They poked around near the back of the church, looking for the telltale figures that announced the location of the restrooms. They had to make their way towards an enclosed area right off the main chapel before finding the first sight of one.

"Wait here, I"ll be right back," said Stephen, ducking into the men"s room. Two minutes later, he was already returning.

"That was quick," smiled Grace.

Before Stephen had a chance to respond, he heard his name called out loudly from down the hallway.

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Turning his head, he quickly identified the source of the noise.

"Jack! Long time, no see! How have you been? Oh, and congratulations!"

The bridegroom, Jack Truman, and"s future husband, came strolling down the hallway wearing a big smile on his face. He was already dressed up in his dark gray tuxedo, looking every bit the part of a handsome newlywed. Stephen had first met Jack years ago, when he had started dating during their senior year of college. It wasn"t much longer after that they were engaged and starting to plan their wedding.

Stephen had always liked Jack, as he was just as personable and outgoing as ever was, making them an excellent match. If there was one person in the world more friendly than, it was Jack Truman.

"Good to see you, Stephen! Thank you for coming today," grinned Jack, reaching out to clasp Stephen"s hand tightly.

"We wouldn"t miss this for the world. Great to see you two finally getting married," chuckled Stephen.

"I couldn"t agree more," smiled Jack, before turning to look at Grace.

"Jack, I"d like you to meet my girlfriend, Grace Martin. Grace, this is"s future husband, Jack Truman."

"Girlfriend? Well, you sure know how to pick them, Stephen," grinned Jack, before reaching out to take her hand. "Great to meet you, Grace."

"You too, Jack. Congratulations!" smiled Grace.

"We aren"t disturbing anything back here, are we?" Stephen asked, looking back down the hallway. "I was just trying to find a bathroom."

"Nah, absolutely not. We were just getting ready a few rooms down," replied Jack, pointing to an open door down the hallway. It was then that Stephen noticed he had a card in his hand.

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