"So Jack, how do you feel about getting married today?" Grace asked, politely.

"It feels... great," grinned Jack. "I"ve always known Sh.e.l.ly was the one for me, so it makes it easy. I"ve got a little bit of wedding day jitters, but I suppose that"s entirely normal, right?"

"From what I hear," agreed Stephen.

"But overall, I feel great. This was an easy decision," he ended, finally.

"I think so, too," remarked Stephen.

"I just have to get Sh.e.l.ly her card before the ceremony starts," said Jack, waiving the card in his hand up and down. "Pre-wedding tradition and all, but I"m not supposed to see Sh.e.l.ly until we get up there at the alter."

Stephen looked at Grace and then back to Jack, "Do you want us to take the card to her? I"m sure she can"t be far away, right?"

Jack shook his head, "Not really, she"s just on the other side of the church. That long hallway near the entrance? All the bridesmaids and her family is on that side."

"Don"t worry, Jack, we"ll find her and drop off the card. That way, you won"t break tradition," grinned Stephen.

"You"re the best. I owe you one," chuckled Jack, before deposited the card into his willing hands. "I"ll see you later, at the reception, right?"

"Definitely. Good luck up there and we"ll see you in a few hours," answered Stephen.

"Thanks!" shouted Jack, as he made his way back to his groomsmen.

"He seems nice," remarked Grace as they made their way to the front of the church.

"Wait until you meet Sh.e.l.ly. You"ll realize why they were meant for each other," noted Stephen.

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"You mean, like you and me?" answered Grace coyly, while battering her eyelashes.

Stephen just grinned at her, without bothering to answer the obvious question. Together they made their way towards the main hallway upfront, pa.s.sing by several more arriving guests, on their way to find their designated seats.

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