas were laughing at me.

It seemed that Novem had been listening to the rumors from going shopping and the like on a routine basis. She averted her gaze.

「That"s, Lyle-sama failed inside the dungeon some time ago, and recently you weren"t doing anything as adventurer so……」

I was told, that our party conquered floor B40 in the blink of eye after getting acquainted with Damian, but without Damian I continued to fail. It seemed they thought of me as adventurer without any competency.

「That kind of rumor is spreading?」

Novem nodded, even so it seemed she was slightly feeling that something was out of place.

「I"m hearing about this rumor from recently. That kind of rumor has been going on even before but, they weren"t this horrible.」

It seemed that the rumors were worsening recently, but even before that there were already various bad rumors about me spreading.

「That"s horrible.」

Then, the Second"s voice came from inside the Jewel.

『……Now then, I wonder about that.』

The Sixth replied to the worried Second.

『Let"s watch the situation for now.』

I couldn"t understand the two"s conversation. Then Novem turned her gaze toward a crowd.

I also followed Novem"s gaze.

There wasn"t anything that felt particularly strange.

「What"s wrong?」

「I thought we were watched but, it might be just my imagination.」

I immediately grasped the Jewel, but there wasn"t any reply. The ancestors were staying silent.

……Just what was going on?

Novem turned a serious expression toward me.

「It might be better to be slightly on guard. Let"s tell everyone to not go out alone as much as possible.」

I could only reply 「Yeah」.

Until now I had Arts, so I could immediately detect anyone with ill will.

But, right now I couldn"t sense anything even if there was someone with ill will nearby.

「It"s amazing that you can feel it, Novem.」

I honestly thought that Novem was amazing.

「It"s something like an instinct. Besides they"re following us unnaturally so I noticed them.」

……I felt slightly ashamed to not notice that.

The next day.

I was having lunch together with Nurx-san.

He was an adventurer that I was acquainted with at Arumsaas. We were getting along well.

I consulted with him about the matter of being followed.

「……Perhaps, they"re targeting the girls in your party?」

「Novem and others?」

Nurx-san folded her arms and then made a serious expression.

「People will be jealous to a party with one man and multiple women after all. Especially when it comes to adventurers who many of them are rough people, there"re also many shoddy people among them.」

Certainly, the possibility that Novem and others were targeted was high.

Thinking carefully, there were only beautiful girls around me.

Shannon and Poyopoyo were out of question but, everyone else was pretty.

「Will it be better for us to be careful?」

「It"ll be better for your party to not do anything alone. You guys also have to not forget paying attention to the surrounding.」

I slowly nodded.

Nurx-san seemed to feel relieved at my att.i.tude and changed the topic.

「More importantly, how is it going with your comrades?」

「It"s better than before but, I feel that there is still gap between them as usual.」

Nurx-san who was worried for me sent me a sympathetic look.

「That"s awful. Though I think it will be great if they can be more understanding.」

Nurx-san was endeavoring to treat all of her party members equally as their comrade so that the peace of the party wasn"t disturbed.

And what he was doing was working well, so I was really envious of him.

「It seems that your party will be doing a big job after this, so perhaps it"ll be better if you have a talk with them beforehand. If you convey your feeling there, surely everyone will understand.」

Seeing Nurx-san"s smile made me motivated.

「You"re right! I"ll make it a success this time for sure!」

I had been acquainted with a really reliable person.

The Sixth was grumbling complaints.

『I wouldn"t have any hardship if everything can be solved with just talking. I was……I was!』

The Fifth spoke coldly.

『You only reaped what you sow, so just shut up.』

The Sixth who was scared of his wife seemed to be hopelessly jealous toward Nurx-san"s happiness. Just what kind of married life he was going through?

While I was talking with Nurx-san, a woman wearing called out to him.

「Gee~z, Nurx, so you"re in this kind of place.」

She had large b.r.e.a.s.t.s and wearing academy uniform.

She was Nurx-san"s new party member who he encountered at Arumsaas.

「Oops, it"s already this time. Lyle-kun, I"ll take my leave.」

「Thank you very much for listening to me.」

I thanked him and left the restaurant. Nurx-san"s comrades were waiting outside.

They were getting along well with each other as usual. Seeing that I imagined if my party could also be like this.

