"I"d feel a lot better if I lost some of the weight. Like I"d be more deserving of this amazing gift that is you, Grace."

"Do I feel a wish coming on?" She smiled.
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"I could wish for something like that?"

"Well, you might have to be a little creative with the s.e.x part, but I"m sure you could figure it out," she giggled.

Stephen took another look in the mirror, remembering what it was like when he was in shape. How he could see the outlines of his muscles and how his torso was absent of any love handles. It could all just be wished away right here, right now. And he could maintain it effortlessly for as long as he lived, or as long as he had Grace.

But what was the cost to him for doing that? Keeping in shape was something to be taken seriously. As his grandfather always said, nothing worth doing in life should come easy. If that was the case, and his grandfather was right, then it would be wrong to just wish for a better body without putting the hard work in. That wouldn"t be living up to sage advice his grandpa usually distilled.

"Well, what do you think, Stephen? Do you want to make a wish?"

Stephen looked back at Grace, and then nodded with a determined smile.

"Okay, hit me," grinned Grace.

"Grace, I wish for your help, in putting together a diet and eating plan, so that I can get back in shape, lose the excess fat around my mid section, and become an all-together stronger man."

Grace looked at him slightly confused for a moment, but then broke out in a smile. "Done!"

On his bedroom table appeared a little pamphlet, ent.i.tled, "Stephen"s Workout Plan." Stephen grabbed it and started to leaf through it. It was carefully divided up into sections, starting with his current weight and goals, and then moving to a fully designed eating plan, and finally, a last section that was dedicated to exercise and weight lifting. It was an all-in-one program in one tiny little packet.

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