Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels.

_Richard III_, Act i, sc. 4, l. 26.

"Histories", p. 180, col. A, line 12.


The liquid drops of tears that you have shed Shall come again, transform"d to orient pearl.

_Richard III_, Act iv, sc. 4, l. 322.

"Histories", p. 198, col. A, lines 16, 17.


Her bed is India; there she lies, a pearl.

_Troilus and Cressida_, Act i, sc. 1, l. 103.

At end of "Histories", page irregularly numbered 79, col. A, line 8. P. 589 of facsimile.


She is a pearl Whose price hath launch"d above a thousand ships.

_Troilus and Cressida_, Act ii, sc. 2, l. 81.

Unnumbered page, 596 of facsimile, col. A, line 19.


I will be bright, and shine in pearl and gold.

_t.i.tus Andronicus_, Act ii, sc. 1, l, 19.

"Tragedies", p. 35, col. B, line 30.


This is the pearl that pleased your empress" eye.

_t.i.tus Andronicus_, Act v, sc. 1, l. 42.

"Tragedies", p. 48, col. A, line 21.


I see thee compa.s.s"d with thy kingdom"s pearl.

_Macbeth_, Act v, sc. 8, l. 56.

"Tragedies", p. 151, col. B, line 32.


Hamlet, this pearl is thine.

_Hamlet_, Act v, sc. 2, l. 293.

"Tragedies", p. 281, col. A, line 15.


What guests were in her eyes; which parted thence, As pearls from diamonds dropp"d.

_Lear_, Act iv, sc. 3, l. 24.

Omitted in First Folio.


Like the base Indian,[30] threw a pearl away Richer than all his tribe.

_Oth.e.l.lo_, Act v, sc. 2, l. 347.

"Tragedies", p. 338, col. B, line 53.

[Footnote 30: "Iudean" in text.]


He kiss"d,--the last of many doubled kisses,-- This orient pearl.

_Antony and Cleopatra_, Act i, sc. 5, l. 41.

"Tragedies", p. 344, col. B, lines 22, 23.


I"ll set thee in a shower of gold, and hail Rich pearls upon thee.

_Antony and Cleopatra_, Act ii, sc. 5, l. 46.

"Tragedies", p. 348, col. B, lines 10, 11.


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