「Yosh, I"ll also do my best!」

Before the big job, I resolved myself to make my comrades to get along better with each other.

「Hmm, I didn"t really hear that just now, Lyle. What did you say again?」

I was quailing in front of the smiling Mirandsan.

The house of Circry sisters. Coincidentally there were only the two of us here so I called out to her.

Before, I failed when making suggestion for everyone to get along well when all of them were present, so this time I went around talking to them one by one.

However, it was suddenly a formidable enemy from the first person.

「No, that……I"m thinking that it will great if Mirandsan can get along better with everyone.」

I was unable to look straight at Mirandsan"s face. My gaze wandered around and my voice was getting smaller.

Voices laughing at me came from inside the Jewel.

『Lyle, speak up more firmly!』

『Lyle, that"s pathetic!』

『You should be more imposing.』

『That"s right. The beginning is important at this kind of thing.』

『Lyle, she"s still better than my wife. Do your best!』

『What happened with your spirit at the beginning? Do your best Lyle.』

Just from the words along it sounded like they were giving encouragement, but everyone"s voice was filled with laughter.

They were having fun watching me.

Mirandsan shrugged.

「I"m joking Lyle. However, I"m sorry but in my personal opinion, what you"re asking is impossible.」

She told me that it was impossible for everyone to get along in our party.

「N, no, before this everyone got along.」

「That"s not what I mean. I intend to do as Lyle wish, but I"ll refuse if it won"t be something good for Lyle.」

She would do it if that was what I wished? I mustered my courage.

「Then, get along with everyone!」

「What was that? Can you say it one more time for me?」

Mirandsan made a scary smile and grabbed my shoulders.

「I"m sorry. I didn"t manage to catch your words just now.」

「……It"s nothing.」

The Sixth talked with a slightly sad voice.

『Milleia"s great-granddaughter is scary. Why did she grow to be this kind of woman?』

The Seventh mumbled back.

『Because she is aunt"s great-granddaughter?』

Mirandsan chuckled.

「If Lyle seriously wish for it then I will abide by it anytime. That"s if you"re seriously thinking it by yourself.」

Mirandsan said that and left me.

I looked at Mirandsan"s back and my shoulders dropped.

「Even though we"re going to enter the dungeon tomorrow, will it be fine like this?」

My anxiety kept getting stronger.

──In the middle of night.

A group of adventurer was sneaking in the darkness.

The senior Benir was leading them.

He clicked his tongue seeing Ludhor and other students following behind them.

「I wish they won"t move without a care like that.」

Zalsa who was walking beside him was exasperated. A thin sword specialized for thrusting was hanging on his waist.

It was a sword that not many adventurer used, but Zalsa used nothing but rapier.

「Students are bunches with naïve thinking. It"s useless to think about it.」

Benir and others entered the dungeon before Lyle"s party came.

Ambushing or attacking.

The choice would depend on the situation of Lyle"s party.

Benir stroked his beard.

「Even though Damian was with them, those guys conquered floor B40 before this. It"s dangerous to underestimate them. Besides that strange box is also concerning.」

「You mean the carriage without horse? If the story is true than I want to obtain it.」

Then an irritated voice came from behind.

It was Ludhor.

「You guys, be a bit more serious.」

The two of them scowled outside of Ludhor"s view, but it wouldn"t be a good idea to quarrel right now.

「Pardon our rudeness. By the way, isn"t your group"s number too few?」

There were only ten of them even including Ludhor.

Several of them were students. The rest were wearing hood that hid their face.

They seemed to be baggage carrier.

「There"s no need for you guys to worry about that. More importantly, absolutely don"t let them get away. Anyone other than Miranda is unneeded.」

Benir and Zalsa, and then the other adventurers were irritated at Ludhor"s att.i.tude.

Benir responded.

「Just leave it to us. We"re experienced in this.」

「I hope that"s true.」

Ludhor and others, the group that was targeting Lyle entered the dungeon──.

The entrance of Arumsaas"s underground dungeon.

We rode on Porter and entered the dungeon.

I put my hand on Shannon"s head.

「Come on, search for the enemy properly.」

On the driver"s seat there were Clarsan, Poyopoyo, and then me and Shannon. The place was really cramped.

Shannon looked sleepy from waking up early in the morning. She brushed away my hand.

