"What...how...?" Sam asked.

"Alexis is Sophie"s genie," Matt told his friends.

"Well there goes my plan to have you make her have s.e.x with me," Max said.

"Play your cards right, and you might just get your wish," Sophie winked. "But for now, Matt and I are a couple." She kissed her boyfriend.

The bell went, and Sophie and Matt walked off towards their English cla.s.s.

"Hey you two, how about a little clean-up please?" Sam shouted after them.

"Alexis, I wish for you to clean up their c.u.m please," Sophie said to her genie.

"Your wish is my command, Sophie," Alexis said, and the boys" groins were instantly dry.

When they got to their English cla.s.s, they all sat down in their usual seats, with Matt, Sam and Max on the front row, with Sophie, Alexis and Lumiosa sat behind them. The teacher set them some work, and the cla.s.s got on with it. While they were working, Sophie leaned forward to talk to Max and Sam.

"Hey guys, wanna really see what a genie"s capable of?" She said to them seductively.

"Sophie, what are you gonn" Matt began.

"Alexis, I wish that Max and Sam would feel as though they were getting incredible b.l.o.w.j.o.bs," Sophie interrupted him. Alexis merely smirked, and snapped her fingers. Instantly, Sam and Max moaned out, as they felt warm, wet, sensual mouths engulf their d.i.c.ks, which began to grow hard again.

"Oh my G.o.d..." Sam moaned.

"It might be a good idea to keep quiet boys," Alexis giggled. "Though it won"t be easy."

"You"re evil, you know that?" Matt said to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, but you love it," Sophie said, kissing him. "And your friends seem to love it too."

"You two!" Snapped the teacher, Mrs Jenkins. "If you could keep your hands off each-other during cla.s.s, then I would very much appreciate it."

"But you don"t mind it," Sophie commanded her. "We"re allowed to do what we want."

"Yes...I suppose you are," Mrs Jenkins agreed, unable to resist Sophie"s magical voice. "As you were."

"You"re really comfortable with magic, aren"t you?" Matt asked.

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"When you"ve had a genie for 3 years, you just accept it as a part of life," Sophie shrugged, before turning to Sam and Max. "So you guys enjoying my little gift?" The boys both nodded.

"Oh G.o.d...I"m gonna c.u.m..." Max moaned, but Sophie just shook her head.

"Not yet you"re not," she said. "Alexis, I wish that Sam and Max will be unable to o.r.g.a.s.m."

"Ooo, I like the way you think, Sophie," Alexis smirked, granting the wish.

"We don"t!" Both boys moaned.

"Oh don"t complain," Sophie said. "Be good, and I"ll let you c.u.m later."

The bell went to signal the end of the lesson, and everyone started packing their things away, aside from Sam and Max, who were too engrossed in their b.l.o.w.j.o.bs, which they could never c.u.m from.

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