"So, boyfriend," she started, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "when do I get to sample your personal french fry again?" She gave a little wink after slipping another fry past her lips.

"After we"re done eating? How about that?" He chuckled.

"Okay, goodie! Don"t try to wiggle your way out of this one, mister. This was a condition to get your dinner," she gave him a stern look before breaking into a fit of giggles.

"I wouldn"t dream of it," he said, holding up his hand in the traditional Scout"s pledge.

They continued their playful eating, which at some point, divulged into a miniature food fight whenever Stephen launched a fry in her direction. Grace, mocking a shocked look on her face with her mouth wide open, launched back two fries as a response. Of course, things escalated from there, until Grace was using her powers to launch fries without her hands.

"Okay, I surrender, I surrender," laughed Stephen, holding up his hands before getting pelted with one more magical fry right to the forehead.

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"I like winning!" Grace beamed. "Shall I be merciful? That is the real question!" She stroked her finger along her lips, making a big show of thinking.

"Yes, please, all powerful genie," said Stephen, pressing his hands together in a sign of mercy. "Please show mercy!"

"Hmm, that"s a tough one," Grace played along. She finally launched herself across the table, smothering him with kisses, "but I"ll show mercy to you, boyfriend."

"Thank G.o.d," Stephen laughed, and returned her kissing. His wheels were turning though, and soon thought of something he wanted to ask her. "Grace? Something that just occurred to me. How are we going to keep the fact that you"re a genie secret? I mean, if we just had the same food fight in public, it could do more than raise a few eyebrows."

"Well, then, we just won"t have food fights in public," answered Grace, rather glibly.

He tickled her side in response, earning an over reactive response and yell from her.

"Aahh! Oh, stop! Stop, so ticklish," she yelped. "You win, okay!" Stephen stopped, and just grinned at her. "Slave driver, you are!" She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Careful, or I"ll find a use for that tongue!"

Her eyes changed almost immediately, going from playful to seductive, "Mmm, you promise?"

Stephen just laughed, "The question, Grace!"

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