Stephen couldn"t help but stare, mesmerized at her smile. Whoever this woman was, she was absolutely gorgeous. Even now that she was standing, she wasn"t any taller than Stephen, sitting upright in his bed. He guessed she had to only be a few inches over five feet. She had light brown hair, with some hints of blonde near the tips as well. It"s waviness was exceptionally attractive, as if she had spent a lot of time perfecting her hair. She also had the bluest eyes Stephen had ever seen, attracting his gaze like a beacon. She wore a slight smile, that, when paired with those eyes, could make any man breath heavier.

He couldn"t help but cast his eyes down past her face. Her soft, creamy pale skin looked like it was begging to be touched, or kissed. She was slender, but with the kind of curves that could stop traffic. Normally, Stephen would try to avoid gawking at a woman, but he couldn"t help himself. His eyes took in her full bust, which narrowed down to a smaller waist, before flaring out over a s.e.xy set of hips. Stephen couldn"t have designed a better looking woman if he had tried.

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She was cloaked in what appeared to be a simple white robe, that showed enough skin around her neckline to make Stephen begin to sweat.

"Master? Are you okay? You"re starting to sweat." Her expression changed to one of concern.

Busted! He thought, and he felt his face begin to turn red. She had definitely noticed him checking her out!

"Umm, I"m okay. Just fine," he managed to stammer, as he averted his eyes from her body.

She couldn"t help but giggle, rewarding him with one of those heart stopping smiles once more.

Suddenly, Stephen remembered he had a strange, albeit beautiful, woman standing in his bedroom, and had no clue on the reason why.

"Seriously, how did you get in here? Do I need to be calling the cops or something?" He asked, looking back at her again.

"I take it by "cops", you mean the police, right? What a novel idea!" She seemed genuinely impressed by the thought. "But no, Master, I mean you no harm. You just released me from my vessel."

Stephen"s eyes went back down to the puzzle box. It was maybe a few inches large in total, so her rationale made not one bit of sense. He started to wonder if this was all a big practical joke. Surely, that could be the only explanation, right?

"Okay, honestly now, who put you up to this? How much did Ram pay you?" Stephen asked, his expression turning to acid at the thought of being the b.u.t.t of yet another joke from Ram. I"m sure he would think sticking a beautiful woman in his room and having her call him "Master" would be a great way to prank him.

For her part, though, she just looked on with a confused expression. "I"m not sure what you are talking about, Master. This isn"t a joke."

"What you are suggesting is absurd, then," replied Stephen, crossing his arms. "You"re trying to tell me you were trapped inside this puzzle box?" He felt almost stupid trying to rationalize this, when he was so sure it was a prank.

"Yes, I have been. By my count, it"s been about twenty five hundred years since I last saw daylight," she replied, clearly counting within her mind.

Stephen pursed his lips, not finding any humor in the situation. "So, let me get this straight. You"ve been locked up for twenty five hundred years, inside this puzzle box, and now I"ve set you free, and I"m your master. Are you here to grant me three wishes, too?" He asked, acidly.

"I can grant any number of wishes, although I don"t see a reason to limit it to just three," she explained simply.

"So, you"re a genie then?"

"That is correct, Master," she smiled, brightly. "Our species is technically called djinn, but all females of our species are called genies."

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