"You gotta be s.h.i.+tting me," said Stephen, shaking his head in disbelief.

Before she had a chance to respond, there was a knock on his bedroom door. At this time of morning, it could only be one of the twins. And here he had this random woman standing in front of him!

"Quick, hide for me!" He asked, expecting her to dive into his closest.

She simply smiled, and right before his eyes, she began to disappear, blending into the air around her!

Stephen nearly choked at the sight of her disappearing into thin air. In a panicked move, he went to run his hand through the air where she was just standing, expecting to have it land on flesh, in a display of some cheap parlor trick.

Yet his hand hit nothing but air.

"What the f.u.c.k?!" He almost yelled, bolting upright again.

"Stephen, open up!" One of the twins said through the door.

"It"s open!" He yelled, still sitting there in disbelief.

Chase poked his head in, "Hey, can you drive Chris and I to the mall? We are going to meet some friends."

Stephen was still watching the air where the woman had been standing. "Huh? The mall, yeah sure, sure," he muttered.

"Are you okay? You look like you"ve seen a ghost," said Chase, opening the door a bit further.

If only you knew, he thought to himself. "Uh, yeah, I think. Yeah, I"m good. How soon do you want to leave?"

Chase shrugged, "We"ll be ready in five minutes."

"Five minutes, okay. Let me get dressed," replied Stephen, stumbling out of bed, yet careful not to walk where the so-called genie had been standing.

"Okay, cool. Thanks!" Chase replied, before shutting the door with a noticeable slam.

Stephen waited until he was sure his brother was out of earshot, before asking out loud, "Um, are you still there?"

Within a moment, the woman appeared out of thin air, once again standing near his bed, and wearing her trademark smile. Stephen gulped hard. Were all genies so s.e.xy?

"Of course I"m still here, Master," she giggled. "And to answer your question, once released by our masters, we take the form, and a.s.sume the looks, of your most desirable mate. Everything you see before you, I have gleamed from your mind to a.s.sume the features that turn you on the most, and appear the s.e.xiest to you. In a way, I"m representative of what you think the perfect woman looks like."

Stephen stammered again, "What? Wait, I don"t think I said that out loud! I swear I was just thinking that."

She nodded her head, and suddenly, he felt a presence in his own mind, a slight intrusion, as he began to hear words without any speech from her part, "Yes, Master. You and I are now linked forever. Being able to communicate with you like this is part of my powers."

"I feel like I"m going to throw up," said Stephen, feeling the nausea form in his stomach.

"I understand, Master, that is quite normal. It"s not every day that supernatural beings are visited upon the human world."

"Yeah, it"s just... I mean... it"s.. Wow," said Stephen finally, looking back into her eyes.

"Stephen!! Hurry up!!" Stephen winced at the sound of his brothers calling for him from the kitchen. He struggled to quickly dress himself, just enough to drive them to the mall. For her part, the genie just watched him with a slightly amused expression on her face, as he quickly got dressed.

"Um, listen," said Stephen, once he began to pull his shoes on. "Just wait here, okay? I"m just going to drop them off at the mall, and I should be back in like twenty minutes. Can you wait here?"

"Of course, Master. Would you prefer that I wait in this particular spot?" She asked, indicating the ground right under her feet.

"Oh, umm, no. You can sit, of course," he said, looking around at his desk chair. He pulled over several clothes that had piled up on them. "You can sit here if you like."

She just grinned, and excitedly plopped herself down on the chair, "Wee!" She exclaimed, laughing as she did it.

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Stephen couldn"t help but smile at her excitement. If this was the real deal, well, this was going to be interesting. Grabbing his keys and his wallet, he put his hand on his doork.n.o.b. "Just hang out for a little while. I"ll be right back."

"Be safe, Master. See you shortly," she said, watching him open the door, and close it behind him.

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