「Shut up. I just need to do it right?」

Shannon replied with a yawn. I thought that this girl was lacking the sense of tension.

Clarsan sat on the driver"s seat while using magic. Then Porter"s huge body moved forward.

We were protected by thick armor.

Poyopoyo discovered enemy at the front.

「Muh! From the front bat monsters are approa──」

Clarsan drove forward expressionlessly and sent the rushing large bats flying.

Poyopoyo looked slightly troubled.

「……Please let me speak it till the end.」

Clarsan was also troubled.

「Eh? I was told to keep going while ignoring the monsters until floor B10 though.」

It would take time to fight monster from the beginning and then collecting their magic stone and materials.

In addition it would increase our cargo.

The magic stone and the material that could be obtained her had low price, so we ignored them.

I looked at Shannon.

Yesterday she was excited and couldn"t sleep. She was sleeping on the pa.s.senger seat with her mouth drooling.

I lightly hit Shannon"s head with my palm.


Shannon woke up and looked around.

And then she awkwardly wiped her drool while,

「I, I dhidh"t hlep」

She couldn"t even speak properly.

「You, the next time you sleep I"ll call Mirandsan.」

Shannon opposed when I said that.

「You coward, threatening to tell Onee-sama like that! This coward gigolo b.a.s.t.a.r.d!」

「Could it be you"re trying to make the nickname gigolo b.a.s.t.a.r.d to stick on me? That"s unfortunate. I"m not gigolo anymore. I"m earning money by myself, and I"m even paying Mirandsan my cost of living. Rather isn"t it you who are like gigolo?」

Shannon was angry and struggled inside the cramped s.p.a.ce. Clarsan sighed.

「Rather than that I wish you will decide the route already.」

──In the back of Porter.

Novem, Aria, Sophia, Miranda.

The four were sitting silently.

They were sitting on benches that faced each other.

In this situation they had to see each other"s face even if they didn"t want. The four of them were keeping silent.

From the front they could hear Lyle and Shannon quarreling, and sometimes Clara"s troubled voice.

Even though they called it big, if people rode in a s.p.a.ce that was loaded with baggage then the s.p.a.ce would be limited. The four of them were sitting face to face in that limited s.p.a.ce for several hours.

Novem raised a topic.

「It"s rare that all four of us can be face to face like this, how about we talk?」

Aria was sending glances at Miranda"s face.

「I don"t mind but, what"re we going to talk about? Something like Sophia"s change into amazoness?」

Sophia stood up.

「Wait, who are you calling amazoness! Could it be, you"re making fun of everyone in the dojo!? All of them are all good people!」

Certainly they were all good people, but it was a fact that the women of the dojo were called amazoness on the street.

Miranda chuckled.

「Certainly her skin exposure is increasing recently. She was sleeping in her underwear at summer and got seen by Lyle.」

Aria laughed.

「Hear that! Recently you were too defenseless!」

Novem turned a smile at Aria.

「Arisan is also the same. Lyle-sama put back the towel blanket that you kicked away on you several times. It was a bit unseemly to open your legs like that.」

Aria hid her face with both her hands and went red until her ears.

Sophia retorted back.

「Aria is more terrible than me isn"t it!? I, in the first place peeking at girls sleeping, that"s……」

Mirandsan was exasperated.

「If you sleep on the sofa at the living room then anyone will see. It was because you were tired that you weren"t awakened.」

Sophia went red until her ears in embarra.s.sment and shrunk into herself on her seat.

Miranda was having fun looking at the two of them like that. Novem said to her.

「By the way Mirandsan. You aren"t troubling Lyle-sama are you?」

Miranda smiled, but it was a provoking smile.

「I"ve no intention of troubling him. I believe that this is also for Lyle"s sake.」

「Is that perhaps a self-righteousness? Isn"t it for your own sake rather than for Lyle-sama"s sake?」

The two of them were smiling, but Aria and Sophia were in discomfort.

Miranda retorted back to Novem.

「It"s you who is self-righteous. In the first place why──」

But, Porter suddenly stopped in the middle and the talk was interrupted.

Aria couldn"t endure the atmosphere and raised her voice.

「Wha, what happened!?」

If something happened then she wouldn"t need to stay in this place. She was even feeling such joyous mood.

