Did hold his eyes lock"d in her crystal looks.

_Two Gentlemen of Verona_, Act ii, sc. 4, l. 89.

"Comedies", p. 26, col. A, line 17.


Methough all his senses were lock"d in his eye As jewels in crystal for some prince to buy.

_Love"s Labour"s Lost_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 243.

"Comedies", p. 128, col. A, lines 6, 7.


One, her hairs were gold, crystal the other"s eyes.

_Idem_, Act iv, sc. 3, l. 142.

"Comedies", p. 133, line 46.


To what, my love, shall I compare thine eye?

Crystal is muddy.

_Midsummer Night"s Dream_, Act iii, sc. 2, l. 139.

"Comedies", p. 154, col. A, line 54.


With these crystal beads heaven shall be bribed To do him justice.

_King John_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 171.

"Histories", p. 4, col. B, lines 57, 58.


The more fair and crystal is the sky, The uglier seem the clouds that in it fly.

_Richard II_, Act i, sc. 1, l. 41.

"Histories", p. 23, col. A, line 41 (last).


Go, clear thy crystals.

_Henry V_, Act ii, sc. 3, l. 56.

"Histories", p. 75, col. B, line 65.


Comets, importing change of times and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky.

_I Henry VI_, Act i, sc. 1, l. 3.

"Histories", p. 96, col. A, lines 2, 3.


But in that crystal scales let there be weigh"d Your lady"s love against some other maid.

_Romeo and Juliet_, Act i, sc. 2, l. 101.

"Tragedies", p. 55, col. B, lines 51, 52.


Thy crystal window ope; look out.

_Cymbeline_, Act v, sc. 4, l. 81.

"Tragedies", p. 394, col. A, line 12.

The following table is arranged according to the frequency of precious stone mentions.

The plays rank as follows:

First[31] Probably Published Written

1623. 1609. _Cymbeline_ 10 (diamond 7, ruby 1, carbuncle 1, rock-crystal 1).

1598. 1591. _Love"s Labour"s 8 Lost_ (pearl 3, rock-crystal 2, diamond 1, amber 1 agate 1).

1600. 1597. _Merry Wives Of 5 of (pearl 1, diamond 2, Windsor_ emerald 1, sapphire 1).

1623. 1591. _Comedy of 5 Errors_ (diamond 2, ruby 1, sapphire 1, carbuncle 1).

1600. 1595. _Midsummer 5 Night"s Dream_ (pearl 3, ruby 1, rock-crystal 1).

1623. 1596. _Taming of the 5 Shrew_ (pearl 3, amber 1, coral 1).

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