_Love"s Labour"s Lost_, Act v, sc. 2, l. 53.

"Comedies", p. 137, col. A, line 59.


Will you have me, or your pearl again?

Neither of either.

_Love"s Labour"s Lost_, Act v, sc. 2, l. 458.

"Comedies", p. 140, col. B, line 58.


Decking with liquid pearl the bladed gra.s.s.

_Midsummer Night"s Dream_, Act i, sc. 1, l. 211.

"Comedies", p. 147, col. A, line 6.


I must go seek some dewdrops here And hang a pearl in every cowslip"s ear.

_Midsummer Night"s Dream_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 15.

"Comedies", p. 148, col. A, line 38.


That same dew, which sometime in the buds Was wont to swell like round and orient pearls.

_Midsummer Night"s Dream_, Act iv, sc. 1, l. 57.

"Comedies", p. 157, col. B, lines 9, 10.


Rich honesty dwells like a miser, sir, in a poor house; as your pearl in your foul oyster.

_As You Like It_, Act v, sc. 4, l. 63.

"Comedies", p. 206, col. A, line 12.


Their harness studded all with gold and pearl.

_Taming of the Shrew_, Introd., sc. 2, l. 44.

"Comedies", p. 209, col. B, line 33.


Fine linen, Turkey cushions boss"d with pearls Valance of Venice gold.

_Taming of the Shrew_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 355.

"Comedies", p. 217, col. B, line 32.


Why, sir, what "cerns it you if I wear pearl and gold?

_Taming of the Shrew_, Act v, sc. 1, l. 77.

"Comedies", p. 227, col A, line 22.


This pearl she gave me, I do feel"t and see"t.

_Twelfth Night_, Act iv, sc. 3, l. 2.

"Comedies", p. 271, col. B, line 61.


Draws those heaven-moving pearls from his poor eyes.

_King John_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 169.

"Histories", p. 4, col. B, line 55.


Our chains and our jewels.-- Your brooches, pearls and ouches.

_II Henry IV_, Act ii, sc. 4, l. 53.

"Histories", p. 82, col. B, line 28.


The crown imperial, The intertissued robe of gold and pearl.

_Henry V_, Act iv, sc. 1, l. 279.

"Histories", p. 85 (bis, number repeated), col. B, line 13.

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