The rear door opened.

Poyopoyo was standing there.

She was holding a large hammer on her shoulder. It was slightly dirty with blood.

「My apologies. A slightly big monster appeared so we took it down. We will only recover the magic stone so we wanted some help but……it seems everyone is having fun here. Everyone, please wait on standby here.」

Poyopoyo who guessed that the mood was bad only said that and closed the door.

Voices came from outside.

『Eh, where"s everyone?』

『It looks like they are having fun talking, so I left them to it. It"s a conversation between women. Chicken d.i.c.kwad, you mustn"t peek okay?』

『No one"s going to peek. Well, fine. We"ll take care of it with you and me.』

Lyle and others seemed to finish dealing with the monster, after a while Porter started moving once more.

However, this time there was no one who opened their mouth.

They only pa.s.sed the time silently──.

I was thinking.

「My Porter is too strong.」

Porter was advancing through the pa.s.sage inside the dungeon, but against average monsters they would be blown away.

Even large monster would be sent flying easily. And then Porter would run over it and advance forward.

It felt as though it was designed from the start to be able to advance through any kind of bad road. Whether it was its rugged design or tough armor, there wasn"t any decoration to it.

Clarsan slightly raised her hand.

「Err, I was also involved in its making.」

Poyopoyo was enraged.

「Please wait! It"s this Poyopoyo who finished the most of it! The mother of this child is me!」

Shannon was sitting on the pa.s.senger"s seat and eating sweets.

「Who cares about that. More importantly there is a group of monster lying in ambush at the front.」

Poyopoyo thrust her fist forward.

「Mumuh! There are only small ones there. We"re bulldozing through here!」

Clarsan was apathetic.

「Then I"m driving forward.」

The thing that was called "engine" according to Poyopoyo roared and Porter accelerated. The monsters at the front were sent flying.

It became really easy with just Porter here.

「Will this be alright in regard to my task?」

I was worried if the ancestors would complain about Porter, but then cheers came from inside the Jewel.

『That"s awesome, Porterrrr!』

『I also want one of this!』

『If we can ma.s.s produce Porter, perhaps this will cause a revolution in the world.』

『If only we had this thing in my era……』

『What toughness! This is what a man"s ride is!』

『I also want to try driving it.』

……It seemed I was too worried. They sounded like they were having fun.

I shook my head. Then Arisan showed her face from the rear.

「Hey, what floor we"re in right now? I lost track of it with only time pa.s.sing.」

The shaking inside Porter was light.

It would cause our b.u.t.t to hurt from sitting for many hours inside a normal horse carriage, and yet it didn"t happen with Porter.

But, the trip was too smooth that the four riding in the rear didn"t have anything to do.

I turned my gaze to Poyopoyo. She guessed what I wanted to say with just that.

「We have arrived at floor B16. At the surface right now it"s slightly before 6 o"clock in the evening. I believe there won"t be any problem starting to prepare the camp right now.」

There were a lot of places where this girl was troubling, but she was reliable for something like this.

「Floor B16 in one day. Like this, will we get any turn?」

It couldn"t be helped that Arisan was worried.

In the first place, Porter was just too amazing, surpa.s.sing our imagination.

「As expected I think our pace will drop from floor B20 ahead.」

Shannon shrieked at that time.


She hugged me and grabbed my clothes with her hands that were dirty with sweets.

When everyone turned their gaze to the front where Shannon was looking, there was a monster crawling on the wall to escape from Porter.

It was insect type that wasn"t too dangerous, but Shannon was really weak against bug.

I tore off Shannon who was hugging me from feeling really scared.

「Get a hold of yourself. Why did you scream huh?」

Shannon was tearful.

「That was scary mon!」

She spoke cutely using "mon!", but it didn"t affect my heart at all.

「Well, fine. More importantly search for a place where we can camp.」

「……You, aren"t you acting cold at just me?」

Shannon glared at me, so I replied with a smile.

「Obviously. I hate yo──」


Shannon"s fist that was launched with the twist of her waist backing it sunk into my stomach.

「Yo, you……」

「Your smile just now was irritating.」

Shannon brushed up her light violet hair and laughed seeing me crouching down.

As expected from the result of Poyopoyo"s teaching, it was really painful.


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