"Oh, right," she recovered, sitting upright in his lap. "It"s pretty simple honestly, but it might be tough to explain. You see, part of my powers are protection for the both of us. Protecting you from harm, but also myself from discovery. That"s why I have the ability to almost "s.h.i.+eld" someone from seeing your wishes. It"s almost like they don"t see it, or if they do, and accept it as something that is completely normal. It"s something that I can do without using too much power, so that if you wanted to have s.e.x in the middle of the neighborhood, anyone that walked past wouldn"t even give it a second look. It would be completely uninteresting to them."

"Hmm, that makes sense. And definitely good to know as well. So anyone who sees a wish kind of doesn"t see it?"

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Grace nodded, before scoping another fry, "Exactly. That way, no one can ever figure out I"m not human, and I just appear to be a normal person. Although, Wardens have a way around this, but I don"t think we have to worry about that much!"

"Hmm," thought Stephen. "That sounds like it would work for just about everyone, then. Although, I still don"t know what I"m going to tell my mom about you, yet. Especially with you being in the same house with her."

Grace"s eyes dropped low, a.s.suming an almost fearful look on her face. "If you want, I can always go back in my portal. When she"s around. If it would make you feel more comfortable."

"G.o.d no!" Stephen stated emphatically. "I never want you to go back in there. No, we"ll figure something out, but that"s not even an option. You"re here now, and I"d never do that to you."

"You"re so good to me," she smiled.

"That"s because you deserve it," he reached out to entwine his fingers with her own.

Grace just sighed happily, and smiled at him. Her fingers squeezed his own, and she said a silent thank you for the fates linking her together with Stephen.

"You know, my anonymity powers will work with your mom as well," she stated. "I can make it so that she won"t even notice me in your room. At least, until it comes time that you want me to meet her," she said, nervously. "If you want that, that is."

"Of course I do," he chuckled. "Just want to figure out the best way. We"ll have to make use of your anonymity powers for now, at least until we do decide to introduce you to her."

Grace beamed with a smile, "Sounds perfect to me!"

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