"Come on guys, you can"t just sit there all day," Alexis teased them.

"Sophie, can you please let them c.u.m?" Matt asked her.

"Have mercy!" Max begged.

"I"ll let you c.u.m later," Sophie said. "For now, just enjoy the b.l.o.w.j.o.bs. Anyway, Alexis and I have PE to get to. I trust my cla.s.smates won"t start ripping their clothes off again like yesterday?"

"Well maybe they will," Matt said. "You"re not the only one that can be mischievous."

"Oh come on, look at them! They"re enjoying it." Sophie kissed him. "Come on Alexis, let"s go."

The two girls left, leaving Matt with his genie and pleasured friends.

"Can you two walk?" Matt asked his friends.

"I...I"m not sure..." Sam moaned.

"Lumiosa, I wish they could walk."

"Your wish is my command, Master," Lumiosa smiled, and Max and Sam felt the strength returning to their legs. They both stood up, b.o.n.e.rs obvious in their pants.

"Can"t you just wish this to end?" Sam asked.

"Sorry, I can"t override one of Sophie"s wishes," Matt replied. "We"ll just have to hope she lets you c.u.m eventually."

The boys and Lumiosa went to their next cla.s.s, which involved a lot of trying to hide their pleasure. Max got asked to come up to answer a question on the board at one point, but Matt wished that request away for him, so he didn"t have to embarra.s.s himself TOO much. When they walked out of cla.s.s, to go for lunch, they saw Sophie and Alexis being chatted-up by Jake and Mark, two members of the school"s football team.

"Come on babes, you know you want us," Jake said.
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"Soph", why you hangin" out with that loser Matt?" Mark asked. "You know I"m the one you want." The two boys moved in to kiss the girls, who simply punched them both in the b.a.l.l.s.

"Move out of our way," Sophie commanded, and the boys immediately did as they were told.

The girls tried to walk off, but the boys grabbed them.

"Hey you two, you still owe us kisses!" Mark shouted.

"I was going to be nice to you, but it seems like I need to teach you guys a lesson," Sophie said to them in a stern voice. "So until you both apologise, I wish that your d.i.c.ks will be 1-inch wonders, never get hard, and never c.u.m." The girls then turned to walk away again. The boys were about to follow, before they felt their groins begin to tingle.

"What the f.u.c.k!?" Mark cried out, and they both ran away to check what was happening to them.

"Well those guys were d.i.c.ks," Sophie said as she walked up to Matt and his friends.

"Very small d.i.c.ks, as it now happens," Alexis laughed.

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